
So when is someone bringing back /abdl/ on feederchan?
/r9krinkle/ is no replacement

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Shamless self bumpification

I think this trend died, man. It was hot for a little while, now only people up to snuff with trends knows what they fetish that all rosties are suddenly into.

Literally who? Anyway, 8kun has an /abdl/ board but it's painfully slow atm...

Bumperino bambino.

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It's still big as fetishes go. It was never mainstream and likely never will be. Can't forget that Belle Delphine regularly appeared in a onesie exclusive to OnsiesDownUnder though (ABDL oriented site)
>using 8kun
You fool. Joshua Connor Moon of the notrious doxxxing site KiwiFarms (who originally worked with HotWheels on the 8th chan) has made 8 plus one chan (dot us) using the code he had been working on to upgrade 4 plus 4 chan all those years ago when he worked on it.

He's a good guy. A bit of a pussy actually, he white knights for lolcows sometimes., But he's big on free speech

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Didn't know about 9ch, thanks fren.
>No /abdl/ board
It's shit!
>Bestiality content

Someone needs to make /abdl/ I'm just not the one to do it. I was hoping the board owner from HotWheels Wild Ride would pick up on it honestly.. We need someone who's not a complete control freak but will still ban absolute fucking nutjobs like that MadHatter faggot

Bumping with content. Might drop pics for a while

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Might as well have us a general diaper thread if anyone is interested. Used to be the comfiest place on Yas Forums way back when

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Trying to get some fresher content but having difficulties

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Probably should have put "diaper" in the OP or something

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just keep bumping just keep bumping just keep bumping

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Getting pretty sleepy though. Not sure how much longer I'll go

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Jannies will probably delete soon anyway. They usually do

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Well hopefully i at least contributed to expanding some other degenerate's folder

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One last pic before I fade away

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Good night user. Trying to get content through Yas Forums is kind of a shit idea since people can't just dump images...

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is this daddy issues the fetish?

Makes it a real pain in the ass...
Yes, daddy and/or mommy issues thread, but considering most ABDLs are dudes, it's more of a mommy issues thread. However there are also more guys into being daddies, so it's whatever the hell you would call a dominant guy into this shit too.

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I fucking love diapers, holy. Fuck.

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For what its worth i was into this waaaay before I really had any issues with my dad. I always wanted to go back to diapers pretty much since I was out of them

Tfw no cali diaper bf

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>go to gay bar with normie friends
>girl comes up to me super excited
>tells me she likes my outfit
>tells me i should follow her on instagram
>ok y not
>the entire page is daddydom/baby girl kink
>constantly dms me now and replies to my posts
she clearly wants to fuck me but i am absolutely repulsed by this fetish. i should just block her but i dont want to be mean

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Feeder chain already down, after just 3 fucking days.
Eternal Swiss domain hosting service seized the domain because they're terrified of another infinitychan

Same, except I don't have daddy issues, I have mommy issues and just haven't felt happy since I was little since my family has almost always been broken and I've dealt with plenty of death threats since I was six. Just always wanted to go back to being comfy in the house and not deal with all the BS and cruelty of the world outside. My mom kept me in diapers until my fifth birthday, I guess because my older brother was supposedly abducted by another family member and spoiled into hating her. I'll never know the truth but I guess she didn't want me growing up or something. Only reason I got out of diapers was because my dad came back from overseas and was disgusted and pissed that I was still drinking from baby bottles and stuff when I was supposed to start kindergarten. By that age I was already too attached to wearing diapers and didn't want to stop.
>Tfw I will never know love because of the rarity of mommy gfs out there on top of the fear and paranoia of having my worthless life ruined (not like I have any friends irl, but still...) if I reveal my secrets to and trust the wrong girl
I still wish I had just been aborted.

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Christ. Heavy shit.

I just always thought diapers were comfy and life was easier when I was a baby. Thought that when I was like 6, still true today.
Fell out with y dad over life choices in my late teens.

That's it.

diaperfags deserve to be rounded up and shot.

What kind of life choices? I suspect my dad knows I'm ABDL but I think if he really did, he would've disowned me a long time ago. I remember when we were all watching Jerry Springer or Maury or whatever it was on TV once... I think I was maybe nine years old, and some clown was making an absurd ass of himself on stage. I think he was just being paid to pretend to be an adult baby. Everyone laughed and mocked him including my family, and I knew then and there I could never share my secret to anyone irl. I'm on good terms with everyone in my family, although I'd say distant. They don't know I picked up drinking and doing drugs. They all hate each other though and they all live apart.

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Yes, please do me a solid and end me bro. I can't do it myself, I've tried.

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It's also a mommy thing

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Here we go again lads

>tfw no diaper lover gf
I don't know if I'd want to be her "daddy" or wear diapers with her and be her playmate.

I have no idea if my parents know. If they do I don't think it affected our relationship.

I did a lot of stupid shit when I was about 16, sleeping in Goodnites a with a pacifier even when my mom would have to wake me in the morning. Think I usually woke up before she came into my room but who knows. She always liked to baby me a bit anyway, I was the youngest child.

I'm down for both with the right guy.