Do you genuinely hate normies who use Yas Forums? If so what made you hate them?

Do you genuinely hate normies who use Yas Forums? If so what made you hate them?

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A group of them used it solely so they can laugh at me. No joke.

Normies often mock people for wanting this site to be a secret clubhouse, but it literally was better when it was lesser known. Back when memes were memes and Yas Forums in-jokes weren't plastered everywhere and likely just another pysop.

I think you atleast cant have more than 3 irl friends to be here

So true, Plebbit also ruined it.

Ouch, hitting me hard with the truth there and I didn't even know it

Do you have any information about them? I will gladly kill them for you.

Oh nice one user

before the mass shootings started bringing all the normal tourists here this board was very comfy

I dont hate anyone, hating people is for losers

Ye I feel you user...blame fucking Yas Forums for that...I guess.

I kind of get your point user it easy to hate, to laugh but to see things through, to be kind it requires strength...a thing that many don't have really but still it doesn't mean you gotta be chucking for someone.

>Do you genuinely hate normies who use Yas Forums?
No but I am jealous which leads me to resent them and then hate them so actually yes.

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They ruined this board.

First, we became the laughing stock of normies who came here to have a laff at our stories, then many of them stopped lurking to start posting. With that the edgelords came.

Remember the days where we used to have BAWWW theads to discuss our feelings with real support between each others?

Remember when we used to have self-improvement theads? How was your day? Interestin Vocaroo sessions?

Do you remember any of that? Nah, of course not.

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No, I only hate women

I don't hate them. But they have a whole world and the majority of the internet dedicated to them. Why can't we have this one tiny space just for us?

Yeah hmm yeah i hate normies hmmmmm ohhh hmmm hmmmm yeah yeah normies bad yeah........... hmmmm

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I've decided to at least try and make this board worth something despite the shit it has become subject to. I rarely ever post threads but I've recently started, just to try and go back a bit.
At this point the only option I have is to attempt to flood out the normal shit with my own posts, as well as making filters to get rid of them all.
I have a thread up right now about filters, i plan on posting a link to automatically "install" all the filters once I think its at a good point.
i said "install" since all it takes is just a link in the address bar to do, but idk how else to word it

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they confuse me more than anything. they make such a big deal about how much of a loser people who use the internet/Yas Forums "too much" are, yet they post here anyway? If the regulars are such subhumans then it feels like they're just coming here to spite us and spit on us.

Where and when will you post ?

I don't but its fun to shitpost

I assume you mean the link to eventually "install" the filters. That'll come when i think its good enough. Idk where exactly itll be posted, probably in a thread here, but not in a thread dedicated to the topic itself, otherwise it might garner too much attention (people would specifically go out of their way to bypass the filters)

You're probably right oh well I hope I'll find it

No worries, just start filtering some yourself and if you lurk the right threads youll probably find it.

i had a wet erection which i havent seen in years then i read this gay ass thread. go outside

i hate that they are homophobes and transphobes and want to take away robot rights

so you're saying a trap is a social outcast? more of them here, and their admirers, than anything

mugi would not ever say something like this


just because im social sometimes doesnt mean im not an outcast

i don't hate normies or mind them being on Yas Forums, but they need to stay in their fucking containment boards. the amount of obvious normie shitposting on boards like Yas Forums is ridiculous and should be instant permaban.

if it's so nice out there why don't you go outside
not all robots are homsexual or trans. if you're a genuine robot and either homosexual or trans then I wish you all the best, but not all that many normies are homophobic or transphobic
it depends on how social you are. if an outcast had parties with other outcasts every week then I'd say they're just a normie, regardless of how much society reviles them.

I'm more socially isolated than 99.9% of r9k posters but I don't really care if normies use the site, it's better than hearing everyone complain about the same things every day

i have never been to a party since i was in pre school and even then i barely interacted with anyone
and for most of my life i have only ever had one regular friend and not the same one through out
im 30 now and ive only just begun hanging out and i barely talk just watch tv at his
no one else seems to want to be my friend

>it's better than hearing everyone complain about the same things every day
that's true. ideally we should become better than ever before.
I'm not your judge, nobody's going to stop you coming here. I was meaning in general, I believed your initial statement.