Uni general

>What are you thoughts on uni?
>Did you go yourself ,or are going right now?
>If yes ,what major ?
>Do you like your major?
>Did you enjoyed (or are enjoying ) the uni experience.?Why /why not?
Any interesting uni stories?
i'm second year mechanical engineering student, but i feel that my natural math capabilities are not high enough to eventually get to do the really cool jobs.I'm considering dropping and trying to apply to vet school and then work at my dad's clinic after graduating(i'm from europe so the education is quite cheap here )

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>What are you thoughts on uni?
I mean there's a lot of people there. I almost quit once but ended up going back because I eventually just learned there isn't a way to escape from everyone. I'm stuck here so I might as well do as expected so people will leave me alone
>Did you go yourself ,or are going right now?
I am going right now.
>If yes ,what major?
>Do you like your major?
I mean it's easy and is very profitable
>Did you enjoyed (or are enjoying ) the uni experience.?Why /why not?
I mean, I'm kind of being dragged around. I guess I've been indifferent because there generally isn't many people that I relate to dispite being in a fraternity. I'm just kind of the odd ball to them and I am not really close to any of them. Though I meet some people that are more like me and I went on a spring break trip with them so there's that.

I guess I got an interesting story
>Be Freshman year
>Be hanging with a dormmate
>him and friend from HS both come back to his room
>Both are super drunk
>HS friend ends up chugging a bunch of spray cheese
>My Dormmate dared the already drunk HS friend to chug a 5th of a bottle of Titos
Titos is 40% Alcohol Vodka btw
>Friends chugs it down
>He slowly get's more and more fucked up till he blacksout in my lap and I have to drag him to the bathroom
>Dormmate is telling me he'll just sleep it off
>A few minutes pass
>he starts having convulsions
>The spray cheese from earlier is starting to ooze from his nose
>I call up a sober friend to drive us to the hospital
>I have to carry him down the car as he was vomiting the spray cheese
>I eventually got him in the car
>I stood up in the backseat and was holding his head up to keep his airways going
>He Eventually stopped breathing in my arms
>I told the driver to hurry up but didn't want to yell out he was fucking dead yet
>Eventually we got to the hospital and I told them to stright up rush out and tell them he isn't breathing

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>They ran out a bed for him and they take him off my arms
>It was now currently 5 AM
>I was sitting in the waiting room with my dormmate
>Doctor comes out and ask which one of us want's to see him and be breifed on the situation
>My dormmate was his friend but I knew he wouldn't beable to handle it
>I say I'll check on him and hear the news.
>They take me back and he has tubes essentially down every hole in his body including his urethra
>Told me we just got him there on time or else he would of dies
>He would probably be out of the hospital in a Week
So yeah, that was the time I nearly had a guy die in my arms during college. Not the only near death experience during College though.

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>What are you thoughts on uni?
It's cool in that you can study whatever interests you to your hearts content
>Did you go yourself ,or are going right now?
Finishing my second semester rn
>If yes ,what major ?
So I was in an interactive arts program that dealt with media arts, design, and systems. It's not my passion, and that translated to my grades. I'm gonna study Philosophy for law.
>Do you like your major?
I guess I answered that
>Did you enjoyed (or are enjoying ) the uni experience.?Why /why not?
I enjoyed animating a Sam Hyde video, but the end result was kinda sloppy. My favourite course so far was one in Philosophy.

>What are you thoughts on uni?
The gateway to society and not being a wagecuck... but you have to choose wisely before and while in it. It's only a "scam" if you dont study.
>Did you go yourself ,or are going right now?
going right now
>If yes ,what major ?
Iditot teen, started as psychology. Switched to neuroscience. Applying to med school.
>Do you like your major?
Psyc was not good, although all the profs had their hearts in the right place. Neuroscience was psych on science steroids; more what I wanted. In the end tho, it offers little direct pracitcal options even for high achievers. Considered grad school but decided to take the less risky option of med school although i think both are cool.
>Did you enjoyed (or are enjoying ) the uni experience.?Why /why not?
Yes mostly. Met friends, met gf course content and challenge are cool. I just don't like the pressure sometimes even if Ive shown i can largely thrive.

one bit of advice with vets is its a great job but its even more competitive with substantially less pay.... desu tho if I had taken all the proper postions to work with animals "officially" i would be considering vet school.

Yeah,i know ,but as i mentioned my dad owns a vet clinic ,so getting a work experience is guaranteed .I really like animals and have an easy time with them, but unfortunately i'm not sure if i will be able to handle the stress of the work .Sticking to mechanical engineering seems like a safe choice(also it goes well with my hobbies-drawing and 3d modeling) but math turned to be a huge disaster.it's just way to abstract for me and i'm very visual learner ,so it doesn't really helps

>What are you thoughts on uni?
a flawed system but i can't think of a better one
>Did you go yourself ,or are going right now?
somehow i graduated
>If yes ,what major ?
fucked around until i finally settled on CS
>Do you like your major?
it felt kind of watered down and cheap. just felt like a race to get a job.
>Did you enjoyed (or are enjoying ) the uni experience.?Why /why not?
i hated all of it but i kind of miss it now. i'm convinced everyone in engineering turns into an NPC as soon as they graduate, myself included

>What are you thoughts on uni?
Can't speak for american uni, but british was decent enough.
Hated it towards the end, lots of petty egos teaching their useless branch of the subject.
>Did you go yourself ,or are going right now?
Yes went when I was 19 or something. 30 now and doing a second degree in a study from home course.
>If yes ,what major ?
Computer science then. Physics now.
>Do you like your major?
CS was just a gateway to a job. It served it's purpose.
Physics is good, though I'm still just clearing first year maths and it's a bit tiring.
>Did you enjoyed (or are enjoying ) the uni experience.?Why /why not?
The uni experience... it was ok, I have some good memories of the anime society and hit it off with a girl there (though was too awkward to make anything of it). I keep in contact with anyone I knew at the time, but I don't have any real complaints, mostly just stuck to myself and played vidya.

what's made you pursue physics now? what's your goal?

Not sure, started taking evening courses 3 years ago as a way to avoid drinking & make friends. It half worked and I'm just following it along now. I like to keep up to date with space news, but there's a huge gulf between popular science and actual physics news.
Improving maths helps with work anyway.
If we're talking pie in the sky dreams, I'd like to publish a paper on something, cosmology is a subject I've always found interesting, but it's too early to start putting any real weight behind that.

>What are you thoughts on uni?
Sucks ass, thought I'd finally be challenged by institutional education. Turns out it's even easier than what I did in high school. Also progressive idiots that think they are being oppressed when their parents pay their tuition can fuck off.
>Did you go yourself ,or are going right now?
Wrapping up my first year in a few days
>If yes ,what major ?
Secondary education with history as my content area
>Do you like your major?
I like the content, absolutely hate other students in my courses. They have no passion for the content they want to teach, seems like they just want to be a teacher for the sake of being a teacher. Appears that they choose their content area based on whatever class they most enjoyed from high school.
>Did you enjoyed (or are enjoying ) the uni experience.?Why /why not?
No, I learn more from educating myself for a lot less.

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>What are you thoughts on uni?
its shit and you dont learn anything
the teaching schedule is a joke designed around uni students being lazy. They could have easily taught the 4 year course in 2 years if it went at a reasonable pace. I even learned a language in tandem with my course, in fact, i got credit for it
its only hard if youre a retard or do no work at all
>Did you go yourself ,or are going right now?
i did maths at a top 10 uk university
>If yes ,what major ?
>Do you like your major?
no university made me hate it but i did before that
>Did you enjoyed (or are enjoying ) the uni experience.?Why /why not?
all everyone does is drink, party, fuck and do meme shit like go to india none of which i had any interest in
my subject was particularly bad because, which it actually had a ~50/50 gender split, there was no groupwork and i knew nobody on my course until 3rd year. Also, everyone doing it was boring
some humanities students were interesting to talk to but the majority of them start taking drugs which i also had no interest in
>Any interesting uni stories?
not really unless getting drunk and doing things like that counts as interesting. Even when i joined the hiking club it was more an excuse to get drunk than anything else
my job has nothing to do with my degree in reality either and its absurd that i needed one. Im a mechanical engineer.
in the real world, unless youre doing cutting edge research, 90% of the maths has been done for you already and is in a book. Furthermore, its bad to even try and do it yourself because the book includes safety boundaries you have to abide by. Even if you are doing research computers do a lot of the heavy lifting so long as you can do algebra and calculus
i think id be much happier had i done some meme subject and now worked as a junior manager or some shit at a cafe because i hate my job and i hated my degree.

>What are you thoughts on uni?
it has it place but i think of the current system as excessively profit driven now. I probably wouldn't have went but i don't have many job options due to disabilities that keep me from most trades and the military, plus i got a scholarship that covers a lot of the cost, so why not?
>Did you go yourself ,or are going right now?
current student in my sophomore year
>If yes ,what major ?
>Do you like your major?
so far it's not bad, i've done well in the introductory classes so far. its pretty boring stuff though so i'm thinking of switching to finance
>Did you enjoyed (or are enjoying ) the uni experience.?Why /why not?
its better then high school, i have a couple of friends and no piece of shit hicks and niggers to fuck with me. I would enjoy it much more if i lived on my own and not with my family, but campus is a 20 minute drive from my house, so this is more practical from a monetary standpoint.

>easier than what I did in high school
Passing is easy but do you get good grades though?

>Improving maths helps with work anyway.
as a code monkey i don't really use much math on my job
i kinda want to move to something more research based but i'm underqualified

Physics-theoretical undergrad
I enjoy it more that everything else. Still ain't much.
No i just sit in my loud ass dorm and study and go to classes where useless twats get sidetracked every 5 minutes

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Pretty interesting path user, phys major here. Cosmology is hard tier phys but if you like it and have the ability you'll have great fun.

>there was no groupwork
Thats good though.

You had the ability to math but you didnt like it. Even though you're smart you're stupid for pursuing a subject you didn't like.

>>What are you thoughts on uni?
pretty much the only way to get a good white collar job
>>Did you go yourself ,or are going right now?
yep first year uni student
>>If yes ,what major ?
>>Do you like your major?
yeah it's hard as fuck though and I regret going to my uni in particular when I could choose any other target uni and do much less work. I fell for the prestige meme
>>Did you enjoyed (or are enjoying ) the uni experience.?Why /why not?
yeah it's nice because I have friends here and people don't bully me like they did in secondary school. also for some reason guys seem interested in me while the ones I knew before used to make fun of me for being an ugly nerd.

that is wild [originally]

Why did you choose maths and not engineering for example?

Somehow carrying a 4.0 GPA without a lot of effort. Again, somehow a lot of what I did in high school was more challenging and stimulating. It's probably due to the fact I went to a great private college prep school.

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I want to get a job as a quant, hopefully. I was never really interested in being an engineer

no it is not good because it means you dont meet anyone from your course
moreover group work is an easy 70+% ive literally never heard anyone get less than that
i did like maths before university when it because tedious and boring to me because i had to do it in isolation and resented picking it over engineering where i could have at least played with toys. I had no way to foresee that it'd be ultimately meaningless in terms of my career because youre endlessly peddled memes that a stem degree will magically give you a wonder job

>What are you thoughts on uni?
Nice way to learn things I suppose
>Did you go yourself ,or are going right now?
Currently attending
>If yes ,what major ?
Formerly engineering, soon to be industrial design with a minor in Japanese as of next semester
>Do you like your major?
Absolutely hated engineering, hopefully industrial design will be an improvement
>Did you enjoyed (or are enjoying ) the uni experience.?Why /why not?
Not really, the entirety of my time was taken up by doing high level math and physics that I have no interest in and despise doing. Didn't have any time or energy left for a social life or hobbies.
>I'm considering dropping and trying to apply to vet school
Go for it, engineering is trash. Vets get to help animals and make people happy.

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so you just wanted to have an easy degree where you didnt have to work for it and acquire some real skills, kek you're shameless
and normally it's the reverse the highschool maths is boring brainlet stuff and uni stuff is intellectually challenging tier
You're pathetic user

>I regret going to my uni in particular when I could choose any other target uni and do much less work
I'm in the opposite boat. Went to a nearby school that I could commute to way below what I could have gotten into with my grades. I'm basically going to school for only $3,000 a year. Only negative is that I don't feel engaged or challenged by the education I've received so far. Everything is too easy and most of my classmates don't give a shit about anything. I don't know if this is the case at what would could be considered "average" colleges or universally even at "prestigious" universities.

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>Not really, the entirety of my time was taken up by doing high level math and physics that I have no interest in and despise doing

You're just plain wrong. You're a brainlet and you couldnt do engineering maths/physics and you're cope posting.

>you couldnt do engineering maths/physics
Except I could, passed calc 3 and diff eq with A's. Just fucking hated doing it.

you need to find a good inbetween. obviously a lower tier uni may not challenge you but there are people who have literally failed out of my course and gone on to get firsts in maths at e.g. warwick or imperial
it's honestly ridiculous

>you need to find a good inbetween
That's the problem, on paper I found a good university. They're regarded as having one of the best teacher education programs in my region and overall the school's reputation is a step above that of most others. Still I feel like I may be more fulfilled by attending a more prestigious university with national acclaim. I could have definitely gotten in, but the scholarship and possibility of commuting from my current university seemed like a better option.

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look at the bright side, you can get away with doing easy work and you get a fairly well regarded degree out of it

That's how I rationalize my current situation in all honesty. It's not like getting a degree from a top tier university would do much for me when I'm trying to become a religious brother for a relatively obscure religious order. I feel like it would just be selfish to waste money on getting a degree that costs so much more when all I'm going to be is a high school teacher.

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