At what point did you realize that university was pointless?

at what point did you realize that university was pointless?

Attached: 1580743751622.png (599x868, 491.65K)

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Every game you're not born winning is a game you've already lost.

When I graduated and couldn't get a job.

Took me a year to get a minimum wage job

A degree definitely worked for me

when my mandatory english class as a compsci major made me write a paper arguing pro immigration. or when i went to take a piss and the poster in front of the urinal called me a rapist.

I'm majoring in chemistry because it's fun, and I do chemistry as a hobby. after graduation I'm probably gonna work at retail or fastfood or janitor full time and live in a cheap apartment.

I wouldn't go to college if i didn't want to be there and didn't enjoy the moment. Don't fall for that stupid shit of "go to college and study hard like a decent young man so you can get a high paying job so you can find a nice girl!"

what cunt? You realize you'll have to pay for that degree right? Unless mommy and daddy are covering your ass, which by the sounds of it they are. Go get a full time job in your field that pays better than a fucking janny.

It's worth noting that I don't have to worry abuot student loans b/c inheritance from deceased grandfather pays all the tuition. Sucks for you if you actually want to go to university to learn something that interests you, but tuition is inflated b/c of all the stupid dudebros that were told they need to go to college to get laid.

>Unless mommy and daddy are covering your ass, which by the sounds of it they are.

Nothing wrong with that. if they couldn't pay for it, but i still wanted to learn chemistry, i would get a full time job and slowly go to university part time.

>Go get a full time job in your field that pays better than a fucking janny.

Chemistry majors can't get jobs.

When I realized my parents are paying thousands a semester for me to sit miserably in a shitty dorm all the time while studying for a degree I don't care about. College is only worth it if you care to take advantage of the opportunities there and I have no desire to do so. Seems more like an in to networking and shit which I'm incapable of.

In my country at Least some degrees are completely useless. Others are useful, but the market is so saturated that even after getting your diploma you will still have to face fierce competition to land on a good job (it's the case for law and engineering) so the diploma by itself doesn't equal a ticket to jobland.
Some degrees are still top notch. I'm in med school right now, and even though we live in fear of the future and the saturation of the market, it's still the best graduation possible in terms of professional prospects. The average time a medicine graduate takes to find a job after University is one month, and the starting salary is around 10k national bucks (roughly 2,5k dollars, it doesn't sound like much but at least here it's a small fortune).
If any user is out there thinking about possible graduations: study medicine. It's a living hell, but it's a one way ticket out of poverty.

> americans don't have public Universities
It's the wealthiest country on Earth, come on, what the fuck is USA's problem. I live in a third world country with a weak economy and we still have public Universities, which are also the best Universities there are here.

It really isn't; this is just a meme that middle and lower-middle class people peddle amongst themselves and their kids to avoid facing up to the fact that they lack the skills necessary to make in the modern post-industrial economy through no real fault of their own - it's not really their fault they were born on the left side of the IQ bell curve.

companies basically expect the public the subsidize their training . Problem with that though, is because companies are not paying for it, diminishing returns are of no consequence to them. They are willing to have large populations of people go into debt for tens of thousands of dollars and use up years of their lives in order to save on training them for a few weeks(like they use to do during the bloomer's generation) and only chose a few of them.
Do they care of the enormous amount of money time people waste for their benefit? Nope , they don't have to foot the bill and they got what they wanted so fuck everyone else.

Attached: into the great maw of capitalism.png (614x149, 9.92K)

Hahahahah how the fuck can you look at that quote and consider it a bad thing or incorrect? Literally fucking hang yourself you commie piece of shit. Kill yourself. Right now. You literally do not deserve life.

>they lack the skills necessary to make in

>far more stem graduates than stem jobs
>large chunk are underemployed
>companies still complain about a skills shortage
>beg government to import cheap foreign workers.

yeah no, people are waking up to your lies.

When all my old mates who went to uni came back and went back to the same shitty retail jobs they all had before they left. They laugh now because they perceive me as a "boring loser" who didn't want to waste my youth partying and destroying my body. I laugh because they're all 30k in debt

You fucking mongoloid piece of shit. How the fuck can you even attempt to justify your vile disgusting communist vomit with a straight face. I seriously want to murder you.

the hilarious thing about this fuck you I got mine attitude is,
the pandemic revealed just how little you people hold yourselves to your own standards.

Public Universities is no more communist than all the other public services you enjoy (police, judicial system, transportation network, healthcare*)
* For countries that do have it, of course.
Do you even know what communism is or you just like throwing identity politics to the table like we were talking about football teams and you wanted to antagonize the ones who disagree with your opinions?

>college education is necessary for making it in the modern economy
>too many are going to college, leaving many underemployed
Both can be and are true retard

If you are against the idea of discarding the fuck out of the less talented, you are the epitome of communist vermin and you need to shut the fuck up forever. If you EVER even for a second consider rewarding badness and punishing goodness, YOU ARE A COMMUNIST PIECE OF SHIT AND YOU NEED TO DIE ASAP.

>college education is necessary for making it in the modern economy
not really. Connections matter more. The college meme is just some thing the rich tell everyone to trick the american public into thinking social mobility is a real thing.

user, the countries that fully embrace that dog eat dog attitude are all third world shitholes.

Why should university be free anywhere, but especially so America, when most college-educated people end up joining the upper-middle class ( and driving America's income inequality crisis ( It is basically a subsidy for the richest class in American society (the upper-middle class accounted for 52% of income in America ALL BY ITSELF). Note that the article by Pew shows a huge gap in earning in college educated and non-college educated. When you start accounting for underemployement ( that gap grows even bigger.

user, countries that are bad are full of low IQ brown people, and countries that are good are full of high IQ white people.

I've met plenty of people with degrees working jobs that only required a highschool degree. That sounds like a complete waste of time to me. Not only in the money they invested but the fact that the time they spent going to school could have been spent instead working full time straight out of highschool and they would be in a better position financially.

>user, countries that are bad are full of low IQ brown people,
average IQ in Ukraine is 98 and they have a standard of living lower than some sub saharan African countries.

all that sounds like to me is that in terms of probability going to college is unlikely to help an individual. its just a thing people collectively do mostly for the benefit or large companies.

>countries that are bad are full of low IQ brown people
even following your racist destraction tactic, the logic doesn't follow.
if they are so full of low iq people why were companies begging all this time to import them? claiming that the us simply "ran out of workers"

...because of communism. See how that works?

when I went and got an engineering degree and then left and got a job paying 80k immediately

the soviet union was dissolved almost 30 years ago

I got an engineering degree and struggled to find minimum wage work

Should give you an idea of how bad communism is then

A lot of universities are there for the money but even then, you get some degree of priceless education, that's not pointless at all.

It's always lovely to hear someone with actual education sharing their opinion, building an argument, engaging in discussion

>Connections matter more.
No, genetics do.

>The college meme is just some thing the rich tell everyone to trick the american public into thinking social mobility is a real thing.
No, the "everybody has to go college" meme was invented by upper-middle class college graduates who want to pretend that the reason middle and lower-middle class people aren't going to college and believe it's a scam isn't because they simply aren't blessed with the genetics necessary for college but fundamentally evil people who refuse to abandon their racism, sexism, xenophobia and all other bigotries so they can not feel guilty about being the winners of both the "genetic lottery" AND the modern post-industrial economy and also more easily oppress, slander and mistreat said people when they reasonably protest their situation.

Oh I do agree that too many people are going to college. But that doesn't change the fact that wages for non-college educated people have been declining while wages for college educated people have been increasing, and that is WITHOUT correcting for underemployed college graduates. The reality is sometime in the near future huge swathes of the American (and European, Russian, etc.) population are going to be left destitute and economically redundant and that is a huge tragedy

other countries within the former soviet block are doing just fine.

You literally provided arguments to debunk your very claim. University is a tool of social ascension, the same way basic education is. The more educated you are, the better chances you have in the competitiveness of the market.
When the only people who can afford University are rich folk, you are basically perpetuating inequality by giving the means to get richer only to those who are already rich. You are giving a huge middle finger to anyone who cannot afford University (aka poor people) and completely scything away one of the only chances they had of pursuing a better life: higher education.

So, to answer in few words:
> Why should Universities be free in the first place?
For the same reason why healthcare should be public: for the benefit of those who cannot afford. For a little bit of fairness in an unequal and unjust society.
For the poor, who are (that might surprise you) the majority of the people.

Read this post you dumb fucking retard.

You really had to take the discussion towards there, didn't you filthy poltard?
There are many East European slavic countries who are poor, undeveloped and violent, even with 98% of the population being white.