Any actual Spicbots here?

Any actual Spicbots here?

I'm talking about actual inceltype hispanic dudes
Or am I better staying at

Do you think it's harder for us to be incel due to our culture

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why are Hispanic people just a milder version of niggers?

Why do you have anime figurines in your room and why are you subscribed to Sam Hyde?

I'm just asking. Like I'm living with these hispanic people and they're just like niggers! It's crazy. The girl is like a milder black girl and the dude is like a milder black dude. It's insane to me.

i'm not an incel, all incel niggers need to fuck off and hang, but yes, i'm hispanic.
haha i triple dog dare you to make a sentence without using "like"

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>all incel niggers need to fuck off and hang

You do know what the original purpose of this board was right?

Of course you don't, zoomer retard

it's an anime/image board, nothing else other than for lolz. It was never meant for "incels" to begin with, just outcasts really.

Spic girls are easy, just date some nice chubby indio girl.

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Yes, but im not Mexishit so you're not interested.

>Do you think it's harder for us to be incel due to our culture
Pos I don't know homes. I live in Amerrriica so I dink its ezer vato like my culture isn't even mexican chu know

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Dios mio

El peruANO

I'm Hispanic, but I ain't no self-loathing incel NEET. Man the fuck up: you don't have to scream "LATINO PRIDE!" but for fuck's sakes, self-loathing because edgy middle schoolers on Yas Forums told you to do so is beyond ridiculous.

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Pos homes I don't knooooow like deez girls want Edgars and whiteoids chu know.

Pinche joto tienes pelados desnudos en tu computadora como puto

stop trying to imitate how we speak, kike. You're trying to make us look bad.

>stop trying to imitate how we speak, kike. You're trying to make us look bad.
Puto puto Puto puto Puto puto Puto puto Puto puto Puto puto Puto puto Puto puto Puto puto Puto puto Puto puto Puto puto Puto puto Puto puto Puto puto Puto puto Puto puto Puto puto Puto puto Puto puto Puto puto Puto puto Puto puto Puto puto

>"Pos homes I don't knooooow like deez girIs want Edgars and whiteoids chu know."

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Do not know if you are still there, but I am a khhv if that is what you talking about. And yes, I think is harder for us to get to this stage because of our culture, but that is only if you tried, the ones who never try are really similar through all cultures and countries.

Yes, and? Filthy straightfag simp.

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tu eres un negro joto.

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>tu eres un negro joto.
Tu mama pendejo

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Onions Dominicano :3

What's up Joseph

How u been

Dominicans deserve to die. Any hispanic person that isn't Mexican or American deserves to die

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any chilean robots?
Join the r9klan

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>spicbot thread
>20 posts in
>already devolved to Chicano nigger talk
No one wonder everyone hates you

Yes because you're expected to marry young and have kids. Or else you're considered gay. Pretty sure everyone I know who is mexican thinks I'm gay.

As a fellow spicbot, I believe our culture makes and our women make it way easier for us to date. In my experience, they tend to care more about social skills than looks, which is something that you can actually change.

Also, fuck .co
Those fags mods keep giving me warnings and almost banned me for the stupidest reasons.

I know that feel bro.
Is that bad? it seemed nice and I was planning to join.

Can we post our nasty stinky spic dicks?

Ya guey. All the hispanic girls want corny ass white guys named Garrett or some shit. Es una porqueria de mierda.

Are you the guy from riverside?


Eh, spices are more likely to be normal and not disgusting animals in my experience. Many of them are actually normal and wholesome, but some of them indeed imitate niggers as well.

I once got a 10% warning for stating that after 2 weeks of using Tinder and swiping right every time I got the incredible amount of 1 match. Apparently that's considered bragging.

What a shity group

We use discord on this board chileANO

honestly dude, i get you're sad and struggling, but guess what? so are most people and you taking on this brooding nihilistic identity is incredibly self indulgent and actively harmful to the people around you. being a "doomer" isn't a personality trait. The world fucking sucks and is coming to an end and the least you could do is get invoIved in your community and try to ease the suffering of others, and try to prevent that bleak failure from taking root, instead of shitposting on how bad videogames are now because they put women in them.