Have you ever bullied anybody? Tell me about it

Have you ever bullied anybody? Tell me about it.

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called an indian girl poo skin for no reason when i was in elementary school. feel bad about it

>i am and agnostic now
when was a retarded atheist incel it was my joy and pleasure to just argue with my religious family members on their "phony god", especially my younger cousin. not really bullying but in a way it was.

Yeah, he just immigrated to the country from poland. I was friendly with him at first but everyone started picking on him for some reason so I joined in. How pathetic of me just to submit to the groupthink like that.

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I used to bully people from a very young age. I used to lost control and beat people up for a while. Then it became more like laughing at them like a power thing. Then I hurt someone really bad. Made me feel super bad and I stopped physically bullying people.

In elementary school and in middle school, I took part in the bullying that happened to couple of my classmates.

Basically the same, usually I just went with others but sometimes I initiated. Nothing too serious, some name-calling, some punching and chocking, maybe lock them in the closet and then turn the closet to face a wall so they'll get noted as absent during the next lesson etc.

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Yeah here was one of those promiscuous gay tranny sluts on Discord.
You know the type, anxious, weak, zero self-esteem, uses sex as a surrogate for self-love.
Me and a bunch of other people harassed him until he killed himself.
Or, rather, he posted pics of himself ODing on prescription pills and then he never appeared again, but I'm counting that as a kill.
It's a good start! I hope many more low self esteem gay submissive sluts kill themselves as a result of my encouragement!

I used to look for depressive people and push them into suicide. It still haunts me.

>like a guy in middle school
>were in health class
>his parents didnt want him to be taught so he sits in the room by himself
>im in an assigned group with some of the popular girls
>he comes up to the table and tries to talk to the cute grils
>hey cute popular girl, do you like this song?
>cute popular girl doesnt respond.
>he asks cute populat girl a few more times before i interrupt
>No one knows about your song, OK???
>he slinks away
>tfw you hurt your crushes feelings bc they dont like you back
sorry joseph.

I used to be the dude stopping the bullies. Then I saw that people, including the bullied, liked the bullies more than me so I burned that school full of ungrateful shits down.

When I was in 9th and 10th grade, I bullied this one quiet, shy kid. I called him a virgin all the time (I lost my virginity in 8th) and said things to him like "Hey Andrew, have you ever seen a naked woman? Never mind, I think I know the answer to that." I turned 20 last week and feel guilty about how I treated him. Sometimes I think of apologizing.

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Based you shoudnt feel bad about calling out subhumans

No I always refused to do that. I was popular in school but I never piled on people like others did.

I bulled one kid in Elementary School.
I think he had autism, I don't know why I bullied him. He was extremely annoying. I think I bullied him because I didn't like his behavior or personality and was in a way trying to help him, but I just made him snap.
One day he had a breakdown in class and the teacher picked him up like a suitcase and carried him out of the room. He had multiple breakdowns. Flipping over his desk, throwing his gameboy at his sister in the face when I deleted his Metroid file and told him she did it, convinced him to go into the girl's bathroom and crawl under the stalls (he did and saw a girl taking a shit,) many other things.
The last time I saw him was like ten years later and he's actually not nearly as autistic. I think my bullying helped toughen him up.

I seriously doubt that your bullying had anything to do with anything. A lot of kids, autistic ones included, normalize with age.

i made fun of this guys name two times by changing it slightly so it sounded like a disney girl but then i felt bad so i stopped

there was this faggot chink overachiever who no one liked, he just invited himself into social situations, he also lied to fit in and was just kind of a weirdo

Nice post, retard.
Stop acting like that. Nobody likes you. Be normal for once

What about that inane, harmless post provoked your reaction? Why are you being such a dick?

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i put a penny in my little brothers mouth when i was 9 and he was 3 or 4. we were on a road trip and for whatever reason i thought it was a good idea to put a penny in his mouth. well he ended up throwing up all over the backseat and crying and i felt horrible about it. i still feel bad about that too, although im happy i got it out of my system early

your beyblades are bad and you suck at Yu-gi-oh
you don't even have a gameboy advance SP. What are you, poor? Haha retard

Way back in middle school at a church summer camp. There was a dance and I didn't want to dance with a fat chick. IIRC I thought she was gross and could eat me. A simple "no" would have sufficed.

Another middle school age event. I wish I could have been a better friend to a couple of different guys who got bullied and wound up moving a year later or so.

yeah, me and my friend used to really pick on this annoying kid. it escalated to where we would beat him, kick him, throw pinecones at him, etc. i felt bad about it for a bit, then i talked to him again through another friend and he's still an annoying little irish bastard so i don't care anymore lol.

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>I think my bullying helped toughen him up.
i hate the retards that think theyre helping people by being assholes. own up to your own mental weakness user.

Yeah, that user is a dickhead.

No but I've been bullied. I was spanked in front of my class by some big bully Chad guy and was laughed at and it's humiliated me for the rest of my life. I still get nightmares about that shit

how old were you when you did this? were you ever successful?

Up to around my 18-19 years. Yes, I was a couple of times. I had a very edgy life philosophy. An older girl I met helped me do it, but eventually she killed herself too and I realized how awful it was.

Yes. And I should of loaded a round into the chamber and pulled the trigger.

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ya it was in middle school and mostly focused on excluding and insulting them. it got physical if they retaliated. cant say i feel to bad about it they all deserved it