Its finally come to this, parents are finally making me get a job when they know im an antisocial retard

its finally come to this, parents are finally making me get a job when they know im an antisocial retard.

>is there any comfy places to work at ?
>how to survive working ?

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stock shelves over night. Perfect job for mentally fucked robots.

Lol, what? Your parents are putting their foot down now during a pandemic?

Tell them to give you a few months before we can see how shit is going look like.

I'm so sick and tired of this stupid fucking job shit.

You'll get by. You always have.

Literally nobody is hiring except farmers right now
t. Graduating in STEM right now

If my father kicks me out during the pandemic, then I'm going to stand at the main intersection in my town holding a sign that reads "no job, father kicked me out during pandemic".

I was neet from 18 to 20 OP. then from 20-25 I worked a customer service heavy job.

I was the master off all spergs for a good year. My social skills got better, I learned how to deal with conflict, and things got a whole lot easier as time went one. But honestly user, the spaghetti never stops. It just becomes infrequent and not as intense.

the first year is going to suck major fucking balls. sorry, just the way it is. get a retail job where the stakes are low. doesn't matter if a customer is yelling at you, you don't have an obligation to retain them as a customer. just follow the policy and don't be rude, and youll be fine.

good luck. i also quit my job and have been neet for a year again. its great desu fuck being a wagie

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shelf stocking is good. you can listen to music and just go through the motions. only have to interact with co-workers with basic yes and no

>hold jobs
>accumulate enough wealth to survive college so stop working
>corona hits, schools closes
>dad literally stomps around the house, pissed at me for not having a job
what the fuck is his problem? he got madder when i told him that jobs are hard to find when everything is closed.

you're right it is gonna be fucking terrible but what can i do, im gonna start looking for shelf stocking jobs as soon as my whole bullshit state opens up again hopefully i can land a comfy job where i don't have to get shit on by middle aged woman constantly

he's a boomer that got everything handed to him by having a high school diploma. he's now confused why you can't get a job with a college degree. basically he doesn't understand a thing user. all he knows is his son spent thousands on education and now he doesn't want to work.

tell him to fuck off

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your dad sounds like a boomer stereotype.
why not explain to him that theres no way to get anything done until the government decides to re-open commerce?

by the way stocking jobs are never just stocking jobs unless it's 3rd shift night work. if you're hired for 1st or 2nd shift, basically anytime during the day, they will have you do other things like register, customer assitance, cleaning, even if they hired you for stocking.

get those big boy panties on user. you're going to have to work hard for your $7.25

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i couldn't even finish the year because of this shit, i have a high school diploma and that's it.

i have about 12 000$ in my account, i'm not hurting and i don't get why he's pissed.

he 100% behaves like one, all he does is watch old sitcoms

is he working? bills are probably tight at the moment because of the pandemic. in his experience he was able to afford a house in his early 20's with minimal education so surely his son can afford to get a job with his college degree to help his parents out during tough financial times. make sense? just think about it from his perspective.

tell us more user. are you guys financially stable?

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>when they know im an antisocial retard
Being a manchild doesn't excuse you from having a role in society. If you don't like it, fuck off to a third world country.

he literally works from home. we're doing ok.

he's in his 40s but he acts more like a boomer in his 60s. he's just an unpredictable asshole.

>role in society

that's the problem. his role in society is worthless with or without a job. If his social anxiety is so bad all he can get is a minimum wage shit job, well what's the point? He can never afford a house, or rent, or anything. He will always have to live with his parents.

His role in society is meaningless if his mental disorders stop him from attaining a living wage job. he can work all day while shitty customers yell at him and his managers give him a hard time for or he can relax at home.

that being said, if he can overcome his anxiety and disorders by all means, get a job. but if he can't move up in the job to a living wage position because of his mental health, there is truly no point. is role in society is effectively reduced to cart pushing leech. may as well be a comfy leech under the covers at home.

hmmmm if you're financially okay (which may not be the case because parents often don't share financial problems from their kids) then you must be the problem.

is your attitude shitty? are you fighting all the time? is there something you're not telling us? why have you painted a picture of your dad being so unreasonable during crazy times. whats the deal?

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if you have Wegmans in your area, they tend to pay well and have good benefits
my brother is a former NEET and he likes his job there

become an assassin so you dont interact with people. also you get to waste normies

i don't know man i'm just fed up

no matter what i do, it's never right

just leave your dad alone desu. stop engaging with him and just do your own thing.

you don't understand. i could literally just be sitting on the couch and he'll stomp in and tell me to get a job.

na thats stupid man, everyone with even the alighteat mebtal disability will just sperg there way through life without challenging themselves. he was born with a disability, not a free ticket.

then get a tv in your own room so that he has to go out of his way to berate you.

better yet, next time he tells you to get a job put it back on him.
>oh i didn't know we where in financial trouble
shit like that

correct, society for the most part does not give a shit about mental disorders. You don't get a free ticket. Anything less than schizophrenia or mental retardation and nobody gives a fuck about you. You don't get an easier life just because you have chronic depression, or anxiety or really bad panic attacks. Thats they way we set things up.

I know hard working spergs who can't get ahead because they're spergs. 40+ hours a week, law-abiding citizens, never hurt anybody and they can't live on their own because they can't afford it. They can't afford it because they are unable to move up in their jobs because of their autism/mental disorders

Life isn't fair, and it's hard for most, but giving these hopeless people neetbux just so they can achieve independence isn't so bad. If I had to taxed an extra $5 a paycheck just so autismo john can afford a studio apartment then so be it. better than funding endless wars and subsidizing wall street to be honest

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kek you could do this user and get a laugh but honestly just ignore your dad. if he bursts in the room listen to what he has to say and let him leave. if he berates you walk away. if he follows you just leave the house. eventually he'll understand that yelling and berating isn't going to work

actions speak louder than words. SHOWING your dad he makes you uncomfortable will be more effective than fighting and getting into shouting matches. that being said I have a feeling you're a little shit who gives his parents attitude. better shape the fuck up.

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>join military
>get through basic training so you cant get kicked out for no reason
>go to base hospital, tell them you are suicidal and depressed
>get medically retired, collecting around $1500 a month for the rest of however long you decide to live
there you go user i just told you how to retire by 1-2 years from now

with the way minimum wage is in america i can understand the shitfight.

here in aus full time minimum wage gets you 740/w

you guys need to work on your wealth distribution, your entire country ia sinking deeper and deeper into debt just to make the 1% even richer.

still waiting for it to trickle down reagan

our federal minimum wage hasn't moved in 11 years. Most states are pushing for higher minimum wages but so far no states minimum wage even comes close to a living wage.

My states minimum wage is $11. The living wage is $20. What middle class retards don't uderstand is if minimum wage workers get a bump they will get a bump too.

No one is going to be an EMT for $18 an hour when they can flip burgers for $15. The big problem is our wages haven't stayed inline with productivity, if they had we'd be at something like a $25 minimum wage, something conservatives don't want to talk about. the corps are fucking over america every chance they get