Is corona a hoax? There seem to be so many things that just seem, off. Where are all these supposed bodies? Why is corona being taken so seriously as opposed to SARS? Why does nobody I know, have or know of people who have corona? I went passed my local hospital today and it didn't even look busy. I don't know if any of you have seen the video of the guy who was told by a government official that the death rate was 0.3% while he didn't know a nearby mic was on but that peaked my curiosity. Also, try searching up corona hoax on google and there are literally only 2 pages loaded and they're all news articles ridiculing people who believe corona is blown out of proportion. Normally when you google shit there is thousands of websites that pop up. Also, why are media sites hushing people that are skeptical of corona so diligently? Personally, I'm not one way or the other, but shit isn't adding up. Any robots on here have any insight? Am I just paranoid of the government and mainstream media or am I coming to a realization?
Is corona a hoax? There seem to be so many things that just seem, off. Where are all these supposed bodies...
I dont know if hoax is the right word but they are definitely milking it for all its worth
>Is corona a hoax
no, it isn't
Hoax probably wasn't the right term but I do feel like the stats are inflated per say. There also seems to be quite a few things that we aren't being told.
Yeah i felt the same way. For context ill tell you i live in the west side of NY state. Im an "essential worker" because i work in a UPS warehouse. UPS warehouses are filthy places where 1000s of boxes come in every day that touch several pairs of hands within a 24 hour period. They didnt even make drivers start wearing masks until a week ago and thats only when they are out on the road. Warehouse workers are only wearing masks and gloves out of personal choice. Our Governor said
>If everything we are doing just saves 1 life it will be worth it
Is it just me or is that fucking crazy? You shut down society causing massive long lasting damage, and its worth it if it saves just one life? I dont get it. Im supposed to be afraid of leaving my house, unless im going to work, where this virus would spread like crazy because of how fast our product and employees move around the country. Nobody at my warehouse has even gotten sick, let alone died, and i work with a handful of people over the age of 50. I dont even think its a conspiracy at this point. Its govt officials that want to power grab and try to use the panic against their opposition
>Cuomo obviously doesnt want Trump to get re-elected
And a public that is too hysterical/stupid and fear stricken to ask questions
Corona isnt a hoax, but the reaction most definitely is. The virus is real but i dont believe its dangerous enough to justify all that is happening right now. The glamorisation of being afraid of a virus that i see from Normies is so fucking weird and creepy. From what ive seen, young people on the left side of politics dont even really care if this lockdown is actually saving millions of lives or not. They just want this lockdown to go on as long as possible because they think it will bring them one step closer to the communist dream utopia they have in their heads.
True. Do you know anyone who even knows anyone who has it?
Hearing that from you only seems to harden the case. It also seems suspicious that the death rate was so low at the beginning of all this but somehow in recent times it's seemed to just skyrocket. I would like to confirm that I don't think that corona is a hoax but from what I've seen and heard it just seems like the numbers are being inflated for some sort of gain, most likely political because the economy will be raped after this.
Sciencefag here
So based of the current available data the virus is significantly more far reaching than initially thought. The infectivity is unparalleled with high estimates being that 86 times the amount of people reported are infected and were asymptomatic for the duration of the virus. This of course makes it no more deadly than the flu, percentage wise. However since a larger swath of the population would have contracted it there would still be the same strain on the health system we are currently seeing now. A lot of people were critical very quickly and we had no idea the severity of the virus causing it or it's transmission, which is why people thought worst case scenario.
The stats could be a lie there is currently a guy who has a podcast in which he says that every death that happens is being put down as covid-19 and they are making people sign wavers that if they die it will say they died from covid-19
No, not personally. Like i said I live on the far side of NY state about as far as you can be from NYC (which is the corona nation hot spot) while still being in NY state. I think there have been 5 deaths in my county so far but they were all people over the age of 70, and who knows what their other medical issues were. Ive been saying from the beginning that we shouldnt have locked down and all people at risk (old people, people with health issues) should just stay home. Cuomo just enforced a "mask in public" law last week, as if thats going to really make any difference this late into a pandemic. I cant even go buy groceries unless i wear a mask on my face. Its against the law now.
Yeah im starting to think the numbers are not the truth either. I didnt think that at first but it just doesnt seem to make sense to me. Its so frustrating. I dont know how its been for you anons in other states but its a shit show here in NYS. The incompetent govt officials trying to milk this is one thing, but holy shit everyone just buying into this fear campaign without showing skepticism in the slightest is what drives me crazy. You cant even talk to people about this because they treat you like you are a maniac who wants millions of people to die. Retards think "the economy" stands for "wall street" not realising that a healthy economy is in fact important for everyone.
If you're right and 86 times the recorded infected amount are actually infected than that would mean that virtually all of those people had corona and lived. That would mean 226,569,494 have been infected and with a supposed death count of 183,336 that would mean that 1 in every 1235.81 people died from it or a 0.08% death rate.
Its weird that you say that. I flew out to colorado over valentines day weekend and when i came back home to NY i felt pretty shitty for about a week. It was like the Flu, but it wasnt as harsh and it lasted longer than the flu normally does. I didnt even consider that i might have gotten it during that time until the media blew up over it.
The Death count is like 40,000 in the USA right now. You are using the USA population with the Global death count to get that number you posted. The death rate is much lower
Critical care nurse here, I code 3 patients at minimum a day who are covid positive. They die alone, in a room, drowning in their own lung fluids. My youngest patient so far was 27, who was O2 sat was in the low 70s on a non rebreather and hi flow nasal cannula. He was intubated 2 weeks ago, he passed away last week. When we do CPR, we do 1 round of compressions, 1 push of epi, another round of compressions and if we dont get an ROSC back, we call it, CPR last less than 5 minutes, I really wish this shjt was fake
Correct. Putting the virus in the same range as seasonal influenza (approximately .1%). Again, it seems counter intuitive due to the high death toll, but if 85% of the population is infected and 5% require critical treatment and 1% die hospitals, especially in densely populated areas will still have their medical infrastructure overwhelmed because of the numbers.
I didn't use any population to get that number. you don't need to. It's just Confirmed case # * 86 (supposed actual case amount by user) / death cound * 100 for percentile.
i HAD Corona
this isnt a fucking hoax you stupid fucking SMOOTHBRAIN
I said later on that hoax was a bad term read the fucking thread before you post. I was merely stating that everything seems blown out of proportion and that we are being lied to about some things.
IN here, one of my family friends had it and was hospitalized for 9 or 10 days, he said it was the worst sickness he's ever had, I think he's around 50.
my dad has cancer so I'm trying not to go outside. and I work food service so I already got laid off months ago.
It is fishy though, and I think this makes the strongest generational split the U.S. has seen in a hey long time. my friends are still out partying and traveling like business is usual.
G pls
I know its you
I hope you're right, because that would mean that I might be immune already. I had to go to a crowded building a couple weeks after corona was in the USA, and a few people were coughing. About a week later, I had a bit of a fever, a sore throat, and slept a lot for three days. I also heard that it affects people with my exact genes less.
It wasn't blown out of proportion. The mortality rate isn't the problem, the problems are 2 things:
1) It's extremely infectious. On average, a positive patient will infect 5 people
2) While mortality is low, 20% of patients will require hospitalizations. And while chad socialists and eastern capitalists like SK can focus national resources to do shit like build hospitals in a few weeks and quarantine a whole province without anyone losing their job, virgin capitalist NATO shitholes neither have the infrastructure needed, nor are they willing to sacrifice profits for the lives of people. This was a miscalculation on some part, but they also wanted to use this as an excuse to ramp up the anti-China climate in the EU. I don't think however they understood how serious this would get, especially in the US. Cases are already under reported, and you see figures like 50k deaths in the US. If they opened everything up, there would easily be some 10million dead by the time this was all over. Now it will be 1 million or so in the US until a vaccine is widely available, but imo only 200k or so will be reported. This will most likely lose Trump the elections, but I do wonder if the Dems will continue the hardline anti-China pushes he started. Talks about bringing production back to the US have started, but this would be economic suicide.
The stats are definitely not inflated. China suppressed the real numbers so I'm pretty sure the real number is much higher.
>China suppressed the real numbers
>inb4 the shitty urn article
>Why is corona being taken so seriously as opposed to SARS?
it's significantly more infectious
> I don't know if any of you have seen the video of the guy who was told by a government official that the death rate was 0.3%
That's literally within what the projected IFR is. It's projected to between like 0.15-1.5%, it's not a secret.
>Where are all these supposed bodies?
In the mass graves that you can see from fucking space
>Why is corona being taken so seriously as opposed to SARS?
SARS could only be spread in the later stages when people were openly, obviously infected. It was stopped early with border checks and contact tracing.
In contrast, corona can be spread by asymptomatic people so it's near-impossible to contain it using normal methods.
>Why does nobody I know, have or know of people who have corona?
Because you live in a less affected area and most of your friends are probably young. Younger people are more likely to be asymptomatic.
>Also, why are media sites hushing people that are skeptical of corona so diligently?
Because it's blatantly obvious that it's a real thing. Every single country in the world wouldn't be shutting down to entertain a conspiracy. One of them (the enemy of whichever country is responsible for your hypothetical conspiracy) would call it out and be operating as normal.
I literally live in China. I know how they've decided to not admit people into hospitals or just not test patients and let them die.
>But i do wonder if dems will continue the anti-china pushes he started
Well considering how hard our media screeched after Trump halted WHO funding i wouldnt count on it.
There's no hard proof, but look at their track record. Look at the fact that they kicked all foreign journalist out of the country.
They arrested the people trying to warn the country of the virus for spreading rumours and one of them died of the virus.
>One of them would call it out and be operating as normal
This is exactly what Sweden is doing.
You don't even need to do that, just the way it is moving in all the other countries with high numbers except China makes it clear they stopped updating the numbers.
the argument some make against that move is that rescinding funding right away and not even entering negotiations (e.g. we'll keep funding you if you stop treating Taiwan like shit and bending over for the CCP) leaves Trump with little leverage over their operations
now that he's halted funding, China has the perfect opportunity to cover for the US and increase their leverage over the WHO. that would be a very bad thing for the world at large.
Sweden isn't operating as normal, they're having a constitutional crisis right now because one of the articles of their constitution says the right of free movement shall not be restricted for any reason
in lieu of an actual lockdown order, the government has "recommended" social distancing measures and people are by and large following them because Sweden has a very orderly culture
Not really, the thing is when you tell Swedes to distance themselves, they actually listen so you don't need to impose lockdowns
They have a high death rate so far and a government braced for the worst anyway, but the decisions were calculated with awareness of the virus and not on calling out bs.
Yeah i hear that, but i found it a little weird that the people who screeched about it only started to admit that the WHO was corrupt after Trump made that move. The WHO lied to everyone to protect China and our media and pundits wouldnt even entertain that idea until Trump announced that he was halting the money flow. How do we even go about reform of the WHO?
my grandfather had it. it's real. i don't believe it's being blown out of proportion, here's why. Stanford did a study, testing for antibodies in people who thought they had not had it. the numbers they came out with showed that 50-80x more people actually might've had it. the reason we need to worry is just that. so many people actually get it and don't even know, that it makes it so easy to spread to those who will be effected by it. and once it spreads enough then the hospitals will become overrun and all the panic that's happening in places you read about on the news will be everywhere