"tfw no gf"

>"tfw no gf"
>doesn't do anything to deserve a gf
What have you ever accomplished to earn the attention of a woman? NEETs don't deserve sex, and its fair they don't get any.

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ok im not a NEET where is my gf

All the stuff the birdmen do in that comic would scare away most normal women.

Honestly, I have rarely ever met someone who complained about not being able to attract female attention who actually deserved it. Those that did were easily able to be coached into a more impressive version of themselves and acquired said attention or eventually found someone that suited them and vice versa.

Why doesn't the girl do anything to try and attract the guy? She just expects him to do everything while she deserves everything just for existing. What an entitled bitch.

No only the dancing one.

I work as a data scientist in a small start-up, I got my own apartment, I can cook, I am very Yas Forums due to homegym and I read a lot of books to develop my personality. No girl has ever showed any significant interest in me.
>"doesn't do anything to deserve a gf"
>small dick, 5'7 and ugly ogre face
I do not deserve a gf because my genetics fucked me over.

Because we are a tournament species. It is human nature for males to parade their accomplishment in front of females, and females to select the most accomplished men to spread their genes. Thats how we get bad genes out of the pool and keep a good genetic fitness.
You are being filtered for the good of mankind, because we don't need any more of this NEET biology you got going.

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Thanks for the insight. I'll make a note of this

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Also they're all handsome.

Nobody in this world "Deserves" anything.

The house would be the most frightening.

I had a good job once too. But hostility forced me to quit. I really think it's a trend, that's stunting the reproduction of decent people. I mean, you need money for a house, right?

I know it's a troll, but it's kinda true.

If a woman wants a top tier man she has to stay fit, be picky and not a slutbag, ideally be smart or clever too.

A man who has nothing but a few videogame high scores deserves a bottom of the barrel used hambeast.

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People who contribute deserve reward. Victims deserve healing. And abusive people deserve nothing.

That's how civilization works.

Why is it that every time anyone points out anything hypocritical or awful women do the response is always "YOU FEEL ENTITLED YOU DON'T DESERVE ANYTHING". Completely ignoring what was actually said.

If building a beautiful house just meant picking up some twigs for a day sure
If women gave a shit about garbage you find laying on the ground just cause its shiny sure
If women ignored looks because youre talented sure

But its a case of women setting standards too high. Birds do not have high standards at all. Compare birds to the 30% of men who now dont get sex or relationships after online dating began. Used to be more like 7%. Women are at like 95% dating or fucking btw. Really makes you fucking think huh?

Merit is hereditary in a market economy. You get what your grandfather deserved, by renting out the property he bought.

If this is what you need to do for women then why don't simps succeed? They literally pour resources on women yet women hate them.

If I did not get a gf while everyone was basically a NEET in school what makes you think I would get one if I was living in a suburb with a f150?

Its not hypocrisy, its nature. A man invests 5 minutes and little effort to procreate. A woman invests a year or more, her health, and is at risk of dying while giving birth. So men can afford to spill seed casually, women need to carefully select. This is why men parade for attention in front of ALL women, and women select specific males. Its natural.

I'm a decent amateur classical musician, and a somewhat decent athlete, as well as having above average grades in university.

What if you go to school on a pell grant.

I don't see many chad landlords. I see well dusted ones with a career though.

>All the stuff the birdmen do in that comic would scare away most normal women.

Not if the guys are normal and not autistic

Because High School is when you are judged by your parents. I know many a chad who went Neet after school and many a dork who have a wife and kids now. Not even a heavily used wife either.

Nah you should be asking why any woman would deserve us because we're all kings

That's called beta bucks. If you have to do all that to be loved, then you aren't really loved. Working on your looks/personality is a way more efficient way of getting a gf.

Society shaming short, ugly and small dicked men is only natural because we intrinsically only want to breed with the best. Genetic trash is getting eradicated. I don't mind dying without reproducing because it only helps us.

And for the rest of the people who didn't make it? That's the issue. Customers need expendable income, to keep the market up. But, being forced to work with a bully is what's sabotaging that.

Women have diverse personalities. So, they like men with a profile that's compatible to theirs. Simps can be simps. But is it who they truly are? And does the specific girl like that kind of guy?

If men flirted like birds, the woman would still choose the Chad eagle over the virgin sparrow



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Birds can and do simply jump on the female willing to hang around, and do not need to deal with consent or friendzones.

You do not get to demand resource collection from, which you have zero survival need for anyway, if I can not simply take pleasure of you when ever I have the itch.

Not to be weird, but I'm 5'10" with 8 inches. They didn't like me because I didn't act like Chad.

Well then I'm glad your line will die with you too

If thats the case i should be a milionaire.

>bad boys are hot breeding stock for women
>being an utterly retard thug with no selfcontrol is good for humanity because it worked in a jungle

>2000000 years of humanity selecting for alpha chad grugs
>but lets abandon selection, because for the last 200 years the wimps could get money being accountants and programmers
No reason to think it will last, no reason to select for it.

>So, they like men with a profile that's compatible to theirs
So they don't necessarily want a guy to give them shit, they want a guy to be compatible? And you agree with me the OP is wrong?

I know, right? That's tribalism for you.

Kek. When crime rates go up, you'll be begging me to come back.

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Perform a custom sensual dance for any women and she will be yours.