Just went out in public wearing nail polish for the first time!

Just went out in public wearing nail polish for the first time!
Feels good knowing that I have the confidence now to be able to do things like that :)

Attached: notme.jpg (750x862, 96.43K)

I feel great too knowing a tranny like you is going outside during a pandemic
Have fun dying

Are your parents proud of you?

I'm a healthy young male with no underlying health conditions, I'm very unlikely to die from COVID
yes, I have a great relationship with my parents and family in general

proud of you user, but remember to social distance so you dont get sick ^^

did you just enter your emo phase or something?

Are you trying to appear more feminine or is it just because you like the aesthetic?

Unless you are a goth or black metal musician you are a faggot.


stay male, dont take the pill. i hope you are at least this reasonable

I'm very happy being male. I never want to transition

Don't you have some mentally ill teens to groom on discord?

okay thats good. dont fall for the memes
what do you look like? guys with nail polish normally dont look that well

giant kek. love u based tranny basher.

I'm a femboy, I like to crossdress and stuff when I'm at home or with my bf but I generally present male in public so now I'm just working to be a little more fem in the real world.
>t. guy with 20GB loli folder on his hard drive

thank you user, i just do my part to keep people from making unreasonable or uninformed decisions

thats fair, whatever you do in the bedroom is up to you. careful with taking it outside, theres a fine line between looking okay and looking like a fool

I can understand why somebody may think that I am making a mistake by choosing to present myself in a more feminine way publicly. I think that you're just trying to help and you're trying to stop me from shaming myself and putting myself in potentially vulnerable situations and I appreciate that. I'm not stupid or lack self-awareness and I know when I'm crossing social boundaries that are aught not to be crossed. I'm just happy to have made a small step today towards presenting myself to the world as I feel more generally in the privacy of my own home. Thanks though user for looking out for me and not just being straight up rude or hateful about it

>Everyone on Yas Forums likes lolis
I'm more into big tiddy mommy gf's. But I wouldn't expect a coom drinking tranny like you to know that.

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i like big tiddy mommies too so we can both at least agree on that

no problem user, glad we can talk without being cunts to each other. have fun with it, black is definitely the most stylish color and goes well many more looks and is by far the most acceptable one to wear

You might be a tranny degenerate but at least you got some good taste I hope that your stdd related death is painless

are you seriously viewing this as an achievement? do you legit feel brave?

seriously, I'm just curious about the level of delusion you people are in

>do you legit feel brave?
it's a scary thing to do for the first time

I'm proud of you user! Orginelally

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Literally no one cares if you wear nail polish

>tfw no big mean user to bully me because of my black nail polish and lip ring :(

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Wow, just like John Romero.

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men wear nail polish all the time, don't they?

only faggots, what country are you from?

Hey OP, do what makes you feel comfortable. Getting tattoos, piercings, and painting my nails makes me feel comfortable in my skin. No reason you can't paint the vehicle of your soul.