What the fuck is the point of existence

seriously, why are we alive, why does the universe exist, whats the point of it all? i feel like there has to be SOME reason for its existence. i am starting to believe it is a simulation of some kind, although not really of a computer variety, perhaps simulated by a higher consciousness. I feel like our universe is used sort of like a testing ground or experiment to learn something...but why, for who? It just drives me crazy, I really wish I knew why the fuck existence was a thing in the first place

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I don't think we'll find out in our lifetimes.

Right now quantum loop gravity and it's kind are one of the leading theories and they point to the universe being a cycle of expansion and collapse, being created over and over again, like a pulsing object, only that each pulse spans the time of billions of years. If so then perhaps we are possibly just a creation of random chance. Perhaps this pulsing universe is endless in the number of pulses, and that there was always a something rather than nothing.

It doesn't explain WHY there is something though. Surely there has to be a first mover? Or maybe there doesn't have to be? Maybe it's just a flaw of human biology that we have to feel like there has to be a first mover.

There's not a reason, but I guess you could call it a simulation of sorts. It's just a simulation that runs on its own, repeatedly for all of eternity over and over again.

The funny thing about these theories is that sense it's infinite loops we're all gonna be born again exactly the same infinite times just by pure probability. At the same time we're going to be born in every different conceivable possible way by the same logic. So there's a rich version of you fucking your 3d waifu, or rather there was and will be. Maybe there's one where OP actually gets a satisfactory answer by making this pointless thread.
As for purpose, assuming there is one, what makes you think that humans would even be able to understand it with our limited consciousness? The universe probably isn't tailored to us, especially if we're just in a simulation.

sentience is just an accidental quirk of evolution

If there is a God and consciousness is all you know, then be grateful for life, and thankful for death. If there is not a God and existence will unfold and refold then are you even truly conscious? If no spirituality exists then the thoughts in your mind are no more relevant than the actions you make, it's meaningless physicality based upon reaction to action. If the universe is God through pantheism then celebration of life is celebration of God, and in death this plays the part of finality, celebrating our departure of mortality, back into the essence of the universe, God.

Incorrect. This version of reality is the only one that results in your existence. It takes an incredibly precise sequence of events in order for you to be born at all. Literally everything before your conception has to be identical in every instance. There's simply not enough time between your conception and life cycle for there to be any discernible difference, even if there's very slight deviations during that time.

>There's simply not enough time between your conception and life cycle for there to be any discernible difference, even if there's very slight deviations during that time

If what you're saying is that nothing is exact in reality (as in you can never find something that's completely flat, or that's exactly a pound in weight) I guess you're right. But a person could be born with your exact genetics with the formative memories if given an infinite sample size, even if the chances are next to none. It's more of a clone situation, not a transfer of consciousness.

i feel like our imagination has to exist somewhere. does that sound weird?

We literally can't tell if this is imaginary or not
We rely on feedback and repetition/constancy to determine that this is real which can both be imagined although it would have to be rigorously precise to not break the illusion

I hate the idea of the universe having a shape. It's so finite and arbitrary.

Mark Twain said the same thing. Its from an essay he wrote called "My Platonic Sweetheart" about this chick he kept meeting in his dreams throughout his life.
I hate the idea of the universe as a whole. Thnking about it makes me fucking anxious and now i'm gonna go to bed and try to forget about it

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The purpose of your life is to reproduce and pass on your genetic material.

We haven't found out why the universe exists beyond the big bang.

The point for you at your age (assuming 14 or 15 where these thoughts are normal) is to stop thinking with your ego and to start thinking about how you can help others. You may improve your own skills and entertain your own interests but you will thank me someday if you invest your energy into becoming part of a community and helping it thrive

>The purpose of your life is to reproduce and pass on your genetic material.
If that were true, then people wouldn't have any reason to live after having children. And a lot of people don't want to have children. It's clear there is a higher purpose than just passing on your genes.

I don't think it's really possible for us to know

You're thinking the right way, but you should try viewing existence as a non-physical phenomenon, because it is. I don't think it is a "simulation". That's a very human approach to something completely egoless and inhuman. This is even more evident in your idea that there is a "who" overseeing the simulation and they have a motive. Once again you are still thinking in terms of human hierarchy. Why would something have to have a purpose? I think the universe is tautological. It exists because it exists. Asking why it exists is like asking why 1+1=2. It just does without reason. Reason is a human thing, a nonhuman metaphysical existence doesn't need to abide by it.

Yeah even if we fully understood the nature of the universe we'd end up wondering what came BEFORE the universe and whatever came before that.

I think it's the fact we cant fathom the concept of something being made of nothing, or like the theory of miniverses where theres an infinite amount of small objects that form to make bigger objects.

Like how people think quartz is made up of something even smaller.

bullshit im asexual

There is no point, Robot. The attempt for searching for meaning is a significant contributor to stress and anxiety and to clinging ("this must have happened for a reason!").

There is no purpose, no meaning, no transcendental or metaphysical principle behind it all.

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the main thing i want to understand, is why the universe even has constant laws in the first place. if everything in the universe really is random then how can we have constant truths like two and two make four, or laws of physics, etc? it makes me feel like if you go back far enough there must be some kind of entity dictating these laws

You should also consider the anthropic principle. Do you think that, if there were nothing to observe the universe, it would still exist? I think not. All physical phenomena happen within our consciousness. This grand concept of the universe couldn't exist without our awareness of it, so the laws of the universe exist because those are the conditions in which consciousness arises. As for an entity, the universe itself can be seen as an egoless entity. Lots of religions describe god as "all" and that is exactly what the universe is: all things in existence.


the point of existence is to endure suffering
you can transform that into 'making life more bearable' if you're feeling optimistic

it sounds egotistical but sometimes i feel like the entire universe might exist inside my head

oi autists
what subject can i major in at college to figure out why humans are here and what the meaning of this all really is
i was thinking genetics with a focus in neuropsychiatry or cognitive science just to understand human conciousness. I can't do math so I can't do the cool stuff like physics.

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theology, unironically

Also OP, think of how cells are able to separated as individual things but are still part of an organ which is its own thing. The cells are unaware the greater things they add up to. And those organs create organ systems and then full living organisms. Why would it stop there? This continues until we get the universe as a whole. We are just unaware of what it really is. Religions call it God.

So are you an anti-natalist?

>what the fuck is the point of existence
God. Duh
>I am that I am

this one keeps coming up when i try to figure out what subject could be good for discovering what the point of us being here even is, i dont know how reliable majoring in it would be though but maybe i can take classes in it and see some religious cuties along the way

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It literally does. Physical experience isn't "real" since it all happens within your head. Nothing can exist outside consciousness for we must be aware of it to be aware of it. Hmm more tautology.

Physics doesnt explain anything philosophical unless youre a pseud. Neuroscience might. Learn genetics

FMA: Brotherhood actually had a great explanation of what God is. Anybody else seen that?

uni is a sham just read theological texts on your own

This is exactly what I've been saying. God is all, not some human-esce character like Yahweh. For all the merits of christianity, the old testament depiction of god has ruined western thought.

sounds good lad, i figured those would be the best majors seeing as we'd need to understand the lens we see the world through before we can get the full understanding

thanks to the gubmint i'll be getting paid quite a lot to go to college so it's not like they'll be scamming me like they are everyone else

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Logically I might believe "its all just random and nothing means anything"

But reality just feels too perfect for me to fully accept this. Sure, I understand that if time is infinite, then infinite possibilities would eventually happen. But again, this reality just feels too perfect, it makes me feel like something else is going on more than just everything aligning perfectly for me to experience this reality. So many parts of the world are so beautiful, so many things so wonderful to experience, so many power emotions, so many mathematical patterns in nature, could this really be nothing? Why does my mind so desperately want to believe its something more?

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Reality is not perfect, you're perfect for it. You're getting it backwards.