Anyone else not get into online arguments anymore because they feel bad for making the other person look dumb...

anyone else not get into online arguments anymore because they feel bad for making the other person look dumb? It feels like im just not in the right place. it feels like its low of me to just go to some random place online and expose people for their idiocy. As they begin to backtrack and self destruct it makes me feel like a bully. I no longer need to "epically own" a person to feel good. i feel bad.

anyone else know this feel?

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its especially bad because they want you to argue with them. they usually assume your weak and stupid but once you let your restrictions lose and actually say whats on your mind they get quieter and quieter or they blatantly switch over to trolling like they were just pretending to be dumb.

Dunno. Seems like nothing more than desperate grabs for any bit of power you can get if you ask me.

>they feel bad for making the other person look dumb
sounds like cope to me

I used to enjoy it. Don't really get into arguments these days. I would yell at Yas Forums a lot. Some of the "facts" are not facts. Very easy to shoot down most of the time.

its weird. i could already see these replies coming. whats even more ironic is that you making me out as a coper is your way of coping with mental inferiority. Its like i can't eve speak. lift my head up without immediately triggering normies. They look at me like im reminding them they are dumb. Its very alienating.

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Engaging in any sort of "debate" on Yas Forums isn't and shouldn't be worth anyone's time. The people who engage reveal their mental illnesses without saying anything and it's always easy to spot psudeo-intellectuals like OP from people who know what they're talking about.

if not Yas Forums. then where else? Should we even talk?

Stop projecting your feelings unto others, you have no right to decide their feelings. And by your way of writing you sound like an extremely self-centered person, I do not know you so I cannot know if you are smart or not, but you do sound like an asshole.

No, I just don't bother anymore because I know that I can't change people's opinions, no matter how right I am

holy shit he keeps coping lmao

>if not Yas Forums. then where else? Should we even talk
"What the fuck is internet" is essentially what I'm hearing. Your synapses are actually firing in the wrong direction if you don't think there are 7,896,113,291 mediums to go to for productive talk.
>whats even more ironic is that you making me out as a coper is your way of coping with mental inferiority.
I don't even have to explain how I know you're extremely insecure and sick in the head even though you talk of being of "superior" intellect.

like moths to a flame you come to vilify me for claiming to be superior in one way or another. I forgot to add a disclaimer like i always do about how retard might feel.
If you were as smart as me. You wouldn't need to reply to this thread. This is the sort of crab mentality i'd expect.

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i don't even bother engaging incels and Yas Forumstards anymore because i realized they're coming from a position of insecurity. their whole world revolves around nigger jew cuckold this, nigger cuckold onions tranny that. i have more fun bullying them

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>7,896,113,291 mediums to go to for productive talk
name one that isnt a normie shithole. Ive found that even supposed smarties like yourself just dont compare to me. If there is anyone else like me i won't ever encounter them. Because what would we say?

It's just too much effort. Especially since the losing side is extremely unlikely to admit they might be in the wrong instead they start ad hominems and act like they won or go the "lmao master baited you by pretending to be retarded"

How do you troll the pol?

Jesus bro have thou nought shameth thyself to satisfaction? Origamilono

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I dunno, maybe if you used that big brain in conjunction with the finger movements available to you via neural impulses sent from your big brain, you could type and search around for places that aren't gay echo chambers lol. Plus, you're on Yas Forums. It's clear you have nothing to offer the real world if you're bragging about being a smart boy on a mongolian sandal stapling forum lol. I appreciate the (you)'s though. They got the serotonin flowing hard while I'm beating the fuck out of my meat rn

i've been in a few verbal exchanges and i've been proven wrong a few times. Each time i was humbled and accepted the knowledge. I guess i really am dumb for assuming normal people can do the same.

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I do not consider myself a smart person and do not feel that aspect is related to the reason I would reply. I just found the topic interesting so I posted in thread, just as I would do for any topic I found interesting.
The reason as to why I found it interesting, is that you seem to have a lot of preconceptions apparent in the OP that could be right, wrong or neither. And because your posts make you sound like a conceited person, I arrived to the conclusion that putting aside the veracity of your preconceptions, it looks to me like you project certain feelings on other people based on a very narrow-minded point of view, that gives you an extremely disgusting (imo) outlook on the opinions of others. This is not to vilify you as you say, but only to give my point of view about the thread.
For example I would agree with your view if it was presented in such a way as to give the image you were referring to something like this which does happen a lot on Yas Forums, but for the reasons posted above I find your statements about your experiences disagreeable and a result of a very warped outlook.

I've never argued online because it seems pointless, what if I win, what then? Do I get something? No, then why bother? Especially when I'm anonymous, what am I fighting for? To show people I'm smarter? To show who's smarter? Me? I'm anonymous.

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im not going to constantly apologize for being right all the time. If you are offended by the way i talk then go to the 7,896,113,291 other mediums where people will kiss your ass. Ironic how you say i project oh so much but your entire post is riddled with it.
the point is to exchange ideas and come to a better understanding of the topic. If you don't want to do that for the sake of intellect itself than you are not an intellectual.

But that's not called an argument, that's called a discussion.

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but it's clear ur not an intellectual so we're back at square one sorrey :)))

Yes, its smarter to stay quiet. Let the lower IQ bicker and fight over things that won't even affect them or that they have the power to change in the first place, just try and soak up as much knowledge as you can before whoevers in charge decides thats non essential as well

They are basically synonymous but whatever floats your boat
Epic. You just keep trying to get dirt on me to discredit me. Typical feisty normie trying to pull me down to its level.

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An argument is an exchange of ignorance whereas a discussion is an exchange of knowledge.

An argument is an expression of temper whereas a discussion is an expression of logic.

An argument tries to prove who is right whereas a discussion tries to prove what is right.

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The person you beat feels bad and their ego is hurt

i dont even want to fuck her. she somehow looks disgusting.

lol this is a cheese thread now bud gonna be dumping various cheese products here.

Have some cheddar.

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Maybe some blue cheese????????

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can we get some aged gouda?

Nah, this is a mozzarella moment.

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Ok some gouda just 4 u

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Pepper jack is my shit

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Never tried feta, but it looks appetizing.

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Have expensive tastes? Try stilton cheese

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