Why are there so many Yas Forumstards here? I swear Im a nice guy, and I have the same problems as you guys...

Why are there so many Yas Forumstards here? I swear Im a nice guy, and I have the same problems as you guys. Why cant we just be friends.

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Dude this is a board to shitpost. Who gives a fuck. Stop groveling. If someone doesn't want you, they don't want you.

The racebait draws them out and makes them hostile, which honestly is understandable.

Because Yas Forums has been full to bursting ever since the election, and they're all cancer, including the stormfags. Now they're leaking everywhere trying to astroturf everyone into thinking that Yas Forums has always been a nazi site when most people were either apolitical, or left/right leaning libertarian. Also, if Yas Forumsfags like you, then you're probably a piece of shit; so be glad they hate you.

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Okay Redditor
Okay dude

Okay faggot. Go be cancer on Yas Forums.

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Redditors can't say the faggot word. You'll get le downboated!!!!

Go away moralfag.

People are just mean to indians. Assuming you look like your pic related.

I'm no moralfag. I'm just tired of Yas Forums shitting up every board with their bullshit. Go, and stay go, faggot.

But why are you a moralfag?

Oh look, a Yas Forumsfag shitposting when they have nothing to say. I'm out, I've seen where this goes.

I wish we could just kill the Yas Forumsfags

It's cool man. We're all in this together.

Lmao eat shit nerd
Moralfags need the rope

True, which us sad. I kmow personally it's Dem discords flooding the cuck shit.

But that makes them MORE racist. It portrays Blacks as rivals rather than potential allies. Want to make them less racist? Post what you have in common. Where you agree.

Hoteps >>>> Cuck shit.

Im black user

Cucks are scum, imagine actually wanting your gf to cheat on you

I became pol when I left my small mostly white school of chill kids to go to a bigger high school full of asshole minorities. I do not hate minorities I just have remaining negative feelings towards them since hs and I would like to get over them.

Should have posted a black jack

I was bullied by white kids when I was younger, and I still never hated all whites dude. I get how you feel though and hope you can meet some nice minority people.

I thought he was black

>straight hair and no lips

Its supposed to be the Wojak version of Kent.
Look up Kent TV on YT.

tfw white
lmao of course this wasn't an original post

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Go be gay on grindr faggot.

You have no clue how many blackbots larp as Yas Forumstards. I like to larp sometimes and someone usually calls me out on it EXCEPT when I larp as Yas Forums. When I larp as Yas Forums it doesn't matter how retarded or ridiculous I get, people buy it. People really assume Yas Forums is full of tards so you can be as stupid as you want and no one bats an eye. It's fun

You just posted cringe kys fucking normalfag redditor nigger.
Racebaiting is the worst kind of shilling at least tranny shill get sum disgusting aids ridden bussy sumtimes.

ayyooo hol up, we wuz kangz nigga all my fuckn egypt wuz our ancestors man, so you tellin me dat king tta ttu wasnt black, look at da skin he wuz black!

Honestly poltards are just newfags retards that originated from all that news bullshittery.

Then get over them you dumb fuck wtf

at least Yas Forums has some ideals as violent as they may be. You are just disgusting tranny

yo my niggaa. jesus was black fr, dey be lyin in dat bible cuh

Jesus may have been black. Wasn't he Egyptian or something?