
The Feelsbar is open, whats on your mind user?

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i love life mah homeslice

Quarantine is honestly ruining my mental health. I'm not able to see anyone besides my family and its getting to me.

Nothing much, pass the cheap stuff, this lock down has gotten me pissed off.

I hate liberals so much tbqh

Give me a good wine, please.

And I just want Friday to get here so I can get drunk and munch out. Covid19 and the economic disaster is looking more and more ominous by the day. It hasn't affected me... yet. But it is impacting my long-term decisions: I don't even know if I should move to that nicer apartment I wanted. If I stay where I'm at, I can comfortably pay all my bills and save and indulge myself. I would have been willing to move otherwise since I could expect salary raises and shit, but no more: I'm still working and getting paid, but they're freezing salaries, and who knows how long that will go on for.

Does this place offer any food? I could go for some wings and a burger, if you have any.

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>Normalfag gets a taste of what true robots have been living with their whole life

Fug man, I have assignments due and shit and quarantine is fucking me over, but I cant do assignments because too tired, and cant do assignments because housework needs done and shit, honestly this site is my last resort, it's kinda comfy

I fell like an over 25 loser who can not score, not have normal interactions with women. When ever I go to the park or streets and see young sluts having fun it makes me fell like shit for wasting my life. If your young fuck as many sluts as you can and dont drop out of college and work night shifts at McDonald like me. Fuck my life.

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>He's still falling for the 3DPD
You need to go back

mirin them trips

not much OP. FINALLY was able to pick up some whiskey before going to work. stayed up all night making a doomer mixtape on YT and as pathetic as it sounds, I've never felt so proud of myself for creating something. Idk what that says about my life, but I might make more in the future, this is the first time in a long I actually enjoyed doing something outside of vidya and pot


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One asahi biru, super dry.
I work from home now as a call center rep, before i was a retail cuck. Man was it more lax. I want to quit, but i want a job offer first. Bartender, what do you think i should do fren?

Become a NEET

I'm going to be 30 in 4 months. I have a chronic pain in my right rotator cuff that flares up every now and then. I can no longer drink beer, because the sugars give me incredible acid reflux, especially when I try and sleep at night. Enjoy your youth while you can. Shit gets real, real fast.

>I can no longer drink beer
Sounds like a good thing though

Double of Jameson, my man.
No consistent work anymore, and since my boxing gym closed I've felt lost. My goal was to at the very least start my amateur career this year, but after covid? Not likely to happen. Hell, probably won't happen until 2022, depending on how seriously gyms take it. I don't know, it just feels like I have zero reason to do anything anymore.

It is generally, I'm dropping weight forced to drink vodka or seltzer. My point is that you can definitely notice your body starting to fall apart at this age, and it feels really really shitty.

im addicted to drugs, alcohol, Yas Forums and videogames.
Oxy, adderall, weed mostly.
I dont like what I'm becoming.
It was going well until quarantine hit. Moved back home to save on rent cause I lost my job and it's back to the constant noise and yelling.
Everyday I tell myself "Today will be a good day. I wont get high and play video games all day". Goes well until I tell myself just one game just one joint and everyday its the same shit. I dont know whats wrong with me. I know this is wrong. I know I can do better. But for some fucking reasom I just dont

I just bought a PS2 for like $25.
That was nice.

Just a beer, please
I've kind of burned all my bridges. In a way it's freeing, but I actually like these people, which is rare. It sucks, but what can I do? I've fucked things up yet again. Maybe I'm better alone.

stepped on a puddle of my brother's cum last night while looking for him. still feel horrible.

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>I dont like what I'm becoming.
Why? Sounds p based to me

Did you lick it up off the ground?

My career is shaping up very well, but I honestly feel like I will end up completely unfulfilled in life. Most of my sexual attraction is toward men (I'm a woman), but I have absolutely no interest in dating a man. I have never loved a man in my life and I don't think I ever will. I have little sexual attraction to women, but they're the only ones I find myself getting infatuated with. It's only toward very beautiful women as well. Anything less than beautiful and the woman isn't able to break past my predisposed heterosexuality.

Because of this I've never had sex or dated at all. I'm 24 at the moment. It's made me suicidal at points because I'm stuck in this tortuous impotent middle ground. I haven't even gone out on a limb and tried dating women because, in the end, I don't think I would be a good partner to her. Not to mention that I'm fairly anti-social naturally and I don't keep close friends around. Not much contact with my family either. I'll probably commit suicide before 35, but oh well, I guess I'll just see what happens.

>(I'm a woman)
Be gone roastie

>Tfw SN method requires a 24 hour fast
>keep stress eating like 18 hours in

I miss my ex and it's legit been like 6 months since we broke up, and nothing, literally nothing, has helped.

Don't fall for the GF meme anons. You'll never be okay going back to being a robot.

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This quarantine probably isn't going to end and I'm going to be trapped in my house with my parents who hate each other and fight constantly for the whole year then I will be a friendless 26 year old kissless virgin returning to the world. I should kill myself.

>Still never even held hands with a girl
>Have always been one of those people everyone hates on sight.
>So desperate for friends I re-established contact with a girl that just used me as an emotional tampon.
Corona's been pretty sweet for me at least, after a life time of abuse I've gained joy from people I don't care about dying. Hasn't hit anyone I care about so far and it's making normies miserable.

quarantine alone is kinda tough and it just highlights how much i need to be out there in order to keep my head out of the water, even if it is also hard to socialize. good thing is i matched with a qt on tinder and its going good. she lives in ukraine tho so it's sorta out of the question in the near future :/ but we share movies n shit i like it. why not someday? not counting too much on it and it's kinda sad seeing how good things go but if it has to work it will.
gonna try to pick russian back up now, already learning some vocabulary and liking it.
other than that i'm trying to stop smoking, no weed left, no tobacco either. i need those substances out of my life for a while anyway. got some projects to get my driving license and buy a piano soon. i realized today that i wanted to learn a lot of stuff and that now was the time so i have this energy that i'm gonna try to hold onto and transform into something creative and intelligent.
so i have this weird mix of optimism and shit ton of bad stuff to fix both in my mind and in my life but idk man, it's probably spring hormones and shit kicking in making me see the good side of things after a long winter. i like it it's good

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may I have a coffee?
I'm avoiding alcohol for the time being, I need my head as sharp as can be and I need to lose weight too.
In my mind there are many things, particularly this one person won't leave, and everything I think is somewhat related.
Distracting, I am on a cloud

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I could really go for a frozen margarita right about now.
I just finished my senior project and now i have a paper due tomorrow and a project due over the weekend and i don't have the energy to do them just yet.