Why do gays enjoy sucking dick so much, but a lot of girls dont?

Why do gays enjoy sucking dick so much, but a lot of girls dont?

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most girls enjoy sucking dick

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this, just look up amateur blowjobs. there are tons of girls out there that look like they are having plenty of fun sucking dick, and even being filmed doing it. They are just less open about it then gay guys.

Maybe OP meant gays enjoy sucking his dick more than girls

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Blow job = effort.
It's the effort part causing your confusion, not the penis in mouth part

Because girls aren't feggots

This. My only ever gf was awful at giving head and put forth zero effort, and I had to lead every time we fucked. Still gave her great head though, shit was cash. Just find a woman who isnt a lazy bitch.

Gays are hypersexual degenerates, far more so than most women even.

>referencing porn

Gay men need to prove their gayness because it's not the default like straight is, so they have sex more often to compensate

A man sucks dick because he wants to, some woman suck dick because they feel like they have to.

Not as much as men though, if we compare straight dating apps to Grindr

Thats porn idiots, blowjobs are a chore for most women. Your jaw locks up and you dont get anything from it physically. Even in MOST amateur videos out there u can tell she's just doing it for the guy and takes no real pleasure from it.

well men are hornier over all so that goes for anything sexual really, not just blowjobs.

Easy, men can love and women can only pretend to love.

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All relationships are to some extent about one partner being dominant and one being submissive, in the past this was just called gender norms which straightoids have let corrode due to feminism and now try to insist otherwise because their pussy whipped minds can't comprehend fully being in charge, gays on the other hand don't try to pretend, subs like to be subs and doms like to be doms, sucking dick is an extremely submissive act and is also something that is focused soley on providing one person pleasure and the other nothing other than the mindfulness of knowing that they're pleasing their partner for the submissive in a relationship the act of pleasing the partner is often the ultimate goal. Also women love sucking dick stop being ugly and you'd know

t. massive fag with bf

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Women love sucking dick. Any action that demeans women fulfills them.

that's really gay

Actually true, the only studies on gay fidelity are all from before gay marriage was legalized or only include 40+ year olds in new relationships shortly after legalization. Young millennial and zoomer gays are way more loving and committed to each other than females will ever be to anyone

Your post is very unoriginal.


My girlfriend likes to give blowjobs more than any other sex act. She likes to tie me down and play with it. It's more of an oral fixation rather than sexual gratification but still.

Empathy. Gay men have dicks like straight men do. It's pleasurable for them and they know by virtue of being male themselves it is pleasurable for other men. It's probably the same way with lesbians vs straight men when it comes to cunnilingus.

This. Having sex with another man will always be infinitely more pleasurable than having sex with a roastie. Its just nature.

fetish i guess and no porn on here alright?

I have some issues with penetration, but my ex always told me I give amazing blowjobs. So of course I felt pressured to give him a blowjob any time he wanted me to, but I didn't enjoy giving them either. My jaws lock and I have a strong gag reflex and tears and snot would stream down my face quite easily because of it.
Sex was nothing more than an awful chore to me that I would just try to get done with as soon as possible.
Maybe for gays it's more fun because they know the exact pleasure they're giving their partner?

no sex and rushed uninspired blowjobs?
sounds like a nightmare

>All relationships are to some extent about one partner being dominant and one being submissive

No, and that's a stupid opinion

because blowjobs are literally gay

It feels nice to make someone else feel nice

Nice bait bruv