>tfw too tall to transition(6'1")
What's your excuse, robots? What's keeping you from living the life you always wanted?
>tfw too tall to transition(6'1")
What's your excuse, robots? What's keeping you from living the life you always wanted?
i'm not gay, like seriously i'm not gay
i really love pussy hence i'm not gay
please leave i don't wanna be a tranny
Stop using Natsuki as a symbol for your mental disease
natsuki isnt trans shut up and die faggot SHU TUP SHES NO TRANS SHES NOT TRNAS
>What's keeping you from living the life you always wanted?
laws n shiet
I don't want to, I'm 6'3" and have a masculine build anyway.
no shit natsuki is the only pure character in the game
if any of them are a trans it's yuri, ironically
111HY D0 Y0U 111411T T0 I11 T113 F1R5T P14C3?
hope you realize what you are doing or else
i'm too old to transition
i paid the testosterone price
cmon user, don't repress. it's not healthy. it's ok to be gay and it's ok to be trans :)
>implying i know who your random weeb anime girl is
are you ok there, user?
what do you mean? what am I doing exactly?
I don't want to look back at all the money and pain I went through to satisfy a fetish and now look like a freak no one wants to be around, much less talk to. I wouldn't be the 0.1%.
Y35, 113V3R 83TT3R, 8UT 111HY D0 U 111411T T0 TR41151T1011? 111HY D0 U N0T 1IK3 B3I11G Y0UR G0D G1V311 53X?
>God given sex
I'm a Christian actually, if I were to act on my trans feelings I would still be Christian. I'm sure God would be supportive. He just wants us to be happy, right? :)
Chill out, Reiko.
>He just wants us to be happy, right? :)
You haven't read the bible have you?
>too tall to transition
bullshit. reminder that one of the most beautiful boys ever born is 6'4 and didn't even take any female hormones or anything to achieve this look.
God wants you to help others and spread his word. your happiness is supposed to be provided by those around you. i am not sure if hes support mutilation for a mental sickness
he looks like a freak alien unless thats the joke youre going for
113 4150 111411T3 111H4T'S 835T F0R U5. D0 Y0U T11I11K T114T I11DU1GI11G Y0UR D351R3 1110U1D 83 4 G00D 1D34 I11 T113 1011G RU11?
I've read a good chunk of it. I mean it's not like I would be transitioning as a big "Fuck you" to God :)
I wouldn't mutilate, if anything I would just do HRT. I'm keeping my penis no matter what.
>that's best for us. do you think that indulging your desire would be a good idea
Sry user, that's all I could make out so I can't really give you a full answer
that would be because your taste is shit.
>I'm keeping my penis no matter what.
>that's best for us. do you think indulging your desire would be a good idea in the long run?
I understand 3/4ths of what you're saying.
He also wants what's best for us.
>I'm sure God would be supportive
Let me guess you've never even finished genesis have you?
I don't have an excuse. I'm 4 years HRT but I havn't really "transitioned". I'm just content with being a femboy for the time being.
no excuses, do what you want and don't let anyone tell you not to!
I'm 5'5 aka 165cm I would swap with you if I could op I hate my height
>113 4150 111411T3 111H4T'S 835T F0R U5. D0 Y0U T11I11K T114T I11DU1GI11G Y0UR D351R3 1110U1D 83 4 G00D 1D34 I11 T113 1011G RU11?
He also wants whats what's best for us. Do you think that Indulging your desires would be a good idea in the long run?
What if it's not my desires but God's will? What if God wants me to transition? What if I could better serve Him as a female?
On paper I'd probably have a really easy transition, 5'1", very skinny, kinda baby faced etc. The issue being I'm in no way trans.