They smell, you know?

They smell, you know?
You're eventually going to have a sexual experience, even if it's far into adulthood, and you're going to be disappointed.

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I love the smell of vaginas

What do they (vaginas) smell like?

the best comparison I can give is honey smoked ham, on a good day

I used to eat my gf out pretty often and don't remember it smelling or tasting bad at all. It was kind of just like skin.

>I used to eat my gf out pretty often

beta bitch behavior

I did have a sexual experience late in my life (26 virgin until then) and it was underwhelming, don't fall for the sex meme, it fixes nothing

Typical ones have a very faint, subtle smell of sweat. Not really unpleasant. Others have more of a sweaty armpit smell. One asian chick had no smell at all; completely neutral.

When people used to ask me how I knew I was gay and not bi, I'd site that the idea of putting my face near a pussy muchless tasting it was vomit inducing. Vagina's are nasty.

>they smell
Thats the best part

spoken like a virgin.

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Weird, every Asian girl I was withs pussy smelled strongly of onion. I think its their diet.

>implying your unwashed sack doesn't also stink

My boyfriend's crotch smell just makes me hornier. It's not a bad smell unless he hasn't showered lately.

I love pussies
this, but also the majority I've experienced had no smell at all and it was disappointing, so I guess OP was right that I'm going to be disappointed but for the wrong reason

I hate the idea that humans shouldn't smell like humans. I swear I'll never wear deodorant. It smells so disgusting. Neither of my past gfs minded the way I smelled whatsoever because I keep clean. I honestly think women like the natural way a man smells. I like how women smell better when they're not wearing perfume or anything.

>They smell, you know?
Considering the size and hygiene of the average woman?
I believe those things smell like a medieval fish market on a hot day.
Only pussy I ever played with didn't smell like anything and didn't taste bad at all.
But such is "sex" at age 13 (she was 11).

Yep, and that's the best thing about it.
I've also noticed that as they get wetter, they smell intensifies exponentially. So much so, that it just makes me cum.

>Neither of my past gfs minded the way I smelled
> past gfs

user, there was a reason they are gone.
It either was the guy they were fucking behind your back or I have bad news about your body odour.

If they're clean then they don't

All pussies 'smell' but not all of them stink. Only subhuman degenerate cunts with no sense of dignity pay off their hygiene and let their cunts rot.

It is much easier to clean dick though because it is on the outside. Vaginas probably smell after 5 mins of being washed because they are on the inside. Imagine all that rubbing together and all the trapped sweat and moisture. Must fucking stink

>I like how women smell better when they're not wearing perfume or anything
I agree with this one, my past gf had a lot of natural odor, to the point where she even got called out for it by a teacher, yet I loved it.
> I honestly think women like the natural way a man smells
I wish this was true, but I don't think it is in this day and age. I personally love my natural odor and I prefer it, so when I'm on vacation and I can afford to not get out of the house for a couple days, I don't shower.
To think that not long ago, people only showered like once a month (or took "showers" that were basically stand on falling rainwater) and it was normal, yet now having any amount of natural smell is disgusting somehow.

Kek I know that's not it. The first one broke up with me because she was depressed and neurotic, and the second one cheated on me because she's cluster B. They both liked the way I smelled though. Why would a woman get into a relationship with a guy who smelled bad?

>he doesn't like the stank

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I once had a cougar fuck buddy that had a perfect smelling vag. Literally tasted like flavored lip gloss. Wonder how she did it.

Vaginas are filled with bacteria. They smell terrible

>The first one [...] was depressed and neurotic, >the second [...] is cluster B.
>They both liked the way I smelled though
user, if I may present my theory...
I think them being crazy and them liking your unwashed smell might be correlated.

Not unwashed, dummy. I keep clean. Whatever. I know I'm going to find a good woman soon, and I won't be more successful if I mask my pheromones.

>I'm going to find a good woman soon
Hey, your previous failures make me seriously doubt that.
But good luck user.
I hope you find the unicorn that isn't crazy and likes to smell your armpits.

Probably drank lots of pineapple juice.

Maybe she was bisexual.

Mine always stinks. I have chronic bacterial vaginosis. Fucking sucks