What would you give up if you had to

what would you give up if you had to
porn or meat?

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Porn, though it's hard to think people actually up both and think they're doing the "right thing"

>give up meat
>continue using porn
Sounds like good way to destroy any testosterone you had left

porn obviously, i'm not some type of faggot or vegan hipster, so why would i give up meat?

I gave up both years ago

meat was fairly easy to give up. i assume you mean animal meat, i still eat veggie dogs and vegan ground beef occasionally, maybe 2-3 times a month

porn is virtually impossible to give up, i stopped trying years ago. believe me, i would if i could, but i simply cannot

Already gave up meat desu, it's piss easy unless you have literally no willpower.

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Ah, that's a sad photo. He looked so happy. It's pretty shameful to dance on his grave like that.

It is, but it's why he has no friends and he's still a virgin.

Assuming I could still masturbate.

Meat can be positive and it's really tasty, but porn just ruins the brain.

Porn is of my choosing.

as long as your thoughts are not too pornographic

He looked like a smelly kike


I can easily masturbate using my imagination, I cant do the same and imagine Im eating steak.

Give up porn, easy. I can still nut to fully clothed women if need be and I would spend substantially less time masturbating as a whole because it would be less accessible and more a need-based thing. Meat is delicious and is a big part of my diet, I don't know how I'd survive without it.

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meat is pretty nasty anyway. if i gave up porn id have to give up drawing too since i draw porn.

sometimes the act of jerking off and visualising myself cumming is enough

I would give up meat, I'm not dependent on it and dont make it my personality

I think porn being part of your personality is kind of unhealthy user

> eating meat being part of your personality

What kind of basic retard does this? Ive never met a single one.

porn. i can always get laid but vegmeat will never satisfy me

Porn. I can masturbate very easily using just my imagination, would definitely be healthier for me mentally than giving up meat and losing out on testosterone

By making meat your personality I mean anti vegans who eat meat and complain about veganism, most of them are meat industry members but I have seen regular people do it too

>he's capable of drawing
>all he can imagine drawing is porn
That's rather sad actually.

I do it in hopes I can one day make money off of coomers

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I mean, you probably should do this for money.
But also draw something non sexual every once in a while. I wish I could draw but I'm shit and hardly improve no matter how much I try.

I'm literal ass at it, but if I stick to one painting for a few hours eventually it comes together...1000 layers later

Maybe I just have high expectations of myself but I always end up frustrated.

You know, the pharmacies are still open if you wanna get your meds.


When a 5 year old says something random do you get scared of them and think they're schizophrenic? Because you better not have kids then

meat, that way I'll die of cancer instead of heart disease

meat, cant be happy without my pork bellies

porn desu
meat is good

oh fuck i forgot im retarded, i meant porn