That 25+ year old who hasn't realized its too late

>that 25+ year old who hasn't realized its too late

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>Let self go
>start racking up horrible chronic pain, disease, injuries from wagecucking, living like shit

What young people forget about killing yourself slowly is that you run the risk of being physically and mentally crippled, and caught in the bind where you're too wretched to kill yourself. You're better off going out courageously, which is why you should continue self improvement regimens.

haha yeah bro what you're meant to do is be a bitter 40 year old virgin instead of making yourself better in your mid twenties and trying to make up for what you missed out on

anyone who tries to be happy is just trying too hard

It's realistically never too late.
20 year old girls sleep with 70 year old men all of the time.

im gonna go 2.75/5/6/7

What can I do if I'm almost 22 and a NEET and have a panic disorder where its getting the the point where I truly don't know if I can hold a conversation or get a job? I haven't really socially interacted with people besides my close friends in so long, and even then I barely have recently.
I know I missed out on helping myself after high school. The alarm bells are finally going off. My brain is screaming me to do something before I end up like this forever. I'm so scared.

I have autism, and something called DPDR. I'm functionally retarded nowadays and its only gotten worse, fast since the quarantine.

25 getting UA pussy hahaha never too late for me

it's not too late to be happy but you either are chad at 18-30 or you never are. at that point it's time to try something else that might make you happy.

>killing yourself slowly is that you run the risk of being physically and mentally crippled
Yeah, no one who starts exercising at 25 is going to be the next Scharzennegger or even considered "in shape" unless they keep at it for the next 7 years.

Still worth it though, you do NOT want to be heading to 40 with a huge gut, diabetes, and shoulder and knee problems. If you do you'll have actual reasons to kill yourself and not this TFW NO GF teenage shit.