Why is it always the prime white women? What compels them to do it?

Why is it always the prime white women? What compels them to do it?

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To get in a relationship and have children? It's a pretty normal thing to do user.

Is this what amerimutts consider a white woman?

>prime white woman
firstly, she doesn't look white. Also, the only "top-tier" white women go with blacks because they're multi-millionaire athletes. Women, at a certain point, don't care about their lineage or pride if it means they can be lazy whales and mooch off the work of their husband

They want a more masculine man. Those women can also be seen with guys like this.

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Here we go with the only blonde people can be white bullshit. She looks pretty white to me, retards.

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because he's better looking, less socially awkward, and more successful than you?

Masculine, but what about brains? You think athletes and body builders would be good scientists? They have money so I guess being smart doesn't matter.

>Why is it always the prime white women? What compels them to do it?
same reason any woman dates a guy, they like him and have fun with them.

How do us nerds get women to like us?

You can be smart and be buff

she looks like she has an robot face, once again proving that the vast majority of coalburners are worthless

>hair colour = race

Shower, Gym, Work hard, treat woman as equals, have rl friends.

You will then meet girl, get marry, hav

Basic life shit.

I myself am not looking for a Stacy or a modelesque girl
but talking to women would be a good start.

>implying you wouldnt spill your spaghetti if she even looked at you

Sour grapes and cope.

Work Hard
Treat woman as equals
Have RL friends

Hard work is the most importat thing, the guy who runs the garbage in my city and most of the state makes millions and started on the pickup.

she will probably find it cute and endearing.
girls like this are the bitches you all make them out to be lol.

I'm sure these types of guys have varying levels of intelligence.

To be fair, it's obvious she's been under the knife and she has a metric ton of make up on. Not as prime as you say

>blonde hair, blue eyes, pure European DNA and phenotype arent white

EurasianTiger is that you?

>Work Hard
>Treat woman as equals
>Have RL friends

I can fucking smell you from here

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>Be guy in pic
>Get rejected
>Try again with another chick until you find a click

>Be person like OP
>Get rejected
>Give up and start complaining

>under the knife

Its called makeup. Just accept white women can be beautiful without surgery.

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Race is derived from facial anthropometric differences, not hair colour skins colour etc.

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And she is white by those standards, so why are you being a typical racebaiting disinfo nigger? Also none of the people in your picture have European DNA.

sure dude.

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>And she is white by those standards
Look at her lips, cheekbones and jawline
>Also none of the people in your picture have European DNA
Exactly, didn't you just say having blonde hair and pale skin makes you white?

All of those people look like nordic whites to me.

When you're at the level of the average white woman, when you get infinite attention and validation just for existing, you transcend petty human concerns about standards regarding beauty and personality but ultimately we will never understand what white women see in niggers as we are not white women ourselves.

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