Waifu is top cute edition
1. Talk about your waifu
2. Be devoted to your one and only waifu
3. Let waifuism improve your life
4. Be nice!
5. Hide Drama/Shitposting
6. Have a great time!
Old thread:
Waifu is top cute edition
1. Talk about your waifu
2. Be devoted to your one and only waifu
3. Let waifuism improve your life
4. Be nice!
5. Hide Drama/Shitposting
6. Have a great time!
Old thread:
Other urls found in this thread:
>that's the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen
And with that I make my ENTRANCE and declare my love for the cutest being to ever exist, I love her so much bros
Chara and Variable, loving each-other once again.
Reaffirming our beliefs in opposition to unjustified normalfag circlejerks.
Finding joy and purpose in sharing our grudges against said idiots.
loded diper
zoo wee mama
What is waifu's band name?
Threadly reminder: Charafag is literally a rapist. And not in the Tumblr feminist "all men are rapists" sense, I mean he legit flat out admitted to having raped someone.
When the gender wars inevitably commence and all white males are sent off to death camps, people like Charafag will directly be to blame.
Can we change the fucking ugly ass thread picture from now on
I love Kayn so much.
>What is waifu's band name?
Infinity Edge
feel free to make a new one
Making sure Kagari is present in some way in all sorts of nooks and crannies of my software!
>gender wars
What, and not the normalfag wars? The tulpa wars? The anti-jewish wars? The being opinionated wars? The horny kids vs. prude adult wars? The groomer vs negligent wars?
And of all the things you'd bitch at me for, it's dubcon.
Not grooming, not getting sexually involved with a minor, not having murderous aspirations, not being dogmatic enough to bring conflict where-ever I go, not performing tulpamancy (which a lot of you idiots seem to think is an illness for some reason).
Dubcon. Cmon son you can come up with better things to be upset about than that.
Also, I wanna send the woe-is-me promiscuous gay submissives to the death camps!
>Making sure Kagari is present in some way in all sorts of nooks and crannies of my software!
Damn son that's pretty fucking based. I approve.
how's this for a thread pic?
Would your waifu be okay with giving you oral sex? Would you give your waifu oral sex in return?
I love Alice Liddell with all my heart. She's just so perfect in my eyes.
Thanks. I hope Alice would like that comparison too.
>All Quiet On the Western Front
Sounds interesting. I have actually found Polish translation but I guess that reading it in my native language won't be that fun. And it would be a bit pointless, as I wanted to read something in English to feel just a bit closer to my Alice.
>second favorite book of all time
Mind telling your favourite one?
>Jack London
Wikipedia says that he was influenced by Nietzsche so I guess I might like some works of this guy. I'll probably read some, eventually.
Thanks for your recommendations, Lucinafriend.
I have an idea. /waifu/ timeline.
I do need to know one thing though. What were waifu threads like before /waifu/ proper?
and what purpose would that serve?
Very yes and very yes.
And the benefit to being imaginary is that we can taste like whatever we want.
>how's this for a thread pic?
Lol Onions reference, I like it.
the word "soulless" comes to mind
I don't know. Just a fun thing to do because I'm bored.
I like her tons more than you could ever wish to bench press!
Of course she is!
Social circle.
Desuarchive faggot.
Sleep well and may you dream of your waifus/husbandos.
She is my wife.
Evening folks. How're you all holding up? It's nearing bed time but I have a bit of time left to spare.
it's morning for me but also heading to bed soon, doing alright me and waifu are chilling and soon getting ready to watch one or two episodes of anime before calling it a day, how you holding up?
Both good and bad. I'm finally getting ready to set out on my own, thanks to Izumi. She's become a fire inside me that's driving me to start my life finally. Probably going to be moving out of my parents place mid 2021.
Bad news is I'm fighting with my parents like crazy. We're finally settling old scores and, to my shock and disappointment, they are actually less understanding and less kind about it then I thought. They don't want to accept how badly their actions have effected me so they're going into full denial, trying to spin it as me being selfish and ungrateful or that I'm projecting my issues onto them. It's a hurtful thing to hear from your parents, even if they've treated you like shit.
But I'll be away from it all soon. Then Izumi and I will live the life we were meant to have. I also just commissioned another picture and it's getting close to completion. Not only that, but I bought tickets to a show next year for Izumi and I to go on her birthday. So all and all, things are looking up.
>3. Let waifuism improve your life
holy kino, godspeed fren
>We're finally settling old scores and, to my shock and disappointment, they are actually less understanding and less kind about it then I thought.
Don't sugarcoat it, just say that you're a tranny. We already know that anyway.
It's been the source of much consternation. But I've learned to let it roll off my back. It never insults me or hurts my feelings. I just wish my parents wouldn't act like they haven't hurt me. It's fine if they don't agree with it, just don't pretend it doesn't effect me in some way.
But it's all in the past now. All I can do is move forward. I know you were just trying to be an ass with that statement but you should know that sort of thing doesn't work on me. I was bullied my whole life. It doesn't phase me at all.
She's 3D, but I don't care. She's been dead for years so she's practically imaginary now. I wish I could have been there for her and comforted her through her pain.
Just before these threads became a general they were pretty much the same as /waifu/ during its first threads (really nice and comfy). For example:
But if you're asking how waifu threads looked like several months before /waifu/ then they appeared like few times a week and lasted for couple of hours. Only few lasted days or were close to the image limit. For example:
Waifu asks you to cook her favorite meal for her. What do you make?