Is anyone else incredibly frustrated with how little their parents understand them and their goals?

Is anyone else incredibly frustrated with how little their parents understand them and their goals?

>want to own a brewery
>not large scale big stuff, just a small place that makes beer for the people who are there to enjoy it
>trying to home brew, investing in equipment and trying to gain knowledge
>mom just wants me to go back to school
>tried it, didn't even want to, sucked at it, nearly killed myself during it
>not going back
>everything is go back to school
>talking about my vision on it
>"So what do you have to do to get training to make beer? There are probably certificates for it."
>no, you either get a job with a brewery or do your best to learn yourself
>with the state of the world trying to learn myself for now is the best option
>"Well trade schools probably teach about being a beer maker"
Jesus fucking Christ

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I appreciate that sentiment, I'd like to have a beer with you at your brewery, user.

>Out of touch parent too
>Constantly tries to help me do anything
>Ends up getting stressed and makes my anxiety even worse
>Refuses to back off

Main reason I moved out

Lad dont take offence. You probably have a bad track record of succeeding. Hence why youre here

Do you know how many people tell their parents theyre going to become a famous business person. Almost all of them fail

Give them hard proof that youre succeeding. Get a successful kickstarter going. What makes you sure youre going to succeed?

If youre living under your parents roof either give them tangible results or just go to your shitty beer trade school then start your brewery. Probs the safer option anyway. Youre posting on r9k. I doubt youre a savvy genius

Thanks. I just want to make the people who come to have it happy. I don't want to be the next big thing, just happy.

My parents don't give me the freedom to try. They hover over me for everything and it's resulted in anxiety for when I try to do something myself. I'm so used to them not allowing me to grow up and be my own person that I'm afraid to do it.

Some things though I really enjoy doing with my father, that's different I think. We have a good time chumming around on brew days. Plus you need an extra hand for a lot of things.

fuck off retard beer trade school literally doesn't exist quit acting like a fucking boomer

Lad im just giving you hard truth no need to turn into some angry person when faced with the fact that youre likely not being rational to your parents

Why cant you get a degree then focus on your passion project on the side? Inb4 your 'brewery' is just a cope so you can brew beer for cheap and drink yourself silly sampling them all

Fuck off nerd your fucking tough love bullshit doesn't encourage anyone to do anything.

All im saying is its likely if you put all your eggs in the self employed brewery basket your life might go down the toilet

And Im sure your parents are aware of that. Use that information as you will. I doubt you parents are being cruel though, I imagine theres real facts on why they dont want you go to self employed brewing beer. Do you have any knowledge on starting a PLC / limited company? Whats your business plan? Projections?

>Giving hard truth
>Only knows about OP's situation from 13 lines of text
School isn't the only way out of a shit situation and it definitely isn't for everyone

Over-saturated market filled with redditors. im going to play my nintendo switch while drinking Le local brewed hoppy IPA!

It's ironic that you think that you're being helpful and that OP is clueless when all you do is act like an asshole. If you don't have anything positive to say then leave the man alone. He's here to vent, not recieve meaningless advice from someone who's trying to be condescending.

Fuck me for following my dreams am I right? I should just get a degree in computer science like everyone else here and drown in a market of under payed, over worked workers that can't keep a job and just make someone else rich.

I have a vision of my life that makes me happy, don't tear me down because you don't.

My parents didnt understand my dream of making money online and they told me to go to university. I went to university, got my shitty degree, then carried on making money off the internet afterwards

Im not saying OP should ditch his dream but maybe he should pursue something on the side whilst he researches how to start a brewing business. If you wanna succeed you gotta be pragmatic.

What you're doing is shoving your vision down his throat. You're here too, I doubt you're any more successful than he is. Let him vent, if you can't see that's what he wants then you need some serious development. Not every person is an opportunity to preach your bullshit to man.

dudes advice is worthwhile. OPs delusions of grandeur are literally just cope. he probably doesnt even know whats involved with owning a brewery, let alone has any idea about how hes going to finance it. he should resist his schizoid impulses and listen to his parents OR prove to them he is serious by actually doing something towards his goal instead of just leaching off of them.

Well I had a dream but I also understood it might fail so I got a backup plan, executed the backup plan, then it turned out my 'dream' career worked out so I do that instead of using my degree

Thats a vision I recommend anyone do if they have a pie in the sky dream

The amount of people I know that tried an idea with no rational approach to see it a complete waste of time. If OP wants to star ta brewery he should get to work and get some tangible results going. 40 hours a week is a long arse time he should be able to do something on the side too easily if he wants lesser risk

if he wants to start a brewing business from scratch, alone, with no experience. He better have a very high risk tolerance becxause that what it is. And I dont think thats wise, but its his life so he can do what he wants.

Sounds like the two of you are just projecting your insecurities onto him because he's a person with hope. That's all anyone here ever does really, just try to bring people down to their level so they feel better about themselves.

You're annoying, stop larping.

>I claim to pull off a job I wanted to do
>Im larping

Damn I didnt realise the standards were THAT low here. Having a job you liek counts as unbelievable?

Good luck on your brewery lad if thats how low the bar is here.

>there's only one person here
Stupid larper.

wrong. i want OP to succeed. his post just stinks of schizoid. its important to be self critical to work towards your goals. im not advising him to go back to school and try to live within the box, but he SHOULD do something instead of mentally masturbating to the idea of owning a brewery with no life experience.

I hope you lads remember this comment when your 1000th business idea fails. Youre likely doing it as a COPE rather than a true vision, a true desire or a true drive

I sympathise because if something like uni or a clear path for success is off the table its hard to conjure somethng up. But dont get blindsided and pursue something thats very unlikely to succeed WITHOUT A BACKUP PLAN.

Be rational, work hard, youll achieve what you set out to do. First things first, get off r9k, start exercising daily, and start relentlessly documenting your initial research and make sure youre always improving. Analyse every approach to your business plan because its probably going to be shit (not an insult, its just everyone starts out shit in business). Fail, fail, fail and then youll succeed. GL

>man has a dream
Are you retarded?

Fuck off larper. No one here believes that you are successful. Sorry. Go read another one of Trumps books again and dream about that yacht some more.

>>"So what do you have to do to get training to make beer? There are probably certificates for it."




Fucking boomers and their goddamn pieces of paper. Grandpa had an 8th grade education and he built a house with his bare hands.

>be me
>english major
>parents threatened to kick me out of I didn't get a college degree
>cave so I major in english so I don't drop out
>they tell me I should apply to law school when I'm done uni
>think about it for a month, decide no because it's oversaturated, stressful and overcompetitive
>decide I'll just teach english in Japan instead
>third year of uni and burnt out, just want my degree
>dad drives to my apartment and tells me I'm going to random city to do an LSAT test
>tell him I haven't studied
>he says it doesn't matter and that me being autistic will result in me doing well
>stuck in a hall full of people
>starving, barely had anything to eat or drink that day
>worst 4 hours of my life
>spend my entire break at the fountain with these stacies talking about their prep courses
>return from break, don't even know if I'm breaking regulations
>dad asks me how the LSAT went
>say I probably bombed it
>mother says I shouldn't put myself down
>get result back one month later, got a 140 (terrible score)
>dad realizes I won't be a lawyer and is depressed
>have dinner with him months later
>he tells me I have to get a phd
>don't want a phd
>tell him I just want to teach english overseas
>he gets mad, calls me a putz and says that's a job for losers
>tell him I like teaching but hate academia
>he doesn't care, makes me apply to all these masters programs the next afternoon
>deliberately writing shitty papers and getting bad marks right now in my final courses so I don't get accepted into any masters programs

> couldnt get through school (not pass judgement)
> mum!!! dad!!! im gonna own muh own brewery!!!
> no mum and dad, im not going to learn about whats involved with owning a brewery, im gonna teach muhself!!!

>Just get a job you can do
>Fuck your dreams life is about making money like a jew
>Just buy useless items and do drugs and alcohol to cope like normies
>Dont strive to be happy or take any risk

Yeah fuck off loser. I'de be a failed dead beat you had a crack at his dream then some dipshit in a boring job he hates living pay check to pay check. Imight not be succesful but ive got more stories to tell than you.
>Be rational
Thats for cowards.

I dont need the valdiation from r9k angry bois.

If you work hard, drop any ego you have, critically analyse yourself daily etc etc, be prepared for failure. youll succeed.

I probably had hundreds of hours of video editing under my belt before I started making content that got any views. Same applies for any craft. takes a while

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You understand that majority of home brewery's are set up by guys with no experience who just learn on the go like any hobby? You don't need to go to school and a 'certificate' saying you are qualified in something. All the best craftsmen, artists and just successful people in the world are self taught.

What you just green texted was the exact opposite of what I said..

I said you should follow your dream but have a backup plan too. Your working life is incredibly long you dont have to spend 80 hours a week on a brewery. Just dont put all your eggs in one basket.

>YT plaque

Jokes aside though you seem content and happy so well done. Alot of youtubers I see who become successful literally started out as doing it as a hobby before they became 'professional'. Like any skill it oftern starts out as a hobby people do for fun or with the idea of gaining something other than money. Like OP said he wants people to enjoy and share in his love for beer. He may one day make a killer brew that becomes world famous.

I know right? Fucking hell, neither of my parents even have degrees and they're obsessed. My dad makes over $100,000 and he doesn't have a piece of paper with his name on it.

It's always "supporting" you as long as you do exactly what they want.

I don't understand how you think that's what he's saying or how you think that means a person is schizophrenic. Are you schizophrenic? You might be projecting that onto him.

>he thinks that plaque that represents minimal success means anything
>he thinks we don't know how old it is
>he thinks it isn't obvious that his channel is dead
Laughing at the state of you.

granted, i dont know a thing about breweries, bit i doubt you can give me one example of a brewery set up by a fucking early twenty something neet. he has no life experience or capital to set up a capital intensive business.

You gotta learn some skills dude.
Yeah learning to brew is one thing. But can you run a business?
Go back and take some business courses at least.

a schizoid is not schizophrenic you dumb fuck.

OP here, most microbreweries are owned by guys with no higher education, no business experience, and succeed with hard work and the development of their product. Like the whole of my thread is, there isn't a boomer method to plug and play success like you think there is.

I have several. One of them im aiming to turn into a full-on business. Youtube is just the means to an end. Im from a poor family so its how im getting money before i go full limited company

It sounds like OP wants to make it his fulltime job though which is a worrying sentiment. If hes going to do that he better be putting in 50 hour plus weeks to make it happen.

Really ironic this guy's busting OP's balls about education and back up plans when he hit the bottom rung of success on a platform that people succeed on as hobbyists. What a hypocrite.

Quit acting like you mean anything. You're just here to try and beat on a guy for self validation and it's obvious. You're honestly scum.


Does this sub just want to circlejerk each other off with no rational speak of how its going to happen? Like a 'well done fren for having a dream' and leave it at that?

I get called out for larping, so I show of a pic of some form of not larping, now im getting called out as scum for questioning how OP is going to get there. I offered some advice too

This board is toxic as fuck

I don't even want to be world famous my guy. I just want to make enough for a small staff and a house.

Whats a good video editing software? Im thinking of making my own channel, purely to share in interest of my hobby. DESU I doubt ill be getting millions of views ever and I dont really care unless it turns out I have an ASMR voice or some shit.