>not a virgin(unless she is a widow)
>older than 27
>uses contraceptive drugs/device
>uses recreational drugs
>fat or underweight
>wants to go to university
>listens to hiphop/rap
>has dark skin
>has tattoos
>has piercings/body modifications(ears are fine, no loops)
>dyes her hair
>wears makeup
>has painted and/or fake nails
>eats fast food
>is an atheist
>is a liberal
>homophile friends
>whore friends
>speaks in ebonics/slang/bastardized English
>likes pitbulls
These are my red flags for females. What are your red flags for females?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck women.

you need to spend your time thinking about something more productive

I don't spend a lot of time thinking about women I don't like.

Don't you dare and bring KoTH into this skirmish, boy!

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>>uses contraceptive drugs/device
I'm legally required to take birth control to get my accutane prescription filled
also 10% of women have endometriosis which is treated with hormonal birth control
why on earth would this be a red flag?

>I'm legally required to take birth control to get my accutane prescription filled
>which is treated with hormonal birth control
falling for big pharma meme i see

I mean if you have other means of acquiring estrogen pills that don't involve big pharma feel free to let me know

Contraceptives damage reproductive health, sometimes even make women infertile. They're also an environmental hazard, since it can't be filtered out of public water. These significant problems are secondary though, I disregard women that use contraceptives because only a whore that has sex out of wedlock would have use for them. A woman that takes it to meet a legal requirement so she can get a skin cream just has misplaced priorities imo. She should have tried changing her diet or sheets or tried using soap.

why would you need estrogen pills, for one of those experimental drug treatments?

Also she could try being less vain. no one has perfect skin. Though a very profound skin condition would probably make me disregard a woman, that's just a eugenics thing. Even if she treated it, she still has those genes.

>has dark skin
I want to die

>She should have tried changing her diet or sheets or tried using soap.
Lmao if you think I didn't do all of that multiple times. I've used 3 different prescription soaps (sulfur, sulfur/sulfacetamide, and zinc pyrithione), I change my pillowcase every 2 days, I've tried keto and going vegan, nothing helped.
Accutane isn't a cream it's an oral medication and it's the last resort treatment for acne.

Also I'd love to see a source on contraceptives damaging reproductive health at any significant rate. There are potential very rare negative side effects to any medication; NSAIDs can make you drop dead for fuck's sake.

Most people prefer their own race, and plenty of light skinned men prefer darker meat as well. Just my preference to avoid that for various reasons.

>I've tried keto and going vegan
Neither of these things are healthy, the fact that you presented them like they were tells me you're retarded. I'm not going to reply to you anymore, have a nice day.

Hormonal birth control is estrogen and progesterone pills.

What's your magic acne curing diet, then? I'd love to hear about it so I don't have to damage my female organs with evil contraceptives.

>I've used 3 different prescription soaps (sulfur, sulfur/sulfacetamide, and zinc pyrithione)
>I change my pillowcase every 2 days,
>I've tried keto and going vegan
>nothing helped
haha you sound so retarded, you normie cunt

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Do you really want me to list all of the prescription medications I've tried that didn't work? tretinoin, adapalene, tazorac, benzaclin, epiduo forte, dapsone, ketoconazole, doxycycline, minocycline, etc....

I don't see what's so funny about this honestly

All these drugs, just to deal with acne, my god

trusting prescription drugs blindly is pretty funny to me, not gonna lie

Dumb people really aren't worth talking to.

I'm trying to humor you. How do you personally think I should get rid of it if I can't trust prescription drugs?

what is wrong with being an atheist? most intelligent logical people i know are atheists. just sayin desu

Maybe drastically alter your diet, and not into one of those weightloss diets. Stop eating bread and sugar. Idk if thatll help but life will improve.

>when she tells you shes not a nice person

Ive found girls are suprisingly candid with this one. Its almost like the low growl of a dog right before it bites, a subtle warning that you are in fact about to get hurt if you proceed. She may lie about many things, but this is one admission that can ring so true if it takes off.

Lol acting like you have any level of standards. Stop acting like you wouldn't throw your dick at the first blob of flesh that was vaguely female

>Stop eating bread and sugar.
I don't eat either of these things and I still have acne unfortunately.
You may be lucky but some of us are born with genetically shit skin.

scrub your face, eat a balanced died and stop putting chemicals into your body and on your face, although there are a lot of pesticides even in "healthy" food. so bad luck, if that's the case in your country i suppose.
otherwise just accept that most of drugs are based on bad medical research or just a meme and will do you more harm than good in the long term.

a whole foods plant based vegan diet, with no processed foods and no oily foods like chocolate or sunflower seeds or peanuts. this is far and away the best diet for acne

t. guy with lifelong acne with no acne after adopting a wfpb vegan diet

only problem is you get cravings for donuts and noodles and dark chocolate and ben and jerries icecream and muffins and cinnamon rolls and other tasty snacks. but you can just eat as much raisins and dates and bananas and blueberries as you want

just watch these videos, and look at the sources they used

"Bad genetics" is too obvious to add to the OP.

i think even if you have acne, it's not worth the risk
but if you care more about looks than real risks, then so be it, it's up to you

stop shilling your vegan shit

Browses r9k
Redflag if she browses a place like this
Means she will find search for attention in the lowest places
That means she gets gangbanged by bikers
Up your standards kings

>she tolerates my presence

Exclude these in the future or your opinions will crumble. Fuck grapes and fuck raisins

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>but if you care more about looks
bruh I have a literal painful infection in my face. I have to go to the dr to get cortisone shots into the cysts at least once a year so that it doesn't fucking kill me or sth

thanks user, I'll look into it!

>bruh I have a literal painful infection in my face
Yeah, mutants shouldn't be focusing on reproduction desu

Fuck off Joseph