who else here identifies as a 'heavy Yas Forums user?'
I for one am on the chans all day long as a neet while I listen to music. I feel like it's interfering with my goals and I want to quit but don't know how.
Who else here identifies as a 'heavy Yas Forums user?'
yea, me too. I spend most day refreshing while squandering time in some game or youtube. Been over a decade.
I used to be until recently. I visit the site much less ever since I noticed a pattern of certain people posting gay and tranny shit here deliberately.
Watch out for the shady agendas
Either they have a Million tabs open or they just have it as their first tab.
yea it's made me really fuckin retarded but then again I did the same thing on forums for many years before
when im at home I browse Yas Forums and some other image boards about all day in between studying and gaming
discovered Yas Forums in 2008
What's the point of having six gorillion tabs open at all times? Do you shift through all of them constantly or something?
I usually only have two or three open at a time.
I actually stopped coming here when I got friends, stopped for a year, almost two, then I discovered drugs and lost all friends, and ended up here again. For almost 2 years I stopped coming here though, and nothing changed, I was still depressed, I just had a source of human interaction through my friends, and that became my distraction for that period of time.
Then I realized that my life has no purpose, or meaning, and my whole existence is just me desperately trying to hold on to something to distract me from the constant struggle and suffering.
Yes, I do shift between them quite often, though only the extreme right ones are tabs I left open while looking on how to spell a word.
This. Yas Forums is the great attractor for those with severe ennui. Normies lack the essential intrigue that you can get reading and posting here. Even breaking into some anime twitter subculture just isn't the same; they are much the same as normies in that they participate in the dull apparatus of social media and social hierarchies without questioning the fundamentally broken nature of it all.
Pretty much wasted all of my adolescence here. I don't regret it because I was a loser with no friends before I found this site, it gave me a sense of identity during that time. I stopped browsing this board for a year, I tried to make friends in college and they rejected me again. I gave up, dropped out and suddenly they all want to be my friend and have picked up my interests from 3 years ago. People are strange, I don't understand them. I've given up trying, I'm focusing on my interests again now and I'm feeling happier. I think I'll be here for the foreseeable future. All of my happiest memories have come from this shit hole as retarded as that sounds.
I was not prepared for life after college. I was able to get through school by simply attending class and getting good grades. When I was finally left to my own devices to pursue employment, I found that I have zero capacity to be self-motivated or organized and generally do nothing all day. I know intellectually, I am capable of doing better than minimum wage work but also know that I am doomed to slave away the rest of my life for the least compensation because I can't get my shit together and work on building a portfolio.
I've browsed this site every day for about 7 years now. Can't say I regret it. I was a introverted shut-in 15 y/o robot when I started, then had a relatively fun, social late-teen period, and now I've purposely settled back into being something of a shut-in because I prefer it this way. How does a sengalese spear-fishing forum stop you from pursuing your goals?
>Implying he isn't masturbating to sissies all day
it stops me because im doing this and listening to noise music all day instead of practicing music.
I game more than I use this site, but Yas Forums and Yas Forums are pretty much the only social site I browse
Holy shit, you are so basic bitch. You're running windows, have a shit ton of bloatware/spyware, no ad blockers, and you're a discord tranny as well. Jesus, do you browse reddit as well?
I gave up on social media dn come here to chat with anons in the ether when im depressed.
Im really down today.
Ive been boom/high for a few days with projects but today im bust.
Middle aged musician currently NEET due to mental health
>I gave up on social media
this is social media. drives me crazy how many user's can't understand that and congratulate themselves for not using social media on this social media platform
okay smart arse
user type social media as opposed to one where you have your identity revealed you fucking tit.
Yas Forums is clearly different from social media. The expectation here is to not reveal your social status in your posts, which is the exact opposite of some freak on twitter self-promoting his youtube channel. There is basically no advantage to lying on this website besides something stupid like an ego boost.
like see here "niggger aids faggots kikes kikes mudlsimes niggers niggers faggots white power fuck the jews they done 911"
I for one would not be able to post that on my old social media but as you can see its Yas Forums friendly.
just because it's anonymous doesn't mean it's better for you. you are still training your brain to be useless with addictive bite size bits of junk information feeding the same dopamine cycle. Read The Shallows by Nicolas Carr, it's a short book but it's much dryer than this social media drip your performing fellatio with so you will never get through it.
I agree that it's equally as bad and with your point about dopamine reward pathways. The concern with my post is not the addictive qualities but rather the ethical ones (specifically concerning the machiavellian ethics of identity-based social media platforms, where lying about your politics/true feelings is a normal feature).
so why the fuck are you here then?
actually i don't care to talk with you
me too
been here for 13 years
glad to see other hardcore NEETs around, this place has been infested with normies lately
Celebrating my 10th year on Yas Forums!
that's like asking why someone is watching porn. pretty silly question.
its been like 15 years jesus christ
10 years? From one hopeless loser to another please seek help
screenshot this thread for your own 2030 thread
Been here since 2006. It's the one thing apart from gaming that took up most of my time and I have literally nothing to show for it