New people made my cutu collection more bigu

>new people made my cutu collection more bigu
Would you like to contribute to it user? Also do you collect something?

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killu ur selfu

kill yourself tranny. no one wants to talk to you.

>Would you like to contribute to it user?
I'm far to vain to ever do anything that would damage my bodies appearance

>Also do you collect something?
I collect coins, Roman and Greek are my favourite

Can you tell us more about yourself bigu digu? What do you look like?

based coin user

Fuck you scum of the world I hate you

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No u.
No u.
Cutu wouldn't damage your body. Collecting coins is nice desu.
Girls irl always rated me 7-8/10.
No u.

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See anons?
This is why all cults come here to recruit you, because you are dumb as.

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keep in mind that there are always people actively trying to track you down, as to have you put in jail.

I know this is supposed to be a harsh exposure but all it did was make my peepee twitch. .. . .

Keep dreaming. All people who tried for real to doxxu gave up, got found by me or didn't want to doxxu me anymore. Only people who try rn are edgy kids. Also why would I get jailed?

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oh look its this mentally ill pedo tranny groomer again. kill yourself

>no u

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Sure the damage would only be superficial but scars are ugly. Coins are definitely cool, got a 2000 year old coin from Pontus a few days ago.

it sounds like someone needs a good dicking. you must be pretty fucking lonely if this is what you resort to doing in your free time, fag.

Add me on discord bigu Doom#0681

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No u.
Cutu scars look beautiful in my opinion. 2000 year old coin is very old. How much did it cost?
I don't feel loneliness.
Addu me instead eeh I don't add people myself bc some people try to bait me in adding some people.

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so you're a dopamine junkie that feels nothing except for when he cooms then. not surprising.

Give me your discord bigudigu

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It's funny that you of all people call others "edgy kids"
kill yourself you piece of trash

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thanks for admitting to everything

Cringe, I only cumu like once in 5-8 weeksu.
A baka posted a picu about me with my tag on it here in thread.
Cringe tripfag.

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Ah I see you can't bring yourself to write it on here?

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13.1 iq

Not sure exactly how much this coin cost as it was a gift but I would guess between 50-100 pounds.

Jannies could ban me if they feel like it if I'd post discord tag.
Nice gift desu.

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you should be banned from the internet smart boy

>no u

Why should I get bannedu from the internet?

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Imagine cutting yourself because some psychopath on the internet told you to. it's over.

epic anime pfp pedophile you should hangu yourself when you get the chance.

Guys, i know you're all based and despise the ultimate faggotry that's the living garbage named OP, however, do not show hatred or disdain towards him.
It's pointless.
Just ignore him and if you can't resist posting, don't forget to sage.

If some richfag is so pissed off over his faggotry, i live in a neighbouring country. Doxx him, get his identity and pay me the travel fees and you won't ever hear about him.
Until then, just ignore.

Wouldu likeu tou endu youru uselessu lifeu

Faggy threadu, sage

or you could just hide his threads

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No u.
Kek you are an edgy person. You really are cringe and stop thinking you are someone important. Only persons who realistically had the chance to doxxu me gave up or stopped after I found out who bc of fear of getting doxxed themselves. You are just a very edgy loser powertripping over an unrealistic fantasy.
No u.

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If i had to hide all the retarded and histrionic threads on the chan nowadays, i would have maybe one thread popping up per week.


He can be your angle or yuor devel

>he cares about getting doxxed
>he thinks it's some unrealistic fantasy for a suicidal person to go kill some annoying fag
lol at ur life

Honestly you being shanked and dying in your own shit would be the greatest event in history. I applaud anyone that decides to put you down like the dog you are.