Do you love anyone?

Do you love anyone?

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Wish I would not, but yeah I still do.
Miss that damn half gypsy

I do, but it isn't mutual. I'd give my life for her.

I love my teacup yorkshire terrier. I love myself. I love my gym, fitness manuals, supplements, and protein. I love my clothes and I love my camping equipment that I use as furniture. I love my van. And I love my oneitis but only in the manner that this user does.
Above everything I love Martial Arts and all things related to it.

Yes. I love my sweet robot

Not really. I don't love myself and I don't value anyone more than myself.

What the fuck mate ya serious bro. Bro I don't know bro just suck me off cunt lul.

Yeah my dog and my sister.

I have never loved anyone. I really want to, but I don't see it happening.

less frequently but yeh sometimes

I'm 28. I no longer have the capacity to love or even like anyone anymore.

And your sister really loves your dog.

yes, they either my future husband or someone who thinks I am super crazy.

Yes I love a robot but he doesnt love me back and has explicitly told me that on a number of occasions so I guess its time to move on.

I guess I walked into that one. My dog is a female so I think the meme does not apply.

I love a cute robot but like most it is not mutual and a source of great suffering

yeah, I think so. Good friend from college, known her for six years. We meet once a week to talk about literature on facetime. Pretty sure she knows how I feel, but she's never expressed any interest in me, so we just ignore the subject now. It hurts, but I'm happy just to spend time with her.

I love my mom and sister in the familial manner. I do not love anyone in a romantic way, as does no one love me in that way.

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Heck yeah, my waifu!

yes but he almost never talks to me and blocks me all the time

Yes, I love my boyfriend. He's perfect and ideal, everything I ever wanted and more. I truly cannot believe my luck. I want to be with him forever.

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not anymore. i would rather be alone.

No, but I miss being in love with.
She didnt feel anything for me and it made me feel like shit for months, but it was nice to live the day to day of having that kind of feelings.

Love must be circular to be real. My parents love my money, but don't care about their money because they have none so no love there. There is someone I would love but they don't even care about my existence, so nothing there either.
There is nothing. Not even any pets because my cat died and now I moved somewhere that doesn't allow pets. This makes me ask myself of why I desire love having never experienced it, and I have no answer.

Should've asked me this 2 days ago.

I dont think so? I like my family but I dont think that its necessarily love I feel

I used to but she hates me now so I have to get over it.

What happened user?

I know the girl I love is absolutely bonkers and still love her anyways. I assume she is probably more fucked up than I have imagined and the feelings would never change. I would never turn my back on her.

I love cooming and tall women.

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love has many meanings
I have familial love, yes
romantic? yes, but it's a twitch streamer so it doesn't count
lust? not in a very long time
I have no friends to have platonic love for, but I do have a platonic love for my brother, but it has slowly been getting crushed over the last few years
love for feelings, hobbies, experiences, and actions? also dying

to answer your question, the last of the feeling of love that I have felt for another human being is reserved for a human being that I will never be able to hug and tell him I love him and I hope he stays alive and succeeds in life, and please take it easy, even if other people are forcing you to do this.

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She left me and i'm fucking heart broken. She's the first girl I genuinely loved and it came out of nowhere which has hurt the most. I really hate the fact I was even looking for a job so I could go visit her overseas.