alright robots, this is OC and I just netted myself my first real girlfriend (she's a normie and she's CUTE) at 20 as a virgin literally like two hours ago here's how it happened & what I learned
this place has comforted me immensely over the years so I want to do my part to give back
>we met IRL and thought she was attractive off the bat, she did too but only clued me in twice over the course of a month and a half, but I didn't know I 'liked' her
>I think the reason it was so successful was we were in each others' DMs right off the bat -- facebook messenger, snapchat, and instagram
>I didn't play fake because she knew me from juuuust before I caught feelings and I was just myself the whole time, straight up
>we cycled all three with DMs and ended up talking all the time
>we both started liking each other at around the same time, when we started talking over DMs often, but I had no clue (this was about a month ago)
>we ramped up to talking CONSTANTLY, I mean literally all the time, through nights and like 10 hours a day back and forth sometimes
>I dropped (shy) hints that I was interested in her and she dropped hints that I couldn't tell were just friendly-flirty or genuine, again, no clue on my end
>I did sort of fuck up though by never telling her I found her cute, that was a mistake I later realized (as hard as it was at the time to say aloud)
>Just a week ago, I realized I liked her a lot and forced myself to not be nihilistic about it just because I was otherwise unsuccessful with women, I told myself I liked her and I was GOING to pursue her
>at some point while we were chatting at night I started dropping a couple hearts here and there in our DMs (not liking a message on FB, but like hitting them with the ) here and there in a flirty way
>they reciprocated and I was like 70% sure she liked me but I have massive insecurities so I wasn't sure
>but I pushed forward and started suggesting all sorts of hypothetical things we could do together -- if she didn't involve friends, they were dates -- she never did so I figured she was comfortable w me
>probably the most telling was me and her were sharing 'good morning!' and 'good night!' messages, I felt like that couldn't be a friend thing if she was doing it daily & willingly on her end
>at a certain point, tonight, I was so insanely pent up with not knowing whether or not she felt the same that I figured out I had to tell her
>there was a LOT on the line here, I had made tons of plans with her that would be completely fucked if things got weird but I HAD to know
>so I asked her out over text, real short and simple, told her I liked her and had feelings for her and asked her how she felt
>Quarantine made asking out a girl hard, bots. If you're not stuck in quarantine like me I'm gonna say ask for date (that you specify is a date).[/spoilers]
>she said yes and we talked all night about this, and I discussed my clues and her clues with her, and the journeys we went on behind the scenes, and now I'm happy as fuck
but I'm not here to rub this in your faces, I'm here to show you what I learned -- what DID I learn here?
>girls can like you and just not show it at all. I mean at all. Whatever clues they think they're dropping it will most likely come off as a friendly gesture (I have other reasons to double-verify this)
>this is especially hard because a lot of the clues they drop don't work how they intend. Doing something they usually don't do for other people is a common one, but it lacks context because you only talk to them and don't observe them 24/7.
>the biggest and most glaring clue is that they fucking talk to you all the time and respond to all your shit, this is obvious as shit in hindsight but you miss it in the moment -- if you think it's too much effort to devote a single friend, even a best friend, it's because it is, dumbass! (I wish I could tell myself this in the past)
>talk to HER, don't wait to be talked TO (a huge mistake I've admittedly made)
>bee yorself (alright I know you guys hate this shit but if they entertain your weirdness, then they like you and that's a green light)
>even if they get jealous about other girls they will NOT let you know, so don't dangle that as a way to find out
>you HAVE to go out of your comfort zone and test the waters or shit-all will change. I don't give a fuck if you're trembling sending that snap where you say she's cute casually, just do it or she won't pick it up
>they will never ask you out, they just won't -- you'd think girls who REALLY like you would confess their feelings but apparently not -- that's up to YOU compadre
>worrying about if they like someone else is meaningless -- even if dudes ask them out all the time (happened constantly for my gf), even if you're not sure you're their type, it's all bullshit you just have to ACT
>& act SOON, don't stretch it out, if they're cute enough for you they're cute enough for any dude to come charm her
I'll be here to elaborate if need be
Ugh...! Twenty words or less. No one cares about your blog post. /-:
I'll screencap this and post it to /r/Yas Forums, they will probably like it there because it's rambling garbage nobody cares about.
this is not a bragpost, this is advice & insight. Anyone who wants a cute normie gf can follow , you don't have to come here and complain about it.
Exactly...! O:
>Ugh why won't you guys just take my advice. My doesn't anyone like my shitty thread.
Fuck you OP
read the first 2.
thank you for your effort op but you never really had any kind of problems people here have.
>got her facebook dms etcetc
most here are so autistic, like me, who either cant talk to a girl irl or not even online so we already fail before we began.
Thanks for your support user! Why don't we sit together and shitpost in this thread, while never reading what the OP has wrote. Ahhhh, nice and comfy.
>this is not a bragpost
Nobody said it was, foolish OP. It's just plain old crap. Don't take it too personally though. Think of it as a learning experience!
Ah yes. Watching this board everyday getting more infested with normie and cyborgs every moment.
>most here are so autistic, like me, who either cant talk to a girl irl or not even online so we already fail before we began.
I'm sorry to hear this but I've dug myself out of this hole so I know you can too, just four years ago I had crippling anxiety when talking to women, it's sort of how I stayed a virgin this long
I traced it back to me just not liking myself and worked on it. Mainly, for me, it was image issues. I ended up working on my appearance by working out and styling myself until I could start liking myself, then slowly building confidence to talk to most men out of the blue, then, slowly, women. That's the sparknotes version of it anyway
Now, I don't know what kind of issues you have in your own life so I can't help you fix them, but what I can tell you is that there is a way out of that hole because I'd found it
But obviously if you have some sort of crippling disorder or social handicap that I can't even imagine, then plainly this thread isn't for you, this is for those robots who are like me (and I've talked to previously over the years) and suffer from intense confidence issues, and don't know how to flirt with women, but can still talk to them at least somewhat -- well, not yet anyway
but I believe in you, robot!
user if most of us could even get to the point where we're conversating with a normfem we wouldn't be here. This really isn't groundbreaking.
>we met
How did you do that? I don't know how to meet women so leaving out that important piece of information means you're not really "giving back" since you're not explaining fuckall.
DLDR "just bee urself bro". fuck yourself back to re*It
>has very minor anxiety
>thinks he is a robot
is it summer already?
Sorry dude, wordcounts.
Met through a class I attend at my university, just like you would meet any person at my age. I'd say the main other way I've met women is through student clubs, which again, is like meeting any person.
The point is it's anywhere that you can meet them and repeatedly meet them in the future. You could literally sign up for a zumba class and meet women. Or go to a bar. It doesn't matter, my point was moreso that you have to initially talk to them, then keep in touch outside of the setting.
If you are unable to talk to women in a public setting, at all, then refer to robots need advice too, user
Ah yes, be yourself, the ultimate catch-all
Dude, legit, there is nothing else to it other than being yourself.
>Met through a class I attend at my university
Wow, that's super fucking useful. When I went to trade school literally all my classmates were men, and I am in the work force now.
>has snapchat, Instagram, facebook
You're sociable and attractive enough, should've ended the post there.
>even if they get jealous about other girls
This is the true icing on the cake kek
If you think people here have multiple girls pining after them you've truly missed your exit and should've gotten off at /Soc/ Central.
>You could literally sign up for a zumba class and meet women. Or go to a bar.
user... why are you here?
That's what I do but I'm boring and suck.
>robots need advice too
there is nothing in your posts that can be interpreted as advice what happened to you is VERY situational and really would only help someone in your exact situation. and your neurotypical most robots aren't.
>Just be physically attractive
>Be in college
>Don't be horribly isolated from society
Wow OP these are such revelations. We've never heard anything like this before.
>Ugh...! Twenty words or less. No one cares about your blog post. /-:
why do you type like that
trade school is based
because trannyspeak
>Using facebook
I think it holds up, I've seen no argument against my use of it.
>inb4 "but nobody likes me when I'm myself"
then you have bigger fish to fry. This is as a method of recognizing a girl is into you not as a "dude lmao she'll fall for you if you're yourself and have nothing else to offer".
Also, this is advice for catching a gf who will most likely stay with you, not trying to hook up a few times with a girl on tinder
I know you're just being hostile, but read the next few sentences.
>You're sociable and attractive enough, should've ended the post there. (also to )
This is fair but I've been a baseline of both for years and it's gotten me a net 0 of women until today
It's not enough and there is more to the puzzle, which I think I've laid out here
>This is the true icing on the cake kek
this is fair but I explained it poorly desu. Not so much "oh, so and so girl is into me", because you wouldn't know that. More like, talking about other women you've been around and talking to frequently or whatever. Point being I always thought it would work and it got me jack shit.
These are places where human beings congregate periodically.
lmao I actually agree on this, I wouldn't let zucc succ my data if I didn't need it for uni
The hardest part is getting a female in your DM, I don't even have any internet friends or presence really, Yas Forums is the only site I post in regularly
no one cares, you are cringy and annoying, eat shit and die
Your unhelpful "advice" continues on talking about classes and then veers into bars (which is not somewhere you will meet a good woman, obviously). I am not being hostile, you are being a shitposter.