Tfw no aspie gf
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She looks like a tennis player for the special olympics
This bitch isn't really autistic she is just a teenage attention whore.
This skirt is a little too short for my taste.
The sad truth is that she won't want you
Got more pictures of her?
she bates 24/7
How many thousands of orbiters do you think this girl has after appearing on Special Kids? I wonder how many of them are HNW (high net worth)
Holy shit this. I hate my life but I'm gonna go fap more to get over it.
Fuck all
Everyone involved knows they gave bith to a niche ewhore. Too bad shes too obnoxious and breaks character
She's 16 you nonces
Is she still around making videos and scuff? I only know her from SBSK
I feel like she was a high school senior unless I just imagined that.
nigga who cares that's legal in most places
her panties are constantly soaked
Interview with her.
do what the fuck is autism anyway? I can see the ADHD come through, but wtf is autism? She just seems random and lacks concentration. Didn't seem to have any issues with talking
Autism isn't an issue talking it's usually understanding emotion or social etiquette, you can be, and a lot of autists are very social. Even if you have to explain to them why something is not supposed to be said or done, which to most people is common sense, they don't have that.
Autismos have trouble understanding other humans intuitively in the way normal people can, they don't 'get' things body language, eye contact, tones of voice. They can be pretty normal, but they have to be taught how to be normal in the same way you would teach a kid maths or something, otherwise they can end up being very socially inappropriate. They won't just pick it up naturally.
Like they might inadvertently say something that really hurts someones feelings and they would have no idea what they did wrong, why it's wrong or even that the person's feelings were hurt despite them showing it on their face or in their voice or body language, because they don't recognize the same social cues normal people do.
She is hot and your not and that is just the way it is get a grip She probably has a crush on a popular guy in her class not you with the dirty shirt and fat body just cause she is an auspie doesnt mean she wants you
God she is hot. How do I waifu her? Imagine her unshaven anus and vagina. The smell
warning, faggot detected, weee oooo weee oooo
I'm high net worth and I'd orbit her.
I think she shaves
she's a weird autist she probably wouldn't even shower unless her parents forced her to
Who is this girl? She famous?
nah she has a shaved snapper
You clearly just want a Stacy who you think would be easier to get. Kill yourself
Tahlia why so spiteful today?
>You clearly just want a Stacy who you think would be easier to get.
What's wrong with that exactly?
jesus christ lads, she's so fucking hot. i wood berry my nose in her pussy and just inhale for days
bet her pussy is tight as fuck too
the amount she fingers, it's probably loose