I think I get this findom thing now, wow

I think I get this findom thing now, wow.
This isn't bad at all.

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10/10 goddess.
Would worship.

Would rape and murder. ReL hamers rise up! Kill all!!!!

,*says like robot*

It's broke me mentally and financially, but Goddamn did it bring me some temporary happiness and the best release I've ever had.

Attached: 3 L signs.jpg (1334x750, 99.43K)

imagine being the leftmost girl in this friends group, must be living hell

She's a stupid fucking spoilt cunt.

Lol that's true. The one on the right is the main goddess.

Attached: 1 L sign.jpg (1334x750, 75.03K)

Worship me instead and I'll shower you with affection and knowledge.

look, I like the idea and I enjoyed the tirade she went on a lot, but I'm not really interested in giving people my money.

I fucking hate her but i cant stop watching her streams. She has this smug uppity smart attiduded thats so dislikable yet like there is nothing to dislike. FUCK

This. I like her tone and attitude, but ain't actually interested in donating. She doesn't show soles nearly enough for that.

Let me tag team.
I call shotgun on her poophole though.

I thought she was way younger, she looks pretty good at that age.

Lol Soo many fucking simps in this thread

Watched her stream she's a fucking mastermind. She knows what she's doing.

She has this dom, uppity, smug, kinda sexy attitude. and it's fucking addicting. However i aint paying a single dime to her streams.

Yeah she's backing up on her statement. I hoped she would go full in.

Nah it would fuck her subs and bits earnings. The day she said that she lost around 80k followers. And she is clearly in it to make money she doesn't give 2 shits about anything else. I think a day after she said that, she streamed again and wasnt getting any subs or bits for a while she was visibly upset.

>She knows what she's doing.
I don't doubt that for a single second.
She knows exactly who her demographic is. Shame I'm too stingy.

She has to, but her going back on it makes it even better.

It's awesome really, the only thing stopping me for more is feeling like shit because I can only give so little.

I will try another approach though, maybe more mr beast like than just findom, the pleasure is in giving the money not in receiving nudes or silly roleplay for it, makes me feel I'm just buying something

Im afraid i watched her stream for a couple of minutes and damn she does have this personality that's very attractive but at the same time I know she's doing it on purpose. It's like a fly knowingly landing a a trap.

I dunno, I thought she was okay on Workaholics.

Interesting insight
I literally find zero appeal to giving out money just because. And especially if u get nothing in return.

But then again a greedy jewy bastard.

Useless cuck

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Who are these girls ?
Professional femdom?

Sure I'll give you the 5 dollars, I'd have given to her.

this is fucking degenerate and disgusting

like a moth to the flame and all that, it feels like her personality is carefully curated to appeal to me specifically.
She's soft-spoken, pleasant, domineering, smug and somewhat innocently erotic. Especially during that clip where she acted bitchy, I got major princess vibes from her. She's really good at what she does.

>She's soft-spoken, pleasant, domineering, smug and somewhat innocently erotic.

However personally, its attractive at first but after you notice the facade its get annoying real fast and after watching her streams its emotionally drainign. It was a weird experience.

this is fine

>"after you notice the facade"
>Implying anything personality wise or even emotionally inducing ain't intentional if it may be a market

someone acting this machiavellian turns me on even more.

I would literally give up anything for a chance to drag her into a derelict warehouse, put a gun in her mouth, and finally stare into her eyes and listen to her whimper before I pull the trigger.