>crispy does porn now
did i really sleep for that long?
Crispy does porn now
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yoooooo, link?
where can one find such porn
She tried to make wholesome spooky YouTube content but everyone here bullied her and dropped her for not looking like her photos. Only had about 5 patreons that whole time, people here even predicted she'd go onto lewd shit when her YouTube/Twitch career failed. I think after that she just stopped caring what Yas Forums thinks about her and went full lewd and she has a ton of Patreons now so looks like it worked.
Her twitter is Cursedarachnid by the way
Really? I know she's been slutting around on patreon, but porn?
She streams regularly, they're kinda shit tbqh though. Her girlfriend's streams are much more entertaining.
I'm aware but she used to stream before all her lewd shit and got like 3 viewers. Some of her leaks have shown up on Yas Forums and such, not nudes but close ups of her bulge, it's still prostitution desu. Very disappointing.
Is she really a trap? There's a little speculation about her bulge. I remember on curioscat she said "10k for a dick pic", and she hasn't backed down from the offer. When someone else asked about her genitals she got super defensive, and I remember her saying she said she doesn't get periods. I didn't want to believe it but I'm being backed into a corner.
Also, pics?
Didn't care to save them but you could find them with some digging, even in her free pictures there are some with a clearly defined penis bulge though and dating back to before she ever got posted here there are tumblr posts talking about how she doesn't get periods, she has posts on twitter talking about how she faked her boobs in her old female pictures (she is completely flat now) and all of her pre Yas Forums pictures are very boyish so it's not a stretch to assume she is.
Well I guess this is a glass half empty kind of thing.
>she has posts on twitter talking about how she faked her boobs in her old female pictures
Always wondered about that, she honestly peaked during her alterhacker years
>no longer on hrt
That explains why she sounds like a little hispanic boy
Her face has gotten more masculine as well she kinda looks like Michael Jackson now
I think everyone agrees on that, she dropped out of her prestigious university to pursue her YouTube channel though so I think she tried to scramble and regain any attention she could. It's all very sad.
Her patreon says no pornographic content
yeah and my gf onlyfans says no lewd content yet is full of lewd content, convinced her to make a set with her cow lingerie she uses for me a lot
And? Without patreon images it's a moot point.
It's "lewd" but not nude, thats the loophole that makes it not porn to these girls. Make no mistake that it's for the sexual gratification of others and hence prostitution.
Why do you cucks do this? She will realize that she can make money more on her own and leave you for chad. You are pathetic and I pity you.
>those "before" pics
Jesus Christ, makeup and lighting really make a big fucking difference, don't they?
I never imagined Crispy was a troon, but I feel bad for xer now. Just a confused young person damaging their body for internet attention, that's sad as fuck.
>Why do you cucks do this?
i'm not a cuck, loser, i have a loving gf and a great relationship with my love of 8 years now
>She will realize that she can make money more on her own and leave you for chad
not all women are disgusting harpies like u believe incel
>You are pathetic
so are you
What the fucking fuck??? I thought for sure Crispy was a girl.
Damn, this is some super clown world shit. I went into a timeline where Crispy is a fucking dude.
>not all women are disgusting harpies like u believe incel
>grooming a girl to become a disgusting harpie
You are literally creating a fucking disgusting roastie that thinks her looks can make her excel in the world. You are part of the problem, hang yourself.
You know what? I won't believe it until I see dickpics. This absolutely cannot be true. Traps can't pass that good. This is like full blown Astolfo-tier trap passing.
Crispy being a dude is unbelievable to me. Literally living my dreams if that's true.
Her old pictures are incredibly photoshopped
To be fair, xe is giving mixed signals. For an example, "I guy in a horror movie has the same name as me" could be a reference to Ashley Williams from Evil Dead, so it doesn't prove anything.
On the other hand, make up, photoshop and good lighting can make anyone look "passable" (though that may not be the case IRL), and those old pictures certainly look incriminating.
It seems we have a mystery in our hands, gentleman.
Her name Is Chris(tina) Washington, we knew this for years now
this is painful, for 5 years she had me fooled
don't get me wrong, I'm still attracted to crispy
there's also videos where he still passes completely
>he doesn't know you can edit videos