What has your experience been with black girIs?
What has your experience been with black girIs?
I wouldn't know, i only date humans.
Generally decent
Great at sucking cocks
three come to mind
>black girl #1 used to give me money for vending snacks in high school and let me copy her science homework
>black girl #2 followed me like a puppy because she had no friends
>black girl #3 was a ooga booga nigger who tried to be outrageous to get attention
Fucking abusive peices of shit and don't forget they are.... NIGGERS........
Two flirted with me in high school over a decade ago, but it was hard to tell if they were only teasing or for real. Both oddly enough have gone on to live incredibly successful lives. One is a literal model(not famous) and the other is a lawyer in DC.
Chill, fun and great people to be friends with, but more slutty than I would feel comfortable in a romantic relationship.
At least thats the ones I knew...because thinking race has any impact on behavior beyond cultural tendencies is retarded.
>What has your experience been with black girIs?
Absolutely fucking terrible. They were all making fun of me that they were charging me 10-20 times more than they usually charge, and then they were conspiring to send me obese grandmothers for than 10-20 times price markup compared to all the thousands of other dicks they're sucking for $.50 every day.
One attacked my with biological weapons in my apartment, and later when I was homeless came to spray CS gas on me as a gangstalker disguised at McDonalds.
After getting lots of unsatisfactory looking white prostitutes over the years, I tried to get some black ones thinking that the economic conditions in Atlanta being what they are it would be more likely that a pretty black girl would be willing to suck my dick for money since none of the white prostitutes I was getting were very pretty. NOPE! Those fucking cunts all ganged up on me exactly the like white ones had.
What I learned from that is that the difference between men and women is a million times bigger than the differences between the races. The stereotypical woman from each race is the same fucking psycho as the stereotypical woman from any other race.
Talked to one from here. She was cute but very mentally unstable. We stopped talking for a dumb reason I can't even remember. I miss her though
I haven't had any experiences at all.
Two instances. Years ago, I went home with one while blackout drunk. More recently, I had one blow me in a public bathroom. No ragrets.
Vary as much as white girls. Some are ghetto af.
Avoid those at all costs. If they speak like black twitter, theres a chance that they will chimp out at some point. If you find one that was well brought up, speaks proper english, and doesnt talk loud af.....hold onto that one. It's as rare as it is pleasant. They can be amazing to be with. But the ghetto sub-human ones are misery all the way. Same goes for white girls too I guess.
Very pleasant but my black female coworker sucks at coding and is constantly asking me for help.
this is no way indicative of black girls but we hooked up twice, she was inexperienced which was the worst part, also it hurt her when i put my dick in all the way which sucked. Other than that, great body, amazing ass and tits, face was like 6.5 or 7.5 on a good day
her pussy tasted oddly metallic though, hated going down on her, fucking nasty
Only one and it's not even me
We were all in early years of college, piled into the same bed after a long night's party
One of our guys was really really wasted and apparently slept with the cute black girl
He was so gone all he could say over and over while in giggle fits was "Dont tell my mom I slept with a black girl."
I really would not have cared if they were charging me 20x more to fuck a pretty woman than they usually charge, but these sick fucking heathen cunts were charging me 20x more AND ALSO then sending me these fat old, old women... and then more than one of them was stalking me later when I was homeless.
Hey user
I don't appreciate what you said online about that transwoman
Kek Sorry about your bad experiences, but true or not...this is funny
It pleases you that women of all the races get together to conspire to deprive me of my heart's desire?
1% of them actually like the shit i do and half of those dont want a black weeb ass nigga so im stuck with white girls sadly
>dont tell my mom I slept with a black girl
Kek. Are his buddies telling his mom about all his other lays, just not this one, because she's black?
>black women are exactly like white women
>why aren't you more racist then?
We didn't tell his mom shit, she's a good nice older lady, but just the continued sleepy mumbling of it was fucking funny
Most people's moms have banged several dudes and mentally block the idea of their sons doing the same in the same way dads block that idea of their daughters.
>half of those dont want a black weeb ass nigga
I don't believe that. There's plenty of weeb black girls who like black guys. You probably just don't show interest in them so they don't know.
This one girl stalked me for a couple months after I tried to be her friend. This was in the final year of high school and I imagine she did that because she had never really recieved male attention before. Unfortunately, Sometimes it's a mistake to approach lonely people.
Black girl here. I stalked a guy in high school I had a crush on (and some anons on here a few years ago) I got my shit somewhat together and stopped doing that. I know I'm not her but I apologize for that. It's so uncomfortable.
It's funny because something that got me to stop was when someone started stalking me. I always thought it was something I would've wanted but it's one of the worst feelings.
>There's plenty of weeb black girls who like black guy
please point me in their direction user
>You probably just don't show interest in them so they don't know.
but i do in my own autistic way
They're everywhere. They're not always going to look physically weeby. Just talk to girls
Yeah well... That's why western society is going to shit, affirmative action is the peak of wokeness retardation
>Just talk to girls
easier said than don fren