Be me

>be me
>babyface, petite no-curves frame, super skinny, extremely pale and dark undereye circles
>very wealthy family
>been gamer since childhood
>speaks multiple languages
>good at programming, drawing, and writing
>...autism, severe self harm, eating disorder, suicidal ideation, rape victim
was almost cool gf material. every guy that's liked me has because i look like a middle schooler but i'm legal or because tired gril internet gf "aesthetic" but even they leave once they realize my issues aren't just an act, i'm so lonely, do i have hope or am i too much of a handful to realistically find someone that can put up with my shit AND like me for more than surface level BS

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>i look like a middle schooler but i'm legal
this is bait... right?

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I wish it was, i don't see it as a good thing because only weirdos flirt with me

>i'm so lonely,
dont worry, this thread shall get over 300 replies. plus the whiteknight discord army will love to accompany you on discord, where you shall have a queue of men wanting to hit you up.

No one here can answer that, femanon; your description alone does not convey the extent of your issues. I can say that I wouldn't immediately dismiss you based on what you've posted.

I don't have discord, i was just asking for unbiased brutally honest opinions from people that don't care if they hurt my feelings

I'd go on a date with you. Obviously I can't say if I would pursue a relationship after that.

Youll find a good guy. all i would suggest is to not date anyone from Yas Forums and go to a therapist

Shoo Shoo cia boy

>autism, severe self harm, eating disorder, suicidal ideation, rape victim

why so females always have such fucking tremendous baggage...

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I'm only attracted to very fucked women myself, I have a feeling you exaggerate though as nearly all mentally ill women do for attention. If you don't want to be lonely you can find plenty of men, look around and you'd find one here that'd match with you.

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Dont look for your partner to solve your mental issues, that's a terrible idea. That's something you have to solve on your own

Birb of wisdom here
To answer your question - you are not too much, everyone has issues and as long as you are brutally honest with the guy you will eventually find a guy that will be ok with that and love you for who you are.
To answer your question properly - you shouldnt base your hope on opinions on the internet, you should internally believe that a person will come, if you tryhard too much even if the right guy comes you might fuck things up.
Your description is something that I would totally waifu in the past so that is enough to prove that people who will waifu you exist.
Also this Make sure that you solve whatever you see before getting into a relationship because a partner is like a mirror so new things to solve will come up 100%

>do i have hope or am i too much of a handful to realistically find someone that can put up with my shit AND like me for more than surface level BS
Yes you have hope, but the person you looking for is an individual who is fairly successful and productive person. You'd need to solve some of your own issue's first and then get yourself in a position were you can accurately asses people and not get tricked into things.

If you expect someone to just put up with you, then you'll only find desperate men. High value males will not lower themselves to date a broken person.
So either fix yourself or lower your standards.

I think you still have a bright life ahead of you, you seem smart and balanced enough to get over the baggage left by the typical male rapist.

Damn sister...
You've come to beast's nest, exposing yourself like that!

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>oh poor me i am great at everything

>do i have hope or am i too much of a handful to realistically find someone that can put up with my shit AND like me for more than surface level BS
id surmise you define yourself primarily by your surface level properties, as displayed in your listing of yourself, and as such will continue to attract those which are looking for said properties

High IQ user lays down the truth

gtfo roastie we do not approve of your thottish ways

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can i lick your pussy when you play vidya

I'm going to keep this in mind, maybe if i open up more I'll find people that like that side of me instead of remaining closed off so that only the surface level stuff shows, thank you

totally serious, are you cis or trans? cuz that drastically changes possible outcomes

Go get hung like Leo Frank you absolutely useless Female
Fuck female dating strategy
Fuck Femshits

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Cis, this isnt trolling or trying to get male attention i feel like it comes off that way my life just really is that much of a joke lmao

Hello glowboys

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As a female you have always more then just hope of finding someone. It is nearly assured you will
If you can love someone who actually is okay deal with your baggage but likely feels too boring and stick in the mud, or if you will always fall for the ones that will be exciting and let you have high times but ultimately end up making you feel more like crap is another matter.
Btw, healing, or at least dealing with your stuff enough to calm it, is going be on you ANYWAY. No guy will be able to do much but have an open ear and support a bit at best
The deep holes you still need to climb out of yourself.

Have you tried associating with better people than those on R9k?

biggest bait of all time honestly shit lmfao
fucking sage, but thanks for the laugh

Is your hair blond or red, and are your eyes blue or green? If so, I'd be interested in you.

I'm very depressed, and I live to have kids. I have little interest in the stereotypical behaviors of courtship, and I'm so autistic I have no other way to express that fact.

I like the sound of your phenotype. My kids would benefit from you being their mother. I'm also super skinny, and have a very small frame for a 5'11" male. The men in my family also grow moobs. My face is OK - my cheeks could be higher, my brow ridge is kind of big and my forehead slopes a little too much, but I still look like a teenager at 31.

We'd probably have super-hot daughters and tall, thin Chad sons.

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The simping on this board is of astronomical proportions. Its as bad as twitch if not worse.

biggest problem is probably the self-harm desu. you can always find a bf, I'm not gonna ask to be him though.

Fk off foid
Be like Leo Frank

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