Post ur album chart

Post ur album chart

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Okay tripfag.

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as if anyone cares about what anyone listens

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Put the titles dude

I genuinely don't get the appeal of music

its like you put something in your ears and you feel different, its like drugs but less intense

feel free to bully me off this board

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remove turnover, car seat headrest and glass beach and your fine you low t bAsedboy

You have to be open to f e e l s
If you're too autistic and self-conscious, you won't
be able to get what the artists wanted to transmit

Mean rock music hurt my ears ur probly a mean person

I will never understand the love of american football and car seat headrest. I like that AJJ album though

What's the appeal of Panchiko? It's just early Radiohead with an anime girl on the cover.

Ur a shy but nice boy from suburban Georgia who smokes camels

Use correct grammar you spergy faggot.

please compliment me on my perfect music taste

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Its bibIical

What r ur thoughts on 2019 Duster album

never knew people actively disliked turnover
always considered that album pretty inoffensive and enjoyable
confessional lyrics + pretty twinkly guitars do it for me
first half is correct,, i think
from suburban ontario, never smoked
candy claws is pretty cooool

it was a successful reboot of the band with some amazing songs like hoya paranoia but overall isn't as good as the debut

+Odyssey Oracle
+The Queen is Dead
+You're Living all Over Me

wrong board silly

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how do i make one of these it seems hard since i have no skill at using computers

+Meat is Murder

Am I quirky and original yet?

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haha no homo or anything user like im not no fag but wow i think i love u

THE is a honestly monument of math rock
haha no worries love you too user

you are very gay, shy, slightly depressed, you probably smoke a lot and have left-leaning political views

pretty close
slightly gay, very depressed, drink a lot
shy and left are correct :^)

guess my personality fagets

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used to unironically call yourself a doomer before it became widespread

Peep the remastered merzbow its better

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here's the more comprehensive version

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I checked out House Arrest and it really reminds me of this shitty music artist I know called Jack Stauber but less loud and wacky
shit taste