Name a worse generation

Name a worse generation

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The one who them up to be this way.

From the Wikipedia:

>Tony Hawk's Pro Skater was ranked #36 in Game Informer's "Top 100 Games of All Time" in its 100th issue on August 2001.[61] The game was nominated for "Console Game of the Year" and "Console Sports Game of the Year" in the 2000 D.I.C.E. Awards, but lost to Soulcalibur and Knockout Kings 2000 respectively.[62] The soundtrack has been noted as an influence on Millennials.[63][64]

Zoomers, not even a contest.

Boomers and zoomers. Millenials and X'ers are based.

zoomers are the ones paying and giving attention to all these fucking twitch thots. every day you losers post some new random ethot on here and act like we're all supposed to be in the know of who the fuck she is

Boomers. I don't think anyone will ever be worse than them.

this. look at how they've changed this board. the hating on milennials meme is just as pushed as the hating on white men meme. really baseless if you consider the facts

The next, so Zoomers

>hating on white men meme
Adopted and pushed by millennials

they were brainwashed by cryptoboomers in college

Z just crossed over the line of being worse.
All talk and no application when it comes to their politics.
You faggots only hate centrists because they actually go out and do (the very small amount) that is required for them to get what they want. Wow you kinda trolled a Charlie Kirk rally, wow you gave money to Chapo trap house good for you!
At least some millennials actually put their ideas into practice.

Why are millennials so weak and pathetic?

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Ruined the virtual world

Ruined the real world

That about settles it.

>be 93 boomer millennial
>think millennial girls are retarded and slutty
>go on zoomie Twitter

What happened?

why are zoomers even more pathetic than millennials? omg queen here is money pls let me watch you play a game

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they never grew up, they're like children really

Millenials are the man children neet generation. But to be fair, alot of us entered working age as a recession hit. Also we fell for the college/uni meme. We got totally jewed over

>omg queen here is my parents money money
sorry, i had to fix that

this. if you know where to look you'll see where it's coming from. but it started in the 60s, from the attack of the conservative image. but im not saying all people in X generation are bad, its just this "MILLENNIALS BRO", which i see being pushed by boomers and zoomers, when objectively i can point out worser facets of their generations

but going back to my post, i remember being younger on the internet when milennials dominated, our internet communities werent as cancerous as the zoomers. i see people on here being scolded for being "racist"(making politically incorrect jokes) yet they are completely forgetting the nature of this site, which truly, they can never realise, as they're zoomers, they weren't sentient enough to know about this place when it was its peak. now that both boomers and zoomers are on the internet, it's a shitshow, especially hearing their opinions and watching the quality of platforms diminish

Boomers. Zoomers are mercifully less cancerous though.

retards screeching about a generation being bad without realizing they are just completely arbitrary divisions made up by jews to segregate the masses.

>The original THPS over THPS4, THPS3, THUG, and THUG2.

I dont even care what your favorite THPS game was, but objectively those 4 games are the best. Who ever put the first THPS in that list was a tard.

Also how is this relevant to generations.

i was playing csgo the other day in a deathmatch and people were complaining about being toxic... like what the fuck happened to pussify teenage boys like this lmao

I just look back at Occupy Wall ST, Bernie Bros, and the young mods at Youtube, Facebook, Twiter and remember that Millenials are the absolute worse generation of entitled brats to walk the earth.

Us Gen z that are not corrupted will have to fix our society because you and the boomers have wreked it so hard.

Lol CS:Source back in the day was nothing but Toxicity, as all online games should be.

Fuckin millenials ruin everything with PC

Millennials are boomers 2.0

yep, exactly my point. seeing the nature of this site change, while the obvious increasing zoomers on here are totally correlated. it will be the total death of this site, as in freespeech, once they become mods
its zoomers who are shitting up internet culture voluntary. millenials never asked for this, infact we're forced to put on a smile or otherwise we could lose everything and the fact is, is that boomers put us in this situation, as goes for zoomers too, but however, they're the literal spawns of PCness as they're being brainwashed about millions of genders and other cultural marxist nonsense. millennial hate is irrational in terms of singling us out as some kind of "problem".

God I miss being 15 and thinking I knew shit.

You probably live with your parents lmao

Im 21 mate

Yes and thats due to Public Education, CCP ran social media, and who do you think started this?

Let me tell you, Millenials and Boomers

Generations loop from being cringe to not cringe

Boomers - Cringe

Gen X - Not cringe

Millenials- Cringe

Gen Z - Not cringe

how in the fuck are zoomers not cringe

I am a zoomer and I say zoomer, all our music is black, all our TV shows are blacks, all what we can think about is black, I hate being from this generation

Yeah, but as zoomers we have more resources not to conform. All alternative forms of media are for the most part readily available online.

you were preceded by boomers and boomers 2.0, you didn't stand a chance

Worst: Zoomers
Runner up: Boomers

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