His dick is below 17cm

>his dick is below 17cm
and yes, I know the average is like 15cm but I think I can do better than a 5/10

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By the time you see it, I will get it wet one way or another.

fun fact:
you can't.
sorry, that fact isn't fun at all.

>tfw 12x9
>every relationship got ruined after having sex

That's comically large. Condolences, bro; I bet guys hate you and women fear you.

how the fuck do you even get 9cm girth lol

>i only date men with 20+ cm dicks
>ow aaaaw don't do that
>come on i'm alive down there
>can we try doggy
>i'll just suck you off and pose with it against my head for the photo is that ok

every fucking time

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I hate to break this to you smallbois, but anything under 7 inches (~18 cm) is considered micropenis, clinically speaking.

>Tfw just wondering what compels some 15 year old kid to type this up at an ungodly time of the hour disappointing his parents with every waking moment

>i'll just suck you off and pose with it against my head for the photo is that ok
>pose with it against my head for the photo
>for the photo

fucking trophies, man
they collect them

>ywn be someone's trophy

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Wow. Especially after they weren't able to properly take it.
Those women are trash.

to the incels ITT, the vagina can expend when sexually aroused, if they can't take it properly it's your fault

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i just want to be hugging a qt a head shorter than me while being balls deep in her, is that too much to ask?

Cm. Guys laugh at me and women hate me
I don't know. My guess is I had a dick operation around the age 12 (they literally split it open to make a new hole location) and it prevented it from growing

>Hasn't gotten the hint that most of this site is either openly gay or aggressively closeted

They don't care. Stop posting cartoon reaction pics, get your life in order.

>Stop posting cartoon reaction pics, get your life in order.
lol what

He's trying to tell you that posting a cartoon reaction pic is some faggot shit

well you see, I'm a female(female) so I don't really care

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so he was right about you being a faggot

Then you and your cartoon reaction images need to fuck off altogether.

>I'm a woman on r9k at this time of day getting 14 year old mentally ill boys goats

Yes, you're a loser.

Sounds pretty basic. Best pleasure is mental pleasure.

it's 10:08 where I live and it's not like I have anything to do anyway lol

reminder, women reject men just for fun and to hurt them because they're deeply fucked up as well they just have more power

fuck this stupid fucking image that's being posted 20 times a day
if i ever see the girl who made this retarded picture i will actually commit homicide

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at this point i've developed a ED where no matter how hard i get, the dick shrinks the second it gets close to a vagina
thanks tinder, should have just sat alone being an invisible disappointment that i am without getting any ideas about that ever changing

be my gf?
I have been muted for 4 seconds because my comment was not original

no way I'm going to date someone from Yas Forums lol

hi man, you're on Yas Forums just as well

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>tfw 6.5x5.5
>posted in a dick rate thread and got this
Feels good, anons. We really are all gonna make it.

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what the hell are cm

>tfw 17.5cm
see ya later virgins

cm stands for cute males

doubt it, and circumcised dicks are a nono

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