post a girl prettier than prime adriana lima
you cant
post a girl prettier than prime adriana lima
you cant
That is indeed a pretty woman OP
I'm sure a prettier girl exists though
she posts here tho.
Athis one.
She looks like a brazillian young alicia keys
>conventionally attractive people all same set of facial characteristics
You dont say.
>Kate upton looks like adrianna lima too
She unironically does lmao.
Lima is #2 for me, Taylor #1
stop leaking my noods
Barbara Palvin is way prettier.
Nah adriana mogs her, but I still came buckets for barb too
Post a side by side comparison then.
>inb4 you use a terrible picture of Barbara
T113 83TT3R QU3ST1011 15 111H4T D0 U C01151D3R PR3TTY?
Can't do side by side cause I'm a phone poster but I'll just make 2 posts. Like I said, Barbara is a goddess too but Adriana is just prettier. Just look at her, so beautiful and seductive, pure sex.
And heres barb, still hot as fuck but not as hot as adriana
They all look the same. You all have pleb normie celebrity taste.
You post a girl then faggot
Well, I wouldn't say she's ugly, she's alright in my book but she is still far from perfection simply because she's not native Asian.
Most Asian women, including the one you posted, are ugly as fuck. Neotonous, pie faced soulless bug people. Fucked up teeth as well.
>fucked up teeth
Have you ever seen horse teeth in your life? those are perfectly healthy teeth and if you honestly think she's ugly then you are brain damaged (or just a jealous roastie).
>tfw no spooky gf
She is ugly. Looks like a fucking child with down syndrome. You must be a low test pedo. Let me guess, you like chestlets and skinny girls too?
lies and slander
post something idiot
Down syndrome... you should look in the mirror.
>muh incel pedo weeb
I don't wanna hear that from someone with a cuckold folder, I bet you love fapping to fat whores with saggy tits and destroyed cunt.
I didn't even mention weeb, rent free you fucking idiot. Also, implying I have a cuck folder. Clearly that thought also exists in your mind constantly, rent free. What a fucking sad cunt.
So you aren't denying fapping to fat whores with saggy tits and destroyed cunt? as expected from a coomer with mommy complex. Did you grow up with a single mother or something?
I can do that without posting a negrified mongrel.
No user, I don't fap to saggy tits or roasty cunts. I posted Adriana itt and mentioned how hot she is, I literally said I came buckets to Barbara Palvin. The fuck is wrong with you? All this projection, I actually pity you, pathetic faggot. What was it like being raised by a single mother?
nonwhites prefer barb, whites prefer adrianna. it works that way because people are trying to "even out" the genetics their kids will have to make the strongest offspring.
she is a model for a reason dude
this one is also pure and has no nigger genes
She truly was gorgeous in her prime. How did she manage to still fuck up her life though? She's now a single mother despite waiting for marriage and being beautiful.
All women are ugly. Change my mind.
>How did she manage to still fuck up her life though?
she didn't fuck up her life. her degenerate husband did.
>she didn't fuck up her life. her degenerate husband did.
Well sort of but not really. She should have known how to pick her mates better. She was beautiful and could have had any man out there. But just like all women, she wanted a bad boy. It's honestly her fault. She could have been with a good man and instead wasted her virginity on some ugly brad that fucked her over.
Her front teeth look pulled inward to me, I bet she had braces.
You could land a fighter jet on that forehead. I dont want sons with receding hairlines.
>posts a jew instead