Why do trannies do this? Should they all be shot?
Why do trannies do this? Should they all be shot?
Adam Sandler did that?
That poor dog. That poor baby. Piece of shit deserves jail time for doing that to a defenseless animal.
damn, should've been quiet . now this nigga lost his ear
Fuck dogs. Fuckin overgrown rats is what they are
If that dog was a pig or a cow, you wouldn't have cared enough to make this thread.
How did she even skin the dog though
It doesn't say how in this article
And fuck dogs anyways, theyre loud and are useless for anyone who isnt a white girl
This doesn't surprise me. I find myself sympathizing conservative and religious folk as I've come to realise there truly is something pathological about trannies and homosexuals, every time I come across them. I don't know how to put it, apart from their general shitty attitude, even if they throw on a nice guy front, there's something horrible about them when you get to know them. But their disdain for the good and health of society, for them to override that solely for their own perversion is starting to bother me.
The only reasonable post here. I posted the dog as just one example of these twisted trap fucks proving that they're subhuman.
If some psycho tranny skinned a calf alive and left it to die in the streets, you can bet there'd be a thread about it. And in that thread you would pointlessly whine there too.
Wtf, doing that to any living animal is equally messed up. It was skinned ALIVE.
>tfw when op wanted to show trannies are subhumans but instead ended up showing how the board is infested with trannies
hory chit
I hate posts like this because people on care about animals and their welfare if a minority did something
Otherwise no one gives a fuck about animals, all they care about is making a marginalized group more hated
How dare you, that dog was an anti trans turf dog that got what it had coming let this dogs live be a lesson to all you fucking bigots of what we will do to you. Keep your mouth shut if your not fighting for trans liberation. Bitch.
To prove our point further, if this becomes a big thing, watch the progressive jolly lgtbqx+ community defend the tranny over the dog. Also that reminds me, I remember this site used to intervene when animal abuse happened, seeing people on here now praise this only shows the evils of this, discord-zoomer-tranny-reddit take over of this very board.
almost every troid suffers from autism or a wide range of cluster B personality disorders so they lack any empathy and need constant attention
No, you only care when a trans or gay person does something bad
You fucks will never actually get off your ass and fight for animals rights and try to fuck up abusers
You are lazy and a bigot who only cares about animals when it validates YOUR viewpoints that say a group of people suck
You do not even give a shit about animals at all and you never will, i doubt youre even a fucking vegan.
Exactly we need to unite and stop the hat by kill more puppies and bunnies to prove that we mean business. We will not tolerate hate trans rights are human rights. We will kill all nazis and fascists
Fuck you cunt
I hate you faggots too
Support animal rights and human rights
How is that fucking hard
Someone should find that Tranny and Hang him like Frank!
I met one tranny on omegle with aspd. That person was a piece of shit! !!
t.bpd femoid
I think it's probably the cross dressing type of trannies right? You think about it. BTK was one. Ed Gein was one... I don't really know why they do this. It feels bit conflicting to me when you are a sadist, active but you also wanna wear clothes of your victims and relate to them. Who knows.
Fuck off tranny and hang yourself
No, I care. You don't see me complaining when a trannys body hurts the rocks on the bottom of a cliff. Doggos are a mans best friend and are too pure for this world, especially with all of the sick fucking tranny cunts currently roaming it.
>i doubt youre even a fucking vegan.
You do know all of that black semen you slurp still technically counts as an animal product, right?
not saging just forgot to change my name
Once we take over we will end all nazis like you. You fucking bigots make use sick. Trans rights trump animal rights yours included. We will keep torturing animals till we have global trans liberation.
if you look closely those are all females hurting Animals
Eternal Female
kek it's your fault people keep calling me a tranny fuck off.
Yeah Trannies and Gays are disgusting
Brutal af man
Fuck trannies
that's just a white race thing
trans rights are human rights
same could be said about r9k kek
fuck off shareblue
based tranny! Skin the fucking animal for my amusement!!!
I don't care about you
Trans rights are human rights. Trans woman are woman. Never forget that you cis piece of shit. We will keep it up till we r all free.
no its a jewish problem
Jews subverting leads to whites get degenerated by it leads to problems like trannies
Trans rights now. We are tired of being bullied. It is time for payback
dogfags are insufferable
You will accept us or you cis fucks will regret it. You will fell out pain as we inflict it on your weak. Animals don not have rights till we get trans liberation. Till you suck me femcock bitch.
Whites are slaves to Jews? Whites kill animals for no reason? Wow pathetic
>based tranny! Skin the fucking animal for my amusement!!!
>I don't care about you
Trannies should be locked up for being mentally deranged, yes. Animal abusers should be locked up for life or executed, peak insectoid, non-human beahviour
Too many 14 year olds on this damn site
stop counting one white tranny as the whole people
and most white people are peaceful therefore are peaceful