Would you date a girl who fucked a black guy in the past?

Would you date a girl who fucked a black guy in the past?

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yes i love black cock

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I wouldn't even talk to her.

was it in a comitted relationship op?
there is your answer.

yes, most guys would, don't let Yas Forums get to your head

Absolutely. I'd fuck the black guy too.

if it's just a hookup i wouldn't mind. if i'd want something more serious FUCKING NO

Absolutely not that is disgusting. Race traitors are scum of the earth.

Nope. I'm 100% pro Yas Forums.

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At this point yeah. I've yet to meet an actual decent fucking woman. So might as well get realistic

If I knew? Fuck no get the fuck outta here --- unless she was black.

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No, and neither should you

Nope. Not even one night stand, nevermind 'date'.

No. I would sooner date a girl who had fucked a dog.

Shut up, Schlomo

I can forgive a girl for falling for the wrong man a few times if I really like her. But if she racemixes, there's clearly something fundamentally incompatible with us.

Your mom probably fucked a nigra before she had you.

do people that say no to this really believe that most blacks are the tyrone blacked meme?

Heavily against racemixing and hate immigration, my own people are cowards that flee their own country and flock to better ones.

But not like I could find out, deception at every corner of life.

Doesn't matter if they are or aren't, its the simple fact that they care little for their own nationality or people. I don't condone race mixing at all.
Asians, Blacks, Whites should stick to their own

Dont really care if it was a giga-nigger or the meekest smallest black nerd imaginable.
I simply cant see myself being long time compatible with any girl that finds a black attractive enough to sleep with him.

I would fuck a black guy who dated a girl in the past.

Only if they plan to also fuck a black guy in the future while we are together

And neither should originally (You)

Disgusting fucking coalburner, you race traitor.

Only if the black guy she fucked was me.
Of course, it's purely theoretical because I'll never fuck someone before marriage. I ain't some sinner.

I don't care if it was fucking Urkel, racemixing is disgusting.

seems like they escaped their containment board

Even the biggest onions faggot hates the idea of his woman being a coalburner.

no kys niggerlover
lower than people that eat literal shit

no i would not and i would go further and try to distance myself from her because i consider this a major indictment of someones character