On r9k and a host of other boards, anons just say "yeah i had an ex like that i miss her bros she's with chad now", "too bad the bitch dumped me and blocked me on all social media fuck knows what shes doing now"
And they say these things like it's no big deal to lose a relationship. If the men here were true mentally ill unstable autists or incels and men with no options, they would leap on that one relationship and go absolutely bat shit if it ended. They would be stalking the girl, breaking down the girls door, bombarding her with messages, etc. Yet we don't see this. We seen men who have had one brief relationship or crush and when it ends they seem to be perfectly fine with it. No anger or creepiness there at all.
Why are the mentally ill and unstable and insecure men that are supposedly all over Yas Forums handling the end of relationships in this manner?
Because most of them are normalfags trying to fit in here but don't belong. I had a LDR relationship and after it ended I doxxed her, swatted her, made fake social media accounts with her nudes and sent them to her new boyfriend among many other things pretending we were still dating with photoshopped screenshots which led to them breaking up. That's only the tip of the iceberg, despite us being continents apart she was looking into getting the police involved over it the last time we chatted and has since hidden all of her social media accounts and changed her numbers. I don't think I'll ever forget her, even though I don't love her anymore, I want to see her in pain both physically and mentally for leaving me.
>They would be stalking the girl, breaking down the girls door, bombarding her with messages, etc Do you see any of that shit working for getting her back and leading to a happy future together? Yeah me neither. Anger is there, but you are better off fermenting it into bitterness and use it to inoculate yourself from falling for the next time you hear a batch of sweet lies. Which does honestly not work either. You always think the next girl is 'different', lel
Christian Ward
Breaking up isnt a big deal tho. I dumped girls before too
Jacob Bailey
I would just accept she wasn't the right one for me and move on. I'm technically mentally ill, as I was diagnosed with depression by a professional and never got it treated.
Being mentally ill just means your way of thinking inhibits your ability to function in society to some degree, which is arbitrarily determined by others.
Benjamin Gomez
becuase i was already depressed also it was online so it wasnt real anyway
Carter Hughes
not killing yourself over a ho is based and redpilled
Jason Taylor
"Men" on Yas Forums have changed over the years. From 2010-2013 I met a lot of professional, well rounded, nerdy guys here; usually 28+. Since the election this website seems to be inhabited exclusively by low IQ coomer zoomers or failure boomers who talk shit about women all day only to turn around and send them actual money for feet pics. Even if they don't pay for camwhores they spend hours posting random gossip about underage e-thots like little high school girls. Just because they aren't killing their exes doesn't mean they aren't mentally ill.
Gavin Rivera
I've done something similar to 3 girls.
One in particular got it really bad: I sent her nudes, including videos, to her parents on facebook. I pretended to be 37 (she was 18, I was actually 22) and I told them "this is what your daughter does with older men online, she lied to me and told me she was 26, I'm sorry you have to see this but I'm very concerned for her" or something along those lines. She disappeared from the internet overnight.
I make it very clear from the start that I'm not forgiving and I'm willing to go the extra mile to fuck with those that fuck with me. They chose to hurt me and there are consequences to that.
Most men on Yas Forums are financially successful in real life but come on here to be epic trolls, but they get genuine interest friends too. Yes they're internet trolls who make internet friends I dont know how it works.
They're stable irl but transform into insane stalkers online
Christian Barnes
>I make it very clear from the start that I'm not forgiving and I'm willing to go the extra mile to fuck with those that fuck with me. They chose to hurt me and there are consequences to that. Based dept is calling user
Things ended with my ex.. eh like 2 years ago maybe my memory isn't the best. Still not really over her but I wouldn't want to get back together with her either
Can't kill myself yet due to family, hurting her in any way seems stupid and a waste of time, I still care about her and would rather see her happy than hurt her
I certainly wouldn't say it's "no big deal" seeing as it's left me with a bunch of problems but nothing can be done without use of a time machine
Kevin Ward
>how come they don't go crazy when a girl dumps them?
Because I expect it to happen and I don't really care anymore, maybe the anti-depressants do work.
At least vidya and lifting weights won't abandon me.
Ryan Kelly
Most of these anons are talking about shit that happened years ago, you don't know what their reaction was at first. Fucking based.
Jace Sanders
because it's the default I'm used to it and expecting it I would be baffled to find a woman who wants to be with me. I would think there's something wrong with her.
Dylan Cooper
I mean... If a robot did actually get gf and got dumped, how would their reaction be any different than a normie's reaction? /:
Daniel Reyes
Because men cant love in the first place so its not a big deal to them. The only guys who get angry when a girl dumps them are narcissists i.e. guys who views their gfs as literal possessions and feel their possession has been stolen.
Matthew Wright
I noticed r9k is getting dumber and dumber over the years too.
Wyatt Smith
Simple. No one here gets a girlfriend. The only arrangements anyone gets here is when they pay for companionship. They're conditioned to accept they can find another roastie who will pay, that's why they don't get upset.
Also, kill yourself.
Jose Wright
Yeah, I noticed that too. I noticed middle class career men on here but now its women haters only
Julian Watson
no thats just you baka
Leo Lee
>Every person with a mental illness turns into a violent stalker upon being dumped. Learn about psychology before posting again.
Why does no one talk about how cute Bianca was? She had the cutest little face.
Ryan Ross
because they are mentally ill sperglords, they are better than anyone at living completely alone, fueled by nothing except this board and vidya.
>They would be stalking the girl, breaking down the girls door, bombarding her with messages, etc
the people of this board are absolute pussies, and would rather be alone than make contact with someone who probably doesn't want to see them. it takes a real fucking unstable Chad to do what you said
Both uncaring manwhore and yandere faggot are cringe attitudes The only based and robot way is to stop obsessing over pussy altogether and go monk mode for life
I had one of those exes and am unstable and deeply insecure, the insecurity part only arouse qfter the fact though. That's why it still eats me from the inside out almost 2 years later. What I'm I going to do though? I loved her so even if I've grown to hate it's only in the context of what was lost. I can't make her love me again and despite when that hurt manifests as anger or disgust hurting her wouldn't heal my wounds and would be an affront to the love i once had there or what the fuck am i supposed to do other than say it's some bullshit and leave it at that. No one cares or is going to comfort me, men are just expected to deal. The reality is when I say "fuck man, that's some bullshit. I've been there" I'm actually screaming internally and cycling through a dozen different emotional states some postive, some negative, before pushing it out of mind again. When I'm in town i both hope for and dread bumping into her and don't even know what I really want. I'm not ok and i don't think I'm ever really going to be but there are other people I care about so I have to pretend I am. The worst part is I was healing until she finally did reach out after almost a year only to stonewall me and remain completely closed emotionally refusing basic honesty. I lost all chance of closure that day and it was only the I started to hate and be disgusted be her as an individual rather than just the circumstances. I don't want her back, I just wish she was fucking sorry.
Jaxson Johnson
>they would leap on that one relationship and go absolutely bat shit if it ended. They would be stalking the girl, breaking down the girls door, bombarding her with messages, etc. Yet we don't see this What fucking world do you live in? It's a well known fact that this shit happens a lot.
I mean, I agree that the average dude doesn't do it, but it's still a common occurrence. Women do it just as much though.
Nathan Johnson
I have a crush on a girl I havent talked to in a year and a half I'm cyberstalking her as best I can It still kills me inside and will likely be the main contributing factor to my suicide, mainly because I just cannot get over her like I have with other girls before The ones you're describing are normalscum taking over the board. Robots are no longer the majority on Yas Forums
Liam Reyes
it's because Yas Forums is now normalfaggot teenagers whining about high school, social media, and text messages, jesus fucking christ I hate them all.
I have a good job and don't want to get me too by some dumb hoe. Plus doxxing someone is a lot of work and usually I like a lot of losers and ultimately destroy themselves in the end.