Tell stories how you were mocked for your looks in school at work in public
Tell stories how you were mocked for your looks in school at work in public
gapped teeth.
>be 13 in eighth grade
>popular chad kid looking at me and laughing with friend.
>asks me if i'm gay
>"why are you interested?" - joking
>starts laughing and says "i could park a truck between your teeth"
feelsbadman, but that's nothing compared to being a tranny with my obvious manly bone structure.
>"Haha you really look like you'd shoot up the school"
>yeah... haha....
That was about it, I had a few acquaintances in highschool that probably only were my friend because they thought I'd kill them one day otherwise
Fuck I had a similar experience to you except I have a terrible overbite. Some group of kids a few years older than me came up to me almost every day in the first year of secondary school, came right up to my face, stuck their front teeth out and did Bugs Bunny impressions. Drove me up the fucking wall, though I never did anything about it
I was never mocked for my looks, but I had a stroke as a baby and was made fun of sometimes for having speech problems and having a weird gait when walking
Not for my looks but as a result of them
>be 18-19 at the time, retailcucking
>see some college stacies, hope they don't come to my register
>they do and they're all 8/10s
>ring up their shit and go through the usual pleasantries
>spaghetti already on the verge of being spilt
>lead stacy goes to pay for the stuff, touches my hand giving me the money
>she had such soft and pretty hands
>already blushing, try to hurry up and make change
>fumble with change and hear them whispering and giggling
>finally get it over with and give lead stacy change and the receipt
>they leave
I've always had low self-esteem and been nervous around girls. Well, I used to be nervous, now I just despise them. The femoid is a lowly creature indeed.
>shake girl's hand that i just met
>"OMG user your hands are so soft. Stacy come feel user's hands!! They are softer than mine LMAO!!!!"
The first and last time I went clubbing a girl approached me and pulled me aside just to tell me that I should get a haircut
Women are like sharks - if they smell weakness, they'll go in for the kill. They're only capable of kicking people who are already down
oh boy this is gonna be depressing... I was once caught doing some guys cousin in his bed and he made fun of me for having a smol pp. Truth hurts. Fuck genetics. Fuck jannies.
That was a few years ago, I've gotten my 'tism under control since then. My ingrained response to seeing a pretty woman is cold disgust, when they flash me fake smiles I just glare. I am a big guy and I look angry most of the time, their discomfort at the sight of me is usually obvious.
The only mocking was on me desu.
I had shitty facial hair I was too lazy to shave until like senior year and it got me made fun of by girls a few times.
A couple of months ago I was on a train back on the way back from a metal gig. Lookswise I guess I'm the stereotypical metalhead with long hair, a beard etc. My "beard" looks like shit because of bad genetics but I have one anyway because it makes me feel more masculine despite looking terrible.
Anyway I was on a packed train back home and I guess by that point I was the only one left from the gig around because there weren't any other metalheads around anymore and the train was instead packed with normies who must have been heading home from a night of clubbing. Some group of stacies round about my age got on in my carriage and had to stand next to me, and that's when the contrast REALLY became noticeable. Dude in a black hood with camo combats and a long wispy goatee next to a bunch of slags in tight dresses and short short... things. Idk clubbing clothes basically.
For a while there was this slightly awkward period where I was having to stand very near to these girls but only because the train was packed and neither of us really had a choice in the matter - we would not be near each other if we could move. I noticed a little bit of side-eyeing from them in my direction but nothing too amiss. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw one of them turn to their friend and do a subtle "stroking my beard" gesture. I thought "what, never seen a beard before?" and ignored it. Then a few minutes later the girl who was closest to me quickly lifted her phone near my face and I'm pretty sure she took a photo. Then one by one all the other girls checked their phones and giggled. A picture of my shitty beard is probably now somewhere on the internet because of them.
Didn't bother me too much that they made fun of my beard, but you know what bothers me more than what people say to you? What people DON'T say to you. And women are terrible for not saying shit to your face. Either that or the opposite, they have absolutely no filter. I don't like to think I'm a misogynist but part of me also thinks women's liberation was a mistake.
>be at least 5'7" starting JHS
>user, you're tall, too masculine, i'm not going to treat you like a girl because you're tall and ugly
>you're tits smol--pathetic and unwomanly
>no hips--manly
>you'r skinny and look anorexic--no man will ever want you
>be the ugly invisible friend who people only noticed to mock for being so ugly and unwanted
>get older and closer to menopause
>user, how come you don't act, look or put yourself out there like a girl? don't you want a bf? don't you want kids? you don't show any interest in men? are you g a y? why don't you try to get a bf? :(((
I developed large breast starting in 7th grade and people use to make fun of me all the time. Girls used to moo at me in the locker room and boys used to run up in front of me and crouch down so I couldn't see them past my bust and let me walk into them.
Fuck that sounds awful, I feel terrible for you. Perhaps you should post a photo of your breast condition here so that people can see how much you're suffering?
>hair stopped growing when I was 14
>other kids realized at some point
>decided that since it isnt growing it must be a wig
>called me "wig" throughout high school
It was a pretty dumb nickname but at least they didnt realize I was balding
I would love to make a girl like this feel wanted for the first time and gain her trust only to humiliate her and break her spirit. I would get her into bed and instead of foreplay, lay into her about her disgusting body, and kick her out of my house.
I wish I could at least stop yearning for their attention. I envy you user
It's usually
some people like my punk/emo/anime fusion hairstyle though
>you look like a psycho
I have the autism dark triad eyes
>be high schooler
>new hairdresser praises me for not hiding my big ugly ears with a hairstyle
>I didn't even realize my ears are big and ugly but they are
>become self conscious and anxious about them
>later that year the cutest girl in school mentions loudly how big my ears are
Yeh, I've heard this before too. You all make me wish I was a lesbian. They seem to like me more.
People who I considered friends all asked how I was born THAT ugly with emphasis on THAT... then I realized truly I have no friends.
At school I was every 4channer's dream goth girl. Not really all that make up and stuff but I was dressing all in black and purposely made cuts on my clothes. Of course I got a lot of shit for that but very few dared to go further.
I just got called ghost or grave lurker. Very few appreciate that style in eurasia. Besides that I dressed up in tracksuit at home that you know and love.
pls be my big titty goth gf
Who actually still judges guys for having long hair? I used to have long hair and that was the last time I ever got any (positive) attention from women
That was pretty much her hitting on you don't understand women(demons).
>You all make me wish I was a lesbian. They seem to like me more.
The femme ones always love masculine women
Actually the butches tend to have an eye for me.
lol are you really trying to break an already broken woman? Find an easier target, user.
I have a portruding forehead that makes me look like I'm angry all the time. I've had people call me caveman/gorilla and have been told to chill out when I'm completely serene.
Based, I now do the same and it's quite satisfying to see how uncomfortable they get.
trust me dude, as one metalhead to another, just drop the beard and leave the hair. i too have horrible facial hair genetics and it's not worth it. the hair is adequate to look "metal enough"