Tfw no bf to ask me how is my day and how I'm doing and clearly you robots don't care either to reply to my threads

tfw no bf to ask me how is my day and how I'm doing and clearly you robots don't care either to reply to my threads...

Its not fair.

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cxzcsdzfxgfhjkmnbnbvxc lol you will never get a boyfriend cuz ur gay

Nobody really cares about anyone else, it is best to just resign yourself to the fact that you only have yourself and anything else is a cope that will only lead to greater disappointment and then the same end result

I will be your friend since I can't be a boy and I'll ask you daily how you're doing and say good morning and goodnight to you

>one trillion replies to another bait thread written by a woman coming soon

I hope you have a bad day and touch and infected surface

Pls be a boy and in south us.

I would, if we become good friends user

if you live within 500 miles of nebraska I will give you a shot, but you don't live that close I can tell already

i wish i could care for other people. not being able to be empathetic is probably quite a sure way to get dumped

Well, OP? How was your day? You sound like you have a little story to tell.

>written by a woman
You're way too optimistic

You may say that but whenever I add people like you they get annoyed and fed up by me within days.
I'll start chat them when I see them come on like, ask how they are doing. When I see an interesting youtube video, I'll link it. Enjoyed playing a game, watching a movie or anime, I'll go tell them how I liked it and if they've seen it and what their thoughts were.
This might sound nice to you at the moment cause you're lonely and want attention but in a few days you're back in your daily routine and if someone messages you too much you'll get annoyed. That's just how it is, I've seen it happen way too often.
So often in fact that I've stopped doing it. I keep chatting with "friends" to a minimum unless they start the conversation or I know it pertains to their interest and even then I'll keep it short and go back to my things after a short exchange.

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Learn to have a conversation that isnt about yourself all the time retard

How is talking about an anime I watched talking about myself?

Does the person youre talking to care about anime or do you think theyre interested in it at all, or do you just fail to even attempt to find common ground with people and spam them with the mindless npc manchild bullshit that you waste your life consuming

Im not gay

Im not a boy tho

I'm not a boy but I live in europe

I hate life I was trying to bw positive abt day and this affected me so much ugh why am I so sensitive??!!

But I am one tho

Its same for me as well. Everyone just chats w me for one day then expects me to show tits

I was using my life as a method to converse sorry im bad at conversation

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Where in Europe? And trannies still count as boys

>I'm not a boy
die f*male.

>im sorry im bad at conversation
then fix it foidtard

Im not a tranny or a boy

ok wouldnt want a gay man like u either

ya maybe u should fix your language too

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>ya maybe u should fix your language too
caring this much about the words used by others is a sign of mental illness and this is a mental illness free board

Then why aren't you letting me be your bf? Or even a friend?

Well, where in Europe then? I won't bother talking to someone if there's no chance of meeting up irl.

Look I'm not stupid or autistic. Why would I talk about something I know the person isn't interested in.
If anything I ask to much about if they find X interesting. I'll link an interesting youtube video or a song and ask their thoughts on it. Putting it on people to then watch that, listen to it might be annoying I guess.
I generally just try to find a common ground though.

Maybe guys wouldn't ask for lewds if you weren't avatarfagging a submissive maid with a design that emphasizes her tits while flailing around the fact that you're "female".

Dropped. On a serious note I retract my bully reply, glad you arent a tard user

We can be friends if you want. But will you actually be a friend or will u just manipulate me?

I'm from Germany

I'm avatarfagging as a kind maid who can do housechores and cook yummy food and who is also emotionally sensitive.

The problem with men is that they always focus on looks instead of personality. This is legitimate proof

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You're sensitive because you care too much about what others think of you to the point of paranoia.

>But will you actually be a friend or will u just manipulate me?
How is it even possible to be manipulated by an Internet stranger

>I'm from Germany
Gut zu wissen, ich auch. Na, wie war dein Tag denn so?

How about you dont mention your gender then you fucktard junkie

Ya I am very emotionally sensitive to the point of paranoia. Any event can influence me greatly

idk? But I was manipulated 2 or 3 times...

War ok. Ich hab online unterricht in 10 minuten.

well how about u stop being a rude fucktard then?

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You're the manipulative one. You know exactly that "a kind maid who can do housechores and cook yummy food and who is also emotionally sensitive" is something very appealing to men. That behaviour just draws in lonely nerds who'll never score. You're offering that fantasy. You're waving it around until an idiot inevitably buys it.
Fantasizing about the perfect submissive maid in her skimpy outfit showing off her big breasts and cleavage in a sexual way is just what's gonna happen.
Don't use your feminine charm for attention and then act like a victim when men respond they way they are bound to respond.

then go get one wtf?

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Wenn du dich weiter unterhalten willst kannste mir hier deinen Discordnamen oder was auch immer schicken
[email protected]

Kill yourself discord tranny

everytime I ask a fembot how her day is doing she says nothing and continues to ghost me
I call bs

This, fuck you OP. I bet you're a BPD scum too, fucking emotional pitbull KYS.

Hier ich geb dir mal meinen weil ich bin der coolste in Yas Forums Doom#0281

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youre a fembot you would just cheat on someone nice and break their heart fuck off

I'll bite. If you really need a friend or someone to talk to I don't mind.

This lockdown is boring me too and it won't bother me if you're bating or trolling. Send your Discord name or whatever.

I literally did not think that far you did. Whats wrong with showing that I can cook? If I have a talent to cook and im a clean freak why do I not have the right to show it? You robots do it all the time with yout games and hobbies and I'm not allowed to show cooking is my hobby?

It was never sexual from the beginning. I just like rem because I identify myself with her. You simply think with your dick too much.

ya how about u get me one then wtf?

uhhh meine discord is riko-sama#6486

This doesn't exist with me unless you talk lewd shit constantly then I get annoyed and you are ghosted.

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Emotional pitbull. I like that.

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Ich hab dir grad meinen discord gegeben. Ich kann hoechstens RP. Ich mach witze aber wir koennen online freunde werden wenn du bock hast

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Discord tranny
Discord tranny
Discord tranny who cant speak Japanese

aren't you a gook who dated reiko?