>2010 >Yas Forums is mostly weeaboos >2020 >Yas Forums is mostly rednecks
What happened?
My theory: Yas Forums has always used primarily by english-speaking poorfags with high speed internet. 10 years ago, rural communities were only starting to get broadband, so your average poorfag was in a urban/suburban community, most likely near a university where nerds bond over anime etc.
Only recently have kids in rural communities been able to "grow up on the internet", and they've brought with them their uncle's gun show-tier political bullshit.
there has been a noticeable drop in Yas Forums's collective IQ over the past decade. you used to be able to discuss pretty much anything anywhere on this site with intelligence, depth and nuance. now every board is polluted with this current of anti intellectualism. Yas Forums is probably the place where it's most noticeable. but go back in the archive to any board pre 2014 or so and you'll see that threads on any board were filled with paragraphs of interactions between anons. something rarely ever seen these days
Sebastian Hill
Weebs are more of a birth year phenomenon. Today's weebs are but a shadow of the Naruto headband wearing autists of the last 15 years
Internet on the mobile phone happened, and every chuck buck stacy and and karen spread into the internet like a virus of dumb
Colton Roberts
This fits into OP theory.
The Yas Forums of old was soft gated by the proliferation of internet access, parents smart enough to have a computer and broadband but dumb enough to leave their kids unsupervised.
Previously, these kids were the misfits in suburbs and cities, living amongst educated people.
However, now the areas where anti-intellectualism has flourished for generations are finally jumping on the boat.
Luis Gutierrez
T114T D3P311D5 501EY 011 111H3R3 U 110R111411Y 1URK. C0111I11G 8Y I11T3113CTU41 C011V3R54T10N 15 110T P4111FU11Y D1FF1CU1T 1F U R 100KI11G 4 1T.
Bentley Thomas
Seems to have gone from dumb to extra dumb since 2016. Just look at how many people here believe the virus is a hoax.
>Yas Forums exists >is full of nutter butters but smart nutter butters >2016 election >Yas Forums flooded with wave of dumbasses Yas Forums is flooded with many waves of dumbasses.
Jeremiah Lee
Where else would they go? They get banned everywhere for being insufferable, even worse than furries. Plus their containment chan got shut down for CP, Stormfront got shut down (now they're back but using stormfront is far more likely to get you on a watchlist than a literal anime site)
Ethan Reyes
don't care i just want gf
Jaxson Brooks
At this point I just hope Yas Forums goes down soon and permanently.
Pretty much yeah. The weebs were mostly city folk, they all grew up and moved on and found friends with similar interest while those in the country continue to feel reclusive. So they go online to find people with similar beliefs, to find a place to be included and to feel wanted. Hence the doubling down of their Yas Forums shit. Because its the first time they've met people with similar interests to them. While the city folk, you can just go to their local college really.
Noah Wright
also explains how SJWs were able to "take over" so easily, though they're mostly just annoying to put up with