Femanons are here because you enjoy being verbally abused

femanons are here because you enjoy being verbally abused
1. yes
2. no
pick one

Attached: How-to-Deal-With-Verbal-Abuse.jpg (2084x1379, 143.74K)

I'm here because it's entertaining and maybe my presence here will moderate all the psycho incels

>moderate all the psycho incels
can i moderate my tongue on your nips you fucking slut

>finding psychos entertaining
You are mentally ill.

i mean, it's for attention and negative attention is still attention. so yes i supppose

Every fembot I've met has enjoyed being abused on some level. They're all masochists. Pretty based desu.

No im here to be nice to people

Thanks for doing your part, good to see some people trying there best.

I think my bpd mind must love this. I don't really feel nothing at insults but sometimes they make me laugh and smile or walk off and grr. I begin to feel weird when people are being nice to me.

Attached: woofwoofkon.jpg (850x1201, 549.37K)

Thank you for such a kind response, i rarely expect people to be nice to me but its always lovely when it happens, hope you have a good day

i sort of have this, but i like girls who are jokingly mean to me, not actually mean. there's something really cute about it like she's hiding how she actually feels because we're both in on the joke

no because r9k has great memes

You to, good luck with your quest.

stop filling up my board with fluffly clouds and pretty rainbows.

No. I've been here for a few years mostly because it's my only form of social interaction. Originally it was just Yas Forums but there were a lot of neets and stuff here so I browsed here too.

ill give you a lot of social interaction as long as you let me squeeze your thighs

Why, they're pretty. I hope one day you can enjoy the sight of fluffy clouds and rainbows, user.

you're tearing me apart femanon

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Can't we just play vidya together or something instead? I'm really gud

only if you sit in my lap
sorry its the only way

At least you make my smile, user, thank you.

What vidya though?

im a psycho master manipulator that tries to get femanons to smile

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Well it's working, Mr psycho.
No but in all seriousness I was having a shitty night and you made me laugh, so thank you

No you sit in my lap.
I dunno I play lots of things.

Do you have thick gamer girl thighs?And what do you mean you don't know, whats the last game you played?

Fuck off. Stop acitng like women will actually admit to posting here if not whorers.

If you want comfy server for mentally ill / neet/ shutin, join here: CchRhF

No trannies fags or women

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screw all UK femanons. you all need to fumigate your roach infested vaginas

>No you sit in my lap.
only if you call me a good boy

There's.... Other countries in Europe where people know how to speak English. Don't compare us to the islanders please.

based euro femanon shitting on the fuckteeth islanders

i'm here because i'm a robot

Groin Grinder your awake. Hows your day been.

I wish a femanon wouls verbally abuse me.

Not really, no. I was playing iceborne earlier because of the event but like I said I play a lot of stuff.
Hmm maybe. Most robots aren't very good though, they're sometimes extremely rude.
There's literally nothing wrong with being an islander.

stop being annoying please.

my day has been ok, drove delivery and made a little cash, working on a paper for my criminology class

hi doodoo head

How could I sit on your lap if I'm 6'2" and larger than you. It would be hard to play vidya like that.

no, i have a decade+ long Yas Forums addiction and being in quarantine is making it worse. i was also a longtime femcel. i also feel like this is te only place i can talk about mental health stuff that is more anonymous so i can brain dump and maybe have an ok conversation sometimes.

h-hi and thanks, feel free to abuse me some more.

Glad to hear it's alright, doesn't your anxiety issues make it difficult to do that job though?

you stink like a poop

i-i do? p-please continue!

Eh fair point. I dunno.

You'll learn to enjoy sitting on my lap while I give you nice hugs.

it makes it difficult but honestly a majority of people in my city just want the food left at their doorstep. in the app i push that it's arrived once i get back to my car so i never see them- i sperg out when they're waiting outside though

Fuck women, you dont belong here stupid whores.