Is self-improvement just a complete fucking lie?
Look at the left man in picture. He's clearly masculine and hot completely irrelevant of fat or muscle.
I remember how tall, good-faced boys in school scored girls even if he was a fat fuck.
Is self-improvement just a complete fucking lie?
Look at the left man in picture. He's clearly masculine and hot completely irrelevant of fat or muscle.
I remember how tall, good-faced boys in school scored girls even if he was a fat fuck.
y dont the the one on the right just be themself tho
Vertical forehead means you have a developed prefrontal cortex, occiput means you have neanderthal dna.
the entire thought that a socially rejected freak could ever "change themselves" to be accepted by others is absurd.
Just saying but it doesn't matter if you have "muh warrior skull" If you have a munted face from the front. Faces like the ones are left only happens if you are a mouth breather i think.
t. Warrior skull munt
one on the right* originallo
This is unironically my head
So much easier to blame your failures on things beyond your control, aka your genes.
It will sound like a surprise for many of you, but not every ugly men is a social outcast. In fact, your bigger problem is the demons you carry inside your head rather than the aesthetics of your shell. Your inability to see that is the reason why so many of you would still fail socially, romantically and would fall into robotdom even if you were normal or slightly good looking.
I know I will be hearing this mantra from every normie until I am dead.
I know for a fact you're dead-fucking wrong. Lazy and fat fucks with better heights, frames and faces have enjoyed 100-fold amount of social success to mine with no fucking effort. I just don't give a fuck at this point. All of my efforts have been for nothing.
Self-improvement only works if you have chad potential to begin with (tall, jawline, strong chin). Otherwise, it's a meme.
tfw i got a stupid fucking masc brow bone, jaw, and roman nose as a tranny. what kind of sick joke is god playing on me?
>Self-improvement only works if you have chad potential to begin with (tall, jawline, strong chin).
exactly. all of the positive examples about self-improvement you'll come across in media are about men with good underlying bones.
The only success you would objectively experience if you were put in a handsome body but kept the same soul, is sexual success because you'd experience female interest in first hand, and you could lead girls that were solely interested in sex to bed before they had the time to figure out the piece of shit you are.
And even so that would only work if you were very handsome. Apart from that, a beautiful face wouldn't change your defeatist, bitter, jealous, misanthropic attitude that would certainly push everyone away from you the moment they got to see that behind the beautiful mask there was a shallow, toxic and mentally ill robot. Those are the reasons of your solitude and melancholy. Not your face. How many hours per day you spend on the internet? How much if the real world you get to see? When was the last time you took a walk out there, and actually observed the people around you?
Do this exercise, for your own mental health. Take a walk after the corona outbreak, and watch other people, the normal people, the daily people that share the earth with you, and be baffled to realize that most of them are not like the Instagram hotties or the models whose pictures you keep collecting in your computer to torture yourself and prove a point to anyone but yourself. The people out there look nothing like models or celebrities. They are ordinary folk who look very much like you and me, unattractive to say the least, and they are out there, living their lives and facing their hardships while you are crying here like a whiny baby because you weren't born handsome. Get over it, you manchild. You aren't a teenager any longer, the face you have is the face you got, and you either learn to live the best possible life with it, or spent the rest of your youth wallowing in self pity about how unfair life is.
I look like the guy on the left. Hasn't gotten me shit.
I'm not that ugly but I'm 5'4 I feel like I'm fucked.
I actually look A LOT like the dude on the left.
I'm just fat as fuck and not very tall (5'9)
>It's just your personality!
Women don't give two shits about personality. I don't even care about relationships at this point but that's just fucking dumb.
you aren't a normie, you're a loser tool that has to resort to larping as a normie because your life is so empty you have to come here and post garbage like this. you think you're hard hitting and insulting but you mostly come off as an edgy teenager that still rages at call of duty
I have pretty much all the warrior traits except the back of my skull looks more like the one on the right. I've also never been desired by women.
Is the back of the skull the key? Or is it just because I'm like 5'6"?
unironically right gets more girls
guys with big chins are considered warrior class, while chinlets are generally rich aristocrats. all around the world, chinlet genes are far more common and have far more reproductive success.
not even a chinlet myself, but guys with warrior genes are usually mogged in real life. enjoy a career in car repair.
put it to the test bro. see if a woman reacts differently if you punch her in the mouth vs telling a good joke.
plenty of women love abusive partners :)
You believe so much in phrenology I'm starting to think I would be able to steal your money selling you some placebo for your cranium
i thought your species don't believe that women care about personality? abusiveness is a personality trait.
We both have assholes. We can fight the chads on an even playing field by seeking into their homes and pooping on all their toilet paper.
that is the one area where i do agree personality matters, women prefer abusive psychopaths
it really is easy to get a girl to love you.
bad example
scores of women would fuck michael cera and think hes an absolute qt
I was once told I look like Michael Cera and scores of women are not flocking to fuck me... oh yeah I'm not a millionaire movie star. oh well. Nick and norah was a great movie
But the guy on the left is ugly too?