Why do normoids think that it is morally acceptable to have sex whenever they feel like it and just kill the offspring if they don't want it, and consid YOU the bad guy if you say that this is wrong? How did society turn upside down from reality?
Why do normoids think that it is morally acceptable to have sex whenever they feel like it and just kill the offspring...
Because is there really a difference from killing two cells from a womb than killing millions of other cells jizzing on a tissue.
I don't fap so your comparison is invalid.
>this retarded argument
Getting an abortion means you are taking an action that directly results in the cancellation of a human life, whereas if I jizz on a tissue, it's not like it would have become a homunculus child otherwise, I'd have to take a large series of abstract, complex other actions to instead result in a human life forming.
My area isn't like that, plenty of prolifers and single moms. Kids are constantly over at my home. I'm just tired but people never use birth control in my area I just want to be childfree
>How did society turn upside down from reality?
there is no objective reality
you just have a set of values that differs from some
there are people who agree with you, I suggest you spend your precious and fleeting seconds with them
Because 1 they are not alive 2 stop reading conservative magazines and know the real reason ppl want abortions and 3 good bait.
pedos like you should be shot
>there is no objective reality
Are you objectively certain of that, user?
if ive learned anything from math its that proving what isn't true is often a lot easier than proving what is
I think a lot more normies would be pro life if conservatives didnt have so much cognitive dissonance concerning their views. When a fetus is in the womb they will shoot up clinics over it but as soon as the kid is born they dont give a fuck about it, especially if the family is poor, and conservatives also want to cut welfare.
>pedos like you should be shot
no u
If I don't want kids with the bitch, I'll put a rubber.
Honestly, I'm dreaming of 2-6 kids. How the fuck am I supposed to find someone into that many. Not to mention my mom will probably disown me since she wants to follow the chinese 1 child rule.
>tfw only have sex in a committed relationship with a man whose kids I want and who I can see myself marrying just in case I ever do get pregnant
I assumed all people did this. It seems the most logical approach. Its really weird to think people dont.
I am not clicking on your image, pedo scum.
imagine being a sad virgin commie freak like OP
Imagine being a disgusting sex having normalfaggot rather than an enlightened voluntary celibate. How horrific.
Yeah, I enjoy sex with my girlfriend and the other girls I fuck with her.
All you have is cope, freak.
You will burn in hell, degenerate plebeian filth.
i'm already in hell, surrounded by faggots like you that try to justify their fuckups by jumping on the mound of the highest moral position.
You're not fooling anyone. This is a cope. You have nothing.
>being against abortion
I think it should be fucking legal just so every woman can experience the pleasure of watching a human being removed from their vagina, and they can cum at the sight of the bloodied thing.
>posting a picture of a Buddhist monk
>"you will burn in Hell"
Does not compute.
Am I in danger for being in this thread because of that pedo guy? Why do people post pedo crap
>there is no hell in Vedic tradition
Are you a literal absolute retard? Don't talk about things you clearly know nothing about.
I'm with OP here.
My mom aborted my sister because she couldn't milk money out of the dad.
Sex is not worth killing over. You can literally get that shit for free on Tinder. You can make it safe sex super easily.
Murder is NOT justified and I refuse to date pro-abortion women.
You shouldn't go on dates in general or associate with women at all because that is pure normalfaggotry.
Casual sex is wrong in my opinion because it causes a ripple effect of negative emotions and can even ruin lives for what amounts to short-term gratification.
But I don't give a fuck about abortion. If you're getting an abortion, you're brown, low IQ, a whore or some combination thereof, and I'd MUCH rather you kill your crotchspawn yourself than force some poor police officer to when they grow up and rob a convenience store.
Your parents gave you life, is it so wrong for them to take it? Whether you like it or not, you kind of ARE them.
bump desu anons please I need to know if they are coming for me
Yes user you are on a list now. You have a cache of pedo data on your PC or phone so they can quickly hash check it. To bad you don't use Linux, you could just delete /tmp and you would be all good.
I cant answer as to why society is so messed up dude. I wish i could. All i can recommend is riding the wave, pic related. Stay firm in your convictions, and don't let them away you. You sound like a smart guy OP. The hardest part is the best one some times.
Its fucking frustrating as hell dude. Don't let them diminish your spirit though. Thats the worst they could do to you.
Am I safe if I reported it
i was born to a single mother, grew up extremely poor and have wished i was dead since i was 8 years old. i wish my mom had aborted. life is suffering.