Legitimate question

Legitimate question

What makes you incels think that you would ever deserve a womans intimacy?

A lot of you retards think that the world would be better if we turned society back to older days but there would still be a bigger better viking than you with a more important family name and a bigger fortune that would get the women and you would be the village idiot. you're all lucky to live in this day and age because you all pretty much have the same chance of bettering yourself in the gym or bettering your social skills.

Go outside retard

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Serious question. Why are you so fucking gay OP?

SEETHING incel confirmed, have sex lol

How boring and empty does your life have to be to try to spam incel bait threads all day?

legitimate question
why do you come here every single day and post some "gotcha" thread directed at incels? is it because you don't have a life?

>global pandemic
>Go outside
You go outside and die

Incels are manchildren, feeling entitled for everything they see on their animes without bothering to make any effort for it

>go outside and die

The best outcome for incels and society as a whole

Is this the brand new shiny glamorous exquisite fabulous tahlia hate thread

>SEETHING incel confirmed, have sex lol
Super gay OP confirmed!

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>im going to make anti-incel threads every day because i am a winner at life

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Wow the meme is real. Seethe more faggot.

She loves hate. Ignore her, it makes her seethe more.

yes user everyone except that one person likes incels

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>Wow the meme is real. Seethe more faggot.
You have to go back

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I want to larp so bad again but I want it to somehow fuck shit up if you know what I mean

only retard thinks in terms of "deserve"

the only person who would ever respond to my post is a person who looks like a nu-male. you played yourself. go ahead, give me a (You)

this man ascended from inceldom and has wed the >pure >beautiful >angel Tahlia

most people just don't think about it

Yeah I can fuck trannies too not a grand accomplishment

because if attractive assholes who treat girls like shit and beat them get pussy, then we should too.

>What makes you incels think that you would ever deserve a womans intimacy?

want me to write a story about it? I just wrote a good one but im not sure if I should make an entire thread bout it. its 1,897 words 9,890 characters about audrey and tahlia.

the vast majority of people
>"what's incel? is that some startup?"
the rest of the normies
>"oh yeah those guys are crazy"
>goes on to Yas Forums to argue with incels multiple times a week

>A lot of you retards think that the world would be better if we turned society back to older days
Old days:
>Likes a girl
>Talks to her father
>Shows you are a hard working honest man
>Firm handshake
>Marriage confirmed
Modern times
>Likes a girl
>She is a hypergamous roastie
>She is boucing from one chad cock to another
>"Lol, kids and marriage? I don't think so"
>"Why settle if I'm free to express my sexuality fucking multiple men?"
Yeah, user, modern times are much better

>responding to reactionary tourists

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>What makes you incels think that you would ever deserve a womans intimacy?
We don't. That's why I don't interact with people. No one should have to suffer from having to be with me.
Though, I won't contribute anything to this society. I will take and take until there is nothing left to take.

virgins smell bad and never shower, it's embarrassing.

Of course olden days were better. In the olden days, as long as you had a stable job and weren't a nutcase or a criminal you could get married and have a family.
Today you need to be a 6'2+ white Aryan ubermensch with the aesthetics of a Greek statute to even have a chance.

>has wed

>Likes a hypergamous roastie
>She is boucing from one chad cock to another
>"Lol, kids and marriage? I don't think so"
>"Why settle if I'm free to express my sexuality fucking multiple men?"
>fall in love with next Stacy slut
Of course it is all society and women's fault, men are perfect. A stinking loser should be able to make any woman his sex slave. That's totally how it worked in the past according to their JO fantasies.