Was anyone here a superstar in elementary school who got crushed by adolescence? Or are people here all lifelong robots?

Was anyone here a superstar in elementary school who got crushed by adolescence? Or are people here all lifelong robots?

When I was 8 I was invited to the hottest girl in the schools pool party alone with one other popular guy

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All I remember from elementary is making fun of a girl that had a walking problem

My mother made sure such thing never happened again

I was pretty much a chad in highschool, got asked out by like 8 different girls. Trouble at home killed my social life though and now I'm just a socially inept manlet with no social life.

Always been a blunt, book loving robot

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I was the best at every sport in my school.
Well, apart from ones that involved upper body strength... anything that involved running and jumping I wiped the floor with everyone.
My life was fantastic (though I didn't realise it at the time) until I reached 26, went rapidly downhill from there.

Wow that's crazy, WTF happened?

There is an expression: "once a star, always a threat." You should recultivate that feeling.

>8 years old
>the "hottest girl"
is there something you're trying to tell us here user

>All I remember from elementary is making fun of a girl that had a walking problem

No, although I was an extremely cute kid.

Lol fuck off kids are sexual at that age too, I had a crush on her

Cuteness virtually always translates into popularity unless you really make an effort for it not to

Idk, maybe it was because I didn't realize it at the time. I became kinda popular in high school.

My father was hospitalised for over a year, and could only get care at a specialist ward in the next city over which meant daily hour long drives both to and from there after school. I couldn't stay active with friends and stuff, most people just stopped bothering with me. Towards the later years of school I was more or less a loner and when it ended I was entirely alone, been like that since.
>You should recultivate that feeling.
I don't even know how I would.

I'm actual fucking walking talking neanderthal. It was over for me 3,000 years ago

I was in GATE which then transferred to honors programs in middle school and a special technology specific program in high school
All I got out of it was having to write a 20 page paper in 7th grade on any topic, and knowing how to use a Mac specific video editing program I'll never use again or be able to afford

I feel like in elementary school its easier to get away with being a weird autist and people will still like you. That's part of it. When I was in elementary school I was the class clown, and I would just do funny and weird shit to get attention. I ended up being pretty popular in my class though because kids have an immature sense of humor and they like that shit. I also had lots of geeky interests, but again, that was still pretty normal - a lot of the other boys in my class and even some of the girls were still deep into the same things I was like LoTR and video games.

But then when I got into middle school I remember things started to change. I was still very much a nerd type of kid, but my group of friends were becoming normies. They got into skateboarding, smoking weed and going out with girls, but my parents were really protective of me so they wouldn't let me get involved with any of that of course. They thought I was too young to go out with girls even to go see a movie or something, and they wouldn't let me go to the skate park because they were afraid somebody would sell me drugs. So instead of joining my friend group I just kinda turned inward to robotdom. Became very bookish, started listening to metal and playing vidya a lot. Stopped being exuberant and outgoing and just became the antisocial fuck that I am today.

Your mother sounds like a spectacular lady. Hurts being made fun of for shit you can't afford to change

i cant recall ever truly fitting in at school and it seems every year i get better looking, the alcohol, weed and food has slowed down that transgression tho. but yeah i just have always been weird not nessicarly ugly tho im like a 6.5

Who the fuck had a "hottest girl in the school" when they were fucking 8?

>Who the fuck had a "hottest girl in the school" when they were fucking 8?

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Maybe not in third grade but by fourth grade for sure

i was reasonably popular in grade school and kindergarden. people thought im a sociopath in middle school. at the beginning of high school i got along with everyone at the end i was mostly hated.

Sounds like an erratic trajectory

I was chad-tier in primary school, the cutest girl in class literally asked me to be her boyfriend. Then I moved to a country where I didn't speak the language and got bullied, now I'm here.

Thats the exact same as me, but from the big city to tiny ass town where I became extremely insecure. I blame almost all my girl problems on the move because there were no girls I wanted until I moved back to a city for college (which is pretty much too late)

i feel that user, i moved from a big city in my native country to a shitty town where they didn't really like immigrants and not speaking the language didn't help
but i guess the upside of it was that the girls in the country that i moved to were fucking ugly so maybe i didnt miss out that much

i fucked up, meant to reply to you user

never got shit from women since they thought i am mentally challenged
i was bullied since i can remember
used to be below average height but kind of grew to 6'3 by some magic
still khv at 18 probably going to be a wizard unless i find someone so pathetic that she wants to spend time with me

>tfw failed child prodigy
>got carried by privilege into six figure job anyways

Fail why or how?

i was an enfp who had friends outside of school and in. i could make friends with anyone really. i had girls crushing on little 8 year old me all the time but i was too scared and young to really participate in that shit. well anyways i went through trauma, moved houses, had parents divorce, so i started acting different which caused me to lose all my friends. now im infp

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What country to what country

No, not how it works on multiple levels
>Myers Briggs is static
>even if it were not static, there is no direct path from ENFP to INFP, you cant just change the E to an I without totally abandoning the prior result

I've always been different from everyone else. I was a weird loser and got generally ignored or made fun of through elementary school. I can vividly remember times where I was by myself, watching everyone else be together having fun and interacting with each other so naturally, and I would get this weird feeling like I would remember how I felt in those moments long afterwards. I remember breaking down and crying from being so alone and confused, I just couldn't understand people and couldn't understand why I was by myself.

It's always been basically the same, come to think, though at least back then I had my imagination and creativity to escape to for distraction from the real world, and I had my hopes that maybe things would just inexplicably change and work out someday. I don't have those things anymore.

You sound fine, just go out and try more new shit, try different cultures maybe too