
>"Rape is the worst thing that can possibly happen to a woman, it's literally worse than death, women who are raped are forever scarred and will never get back what they lost, any man who rapes a woman deserves to be tortured and thrown in prison where he gets raped on a regular basis while all of his assets go to his victim to possibly compensate 1% of the pain and suffering she experienced at his hands."

Also women:
>don't even report 4/5th of the rapes that supposedly take place

It causes one to ponder, does it not?

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>rape always happens under the threat of death
Why didn't you choose to die if being raped is worse? Oh right, retarded bitch syndrome.

Its a VERY THICK AND STURDY tightrope they walk. Femoids eat that fear shit up and get wet off of it apparently. Too bad everyone else pays for it, right?

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Most of the times they get raped by a family member or a close friend, not a random fucker.

Its probably a hard thing to deal with, because maybe up to that point, you loved and trusted that person.
"Its was just the heat of the moment, he isnt that bad, men are like that..." and the like.

>women who are raped are forever scarred and will never get back what they lost
The only thing they lost are five minutes of time not getting fucked by Chad who was off getting sucked off by Stacey anyways.

No your supposed to screech like an autistic uncle about how no one wants to fuck you, what are you doing.

By not reporting it to the police they are directly conceding that it wasn't that bad, that it wasn't that big of a deal. If that's the case why do they screech constantly about how it's the worse thing in the world?

rape is just theft and should be treated as such.
roasties just mad they can't use sex as some sort of leverage
roasties also have no sympathy for men who are raped by women

rape is bad if you w onder anything else you are either a psychopath/sociopath or just uninitiated

this. withholding/giving sex to a man is literally the only power women hold.

a huge turn on for a woman is releasing a live bee into the room before fornication. it adds a level of danger that makes them aroused.

if for whatever reason you do not have a live bee, you can just tel her you think you saw a bee flying around. maybe bring up the bee again when youre halfway through. they go mental for this.

>It causes one to ponder, does it not?

Yeah, about what kind of environment they live in.

Let me remind you all, before talking bullshit about females and rape, that men can also be subject to rape.
How would you like to be forced onto sex by another? To be forcefully penetrated, to the point of tears, laceration and bleeding?
Would you like it?

>penetrated to the point of tears, laceration, and bleeding
You were warned about the barbs on a cat's penis but you still fucked it and now want to cry rape.

sex and sodomy are two different things. a fairer comparison would be to be raped by a woman. and im not sure you are ready for that answer.

the pic is incredibly BASED holy shit

>women can rape men



Rapes are often commited by people close to the rapee. They're usually trusted friends or family. They're often met with threats of harm to them or their families if they say anything and it's often the case that even if they do come out about it absolutely nothing can be done. They even run the risk of ruining relationships with those close to them because it will just be their word against the rapists

The reality is reporting it can be more trouble to your psyche than it's worth, especially if your rapist just walks which isn't even uncommon

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it's because going to court is an ordeal and it's much easier to just go to therapy for PTSD and avoid the rapist than to go to court and get cross examined by your rapist's lawyer
and the rapist is very very unlikely to be convicted anyways unless you were lucky and it got caught on tape. in most cases it isn't worth it unfortunately

I was molested as a child and I've never reported it because I don't want to deal with all that bullshit so I can sympathize

Yes they can. A warrior kid acting though on the internet like you wouldn't know about it.

That's pretty interesting ngl

A lot of times women know it would only make things worse. From getting a good beating to ostracized by your own family, or as is now fashionable to do by the incels, claiming she's lying and destroying her life too. Even when it's a random guy she's unrelated with raping her, with denouncing she carries the stigma that here is called "used goods", hell, if she gets pregnant from it a lot of people think she should even have the child ffs.

Trying to think in a similar example for males but not coming with much, maybe when you're fucked on a job you really need to maintain or something like that, nothing really comes close.

>can't let men get sex for free or we'd lose our power over them.

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I was raped when I was 17 and didn't tell anyone till I was 21 while uncontrollably sobbing like a little bitch.
rape is hard on the mind, raping is not like sex, rape is like murder, like torturing, it has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with control and fear. I felt like I was some kitty being cut into pieces with knives by a psychopath.
After everything was done I just felt a heavier load on me than the man itself raping me, I can still hear its voice, feel its hands around my neck, I can still hear my own sobbing.
One day I tried to kill myself by jumping from the tallest building I could find after I started having flashbacks out of nowhere in class, the only thing that stopped me was a janitor who told me that the roof was off limits.
If you think rape is not serious please seek help, I wonder how many times my rapist says the exact same thing to sleep at night.

Damn thats hot

> What about rape against men?
> No that doesn't count
This was your answer. It's pathetic. "Sodomy" is a nice word, user. Did you know what it originally meant? Did you have the slightest idea that rape was also considered sodomy in biblical times?
Your ignorance is showing,and I don't know what I expected from someone advocating rape.

I've become more violent since that day, less likable and more defensive. I was filled with joy and hope and that motherfucker turned every bit of hope I had into fear, nowadays I just want everything to stay the same, I want to stay home and never meet new people, i want to be safe. Knowing there's a 1/100th chance of it happening again is enough for me to never go out, the chances are too big.
I had to give my cat on adoption because I became more violent, trashing everything every now and then, I could see the fear in my cat's eyes and I just couldn't stand it, his fear made me more violent.
My soul was poisoned and I don't know what's the cure for this

i could use better words if you like?
getting fucked in the ass and getting fucked in the vagina are not even remotely comparable. the vagina is literally made for sex. and the idea of consent is such an incredibly blurry concept when you consider how easily women are manipulated. how many times have you had to convince your girlfriend to have sex? do you consider that rape too? what would happen if you stopped trying to convince her? nothing good i imagine.

im not advocating rape is okay, i dont know where you got that idea from.

I've always kinda wondered what women's problems with PUAs are. Most stuff I've seen about them is just seething about how "manipulative" it is, but if it's so easily spotted and identifiable, then what's the issue?

how are you going to deny this one user
>inb4 deserved it
yes but still cannot disprove that men can be raped by women

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Aw, did you go to a party in a short skirt and high heels and drink a little too much? Poor thing. Youll tell me you werent asking for it too, i bet. Even though you led him on. You knew what you were doing. Maybe find a nice guy and trust him a bit. Hes probably not going to be as handsome as your rapist. I wonder which man you would prefer. Kidding, I already know the answer.

Absolutely fucking based in a very ori way

man who needs to waste money on a new TV when people like this can project so effectively

True. If her rapist was handsome she probably wouldnt be so beat up over it.

Holy shit, is this what a female Chad looks like?

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jesus christ, what an edgelord. I was raped in the parking lot of a stadium in broad daylight by a middle aged bald man.
drown in your own blood you sad excuse of a rapist, at least my rapist didn't intoxicated me to do it, You're such a little wimp that you had to go through to all that hassle to rape your first victim. What a fucking idiot

Bro that is a dream holy fuck

They know to guard themselves against PUAs means to develop a wide mistrust on men, and are too nice to make that tradeoff. They like men, want a relationship and unlike us who are emotionally retarded, they fully understand the need to make yourself vulnerable for the relationship to go forward.

God I wish that were origintastically me

> Backpedaling in a literal pro rape thread
Have the guts to own up to your bullshit at least.
You are so fucking ignorant about the vagina, probably because you are a virgin, that you fail to realize that the vagina is not constantly lubricated 24/7. Only if the woman is aroused or stimulated. The number one medical consequence of rape is precisely vaginal tears because of that. If you manage to have sex with a girl at some point in your life, you will notice the foremost need of foreplay for that reason. Shoving a dick straightforward into a dry vagina can be as painful as anal penetration. So yes, anal rape is very much comparable to vagina rape. Not to mention the amount of women that were raped both anally and vaginally.
To top all that, there is the disgust, the fear, the humiliation, the degradation, the violation, all those aspects are concurrent to both male and female rape. So yes, it is a very fair comparative, you are just trying to dismiss male rape entirely because you are a pervert freak who don't want to be reminded that men can be raped to so you don't have to admit that rape is a vile, heinous crime and your virginity and robotdom made you so desperately sick in the head that you trying some twisted mental gymnastics to justify doing it, probably because rape is the only way you could ever get sex with a girl.
Seek help, depraved bastard.

fell for the old candy in the van trick huh?

not eating for several days would suck pretty hard

and then femoids want to sayu how women can be lonely
not as lonely to want to get raped, but yeah definitely lonely depression me cry cut myself :((( is not wanting attention for being less than average f*male