That 25+ year old who hasn't realized its too late

>that 25+ year old who hasn't realized its too late

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>Let self go
>start racking up horrible chronic pain, disease, injuries from wagecucking, living like shit

What young people forget about killing yourself slowly is that you run the risk of being physically and mentally crippled, and caught in the bind where you're too wretched to kill yourself. You're better off going out courageously, which is why you should continue self improvement regimens.

haha yeah bro what you're meant to do is be a bitter 40 year old virgin instead of making yourself better in your mid twenties and trying to make up for what you missed out on

anyone who tries to be happy is just trying too hard

It's realistically never too late.
20 year old girls sleep with 70 year old men all of the time.

im gonna go 2.75/5/6/7

What can I do if I'm almost 22 and a NEET and have a panic disorder where its getting the the point where I truly don't know if I can hold a conversation or get a job? I haven't really socially interacted with people besides my close friends in so long, and even then I barely have recently.
I know I missed out on helping myself after high school. The alarm bells are finally going off. My brain is screaming me to do something before I end up like this forever. I'm so scared.

I have autism, and something called DPDR. I'm functionally retarded nowadays and its only gotten worse, fast since the quarantine.

25 getting UA pussy hahaha never too late for me

it's not too late to be happy but you either are chad at 18-30 or you never are. at that point it's time to try something else that might make you happy.

>killing yourself slowly is that you run the risk of being physically and mentally crippled
Yeah, no one who starts exercising at 25 is going to be the next Scharzennegger or even considered "in shape" unless they keep at it for the next 7 years.

Still worth it though, you do NOT want to be heading to 40 with a huge gut, diabetes, and shoulder and knee problems. If you do you'll have actual reasons to kill yourself and not this TFW NO GF teenage shit.

Self improving to find a partner, not bang underage thots. What kind of degenerate do you think I am?

You may of just helped someone user

>The alarm bells are finally going off. My brain is screaming me to do something before I end up like this forever. I'm so scared.
same situation. i'm starting to get moments of panic just alone by myself, like a feeling of restlessness that i can't distract myself away from that completely overwhelms me.
hopefully it doesnt develop into full blown random panic attacks. right now i would call it extreme uneasiness that lasts an hour or two.
on one hand i think i just desperately need human contact of any kind, that i'm a victim and that i'm lonely and that i just need some basic connection with others. but on the other hand being really honest with myself i think i might hate other people. i have a few friends, like you, i've known them for a very long time. but i'm not "close" to them and i only get further away, and it's partially my fault. do i "like" them? do i feel affection towards them? i really dont know.

based and twentiespilled

I used to ride the subway when it was crowded and stand close to people just to feel some kind of human contact. Yeah it made me look creepy but I was desperate. Now I pay hookers to cuddle and talk with me. Its not the same as a relationship but it eased my anxiety and feelings of isolation somewhat.

I turn 25 tomorrow

How do I make sure it's not too late?

>that 18+ year old who hasn't realized it's too late
ftfy, point of no return gets younger and younger

I know it's too late, but I already pussied out of killing myself.

If they're rich or famous.

I don't really care about working out or getting pussy these days I just want to have a career, and that's what I focus most of my time these days. It's a solid 10 hours of studying trying to unfuck myself. I don't think it's too late in that regard as my brain seems sharper than ever

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>he isn't getting 40+ valentines candies from the everyone including the teachers at 6 years old
never gonna make it

>waaahhh I'm 25
>waaaahhh too late for me

Utterly pathetic. Life is full of suffering, you either man up and improve or you lay down and die like OP did

Now stop shitting up my board with your "hurr given up" and kill yourself or start improving

>Spend 10+ years trying to "catch up" with normalfags
>35 years old
>"Okay time to make friends and finally get a girlfriend."
>Realize no one is looking to make friends like that any more
>Realize most men and women have long since settled down and are raising kids
>What singles are out there are landwhale single mothers looking for men to use as a income source
>Literally too old to go out any where fun/cool any more
>Back to tfw no friends/girlfriend

At least you lifted those weights I guess.

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i'd rather be happy with what I look like and lonely, than to be ugly and lonely

>you were born ugly and short
>you werent born white

it honestly hurts bros

Eh I'm doing that but it's improved my life since last time.

There's a million things I can never experience not matter how hard I try.

But there's a million more I won't experience if I never work for it.

>brain is telling me to do something

have you considered doing something?

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Idk man. I was a loser in high school, had pic related epiphany at 19 and got laid by a couple fat chicks in my last year of college.
It's not worth it and I've kinda regressed back into being a mentally ill nerd. This board critcizes normies but it takes a lot of effort to put on that charade of normalcy all the time. If a 25 yo wants to try, let him.

I don't know what to do. All I can think about is how my brain feels like it's having a seizure all the time and how I'm chronically fatigued. I'm tempted to make a Tinder or Bumble as an emergency solution but I don't know how well that would go. I'm 5'4 and autistic. I've had a couple girls from work and stuff have crushes on me but Tinder seems more ruthless. I don't know how much luck I'd have with 19 year old cuties. Even if I did match with them I don't think I could relate with them. I'm fucking autistic and have never had too much of a social life. I don't know how to talk to Zoomer girls in 2020.

Anyone have any experience using a dating app when they're average looking, short, or autistic? Is it possible to match with many below average looking girls who would understand you for who you are? I just can't seemyself hooking up with anyone even if I did match with them.

25 year old boomers realizing they dont have any more time left on earth to improve are the best entertainment on the net

There are basic requirements for happiness that people have, but not everyone can get them. It's easy to treat people like they're all satisfiable, but that's simply ignorance. You don't know what's inside me; you don't know how incompatible I am with your world.

ive dropped out of school twice and went back
there's always time to try again and become a better man
the 20 - 30 year old span is made exactly for this reason
If you're under 30 you have time user

Adapt so you are compatible. Taking control of your life and your senses is the first step to adulthood in many cultures

>Tinder or Bumble as an emergency solution but I don't know how well that would go. I'm 5'4 and autistic.
Do it, fail, and try again in some other way in other venues (salsa dancing club for example).

The 3rd trimester fetus that hasn't realized that it's too late yet