What do women think about promiscuous men?

What you girls think of men who would do anything to fuck every girl in every hole and cum all over their body? Is it attractive? Is it creep? Or is it just a regular male trail?

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I feel like that's the default state of men. It just makes me feel what's the concept you guys use. "Black pill" Yup

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There are no men who wouldnt fuck every girl, just men who cant.

guys are physically attracted to the vast majority of women, it's just a feature of male sexuality
if you're asking whether a sexually successful male is attractive to women, then the answer is yes
Chad fucks tons of different hoes = tons of different holes want his dick = I must have his dick too, he has high-quality seed and superior genes

The men here are usually coomers and everything they say is projection.
Know a guy who I've seen reject very cute girls just cause he didn't have the feels for their personality. He's not a homo either I've verified. There are good guys out there just not here.

Damn right! Every women deep down is just an onahole!

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Honestly most women seem unimpressed when I say I've had a lot of sex but only with close lovers of the past. For some reason, that just doesn't translate to experience for most of them.
Can't help it though, I pair-bond way too fucking hard. I dunno how many chicks want that. I become fixated and I end up not noticing anyone else, which sometimes causes complacency due to lack of jealousy I find.
I'm sure if it were the opposite my luck would be just the same however. The search continues.

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Not sure. Must be somewhat negative at the end of the day, just that we males are often than not very.....very fucking physical in our sexuality. Just as long no faggot puts up the "master key vs bad lock".

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Well I mean, it's good for him, guys are supposed to be like that. So I don't hate them for it or anything, it's only natural. But I wouldn't want to be with a guy like that, unless he felt exclusively that way towards me

And men are just dildos with credit cards attached. Beautiful isnt it.

Yeah promiscuous would be more like fucking a girl you just met leave and to the next one desu.

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>I pair-bond way too fucking hard
are you a penguin or somethin?

I think promiscuous people in general are gross, but that's mainly because of my own issues. If I could be a Chad, I would probably feel different.

That just ain't me. Despite performing fine, I feel extremely vulnerable during sex. It's one of the most conpromising positions you can be in with another person, so I can't take the act lightly.
But it's been years now anyway, what the fuck do I know.
May as well be. Sex is a very extreme form of affection for me. I don't take it lightly, even if I'm grunting and thrusting around like a sweaty circus animal. Once I fuck someone, they're fucked too, because I grow extremely attatched.
Haha, see what I did there? Wordplay.

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>Just as long no faggot puts up the "master key vs bad lock".
I see you haven't join the rainbow colored side. Not yet.

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>grunting and thrusting around like a sweaty circus animal

What else is there to do in a moment of carnal passion

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fucking disgusting and degenerate. I don't care if it's a regular male trait or not either way you should suppress it.
monogamy is the only way

there was a guy that tried to fuck every woman in my friend group and girls in my friends extended friend groups. i think i was the only one that didnt go for it. he slept with a married woman and maybe helped break up that marriage. it was very sad. he had several burner phones, I found his craigslist ads for hookups. he was a mess.

I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them.
Why do all men have to be like that?

>Once I fuck someone, they're fucked too, because I grow extremely attatched.
>Haha, see what I did there? Wordplay.
you sound like quite the enlightened gentleman.

Dude, you're not even trying to cook this spaghetti. Get some actual attractive boxers for fuck sake, if that's you.

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Tell me about it. I say shit that would make my mama cry when I'm in the throes of passion. It gets wild in there.
They aren't, just like how all women aren't sluts, they're just rare as shit.
You remenber that kid on the playground with the shiny Charizard card? Like that.

Thank you, it's nice to be noticed sometimes. Really.

sauce on the cartoon

for science

They are. Men who don't whore themselves out only don't do it because they don't have the opportunity

It's sad that you feel that way, really. But it's obvious I can't change your mind, so we'll agree to disagree, capiche?

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It's a 158 is obviously not me kek. B-but i can show you the real one if you wish...

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post it or youre gayyyyyy

*tips fedora*
have a euphoric day good-sir.

I'm tryin'!


Feels like a lucid dream, always comes back to it

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Oke but no bullies pls

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wow, what a whore. have some self respect, slut.

It's not r9k until at least one posts that dick that doesn't show up on reverse image search

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I think its unattractive and i make an effort to steer clear of guys like that. They're perverted and have ape brain

Why you hate me so much :-(

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Woah dont get too upset over here faggot.

>Why you hate me so much :-(
you sold your purity for a (You)

>do anything
thats where there's a problem, they don't mind promiscuity but they want men who can do it effortlessly, not by having to bust their ass for it.

B-but what if he loves me?

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