Racist grandpa blew my one chance at escaping robotdom

>Be me
>23 y/o kissless, handholdless virgin in last semester of college.
>Korean qt likes me, I like her, we both watch anime and chill.
>Introduce her to family
>Mention to grandpa she is Korean
>He asks me in front of her why I'm wasting time dating a gook, they're nothing special, he fucked hundreds of them when he served in the Korean War and afterwards, told me to go get a nice white girl instead.
>She starts crying and begs me to leave
>Blocked me on all forms of social media.

welp i'm fucked now...

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Based if true

Your grandpa is fucking based user.

Damn, you're lucky to have a BASED gramps like that. My grandfather died this year and I still miss him. I have to agree with your grandpa, the only way to save your race, is to stick with your own.

>implying a robot will have another chance
He just won't reproduce at all now dumbass

A true robot doesn't get any chances at all. OP was not a robot to begin with.

This is not funny guys seriously this was my only chance...never had a gf through hs and college and she was talking about how happy she was to have me...was gonna get a kiss I think...now everyone knows me as the kid with racist grandparents.

>she didnt thank OP's grandpaw for his service in the Korean War
:I yikes youre grandpaw is hella based

If you're white you have a chance with Asians.

Who cares what anyone thinks, pussy. Honor your ancestors and get a nice white gf and settle down since this whole corona is fucking us all.

Fucking murder your grandpa in his sleep, do it.

Kind of based to be honest

Just tell her you are not your grandpa and don't agree with him. Lots of people have racist grandparents, it doesn't mean you're racist.

Fuck your grandpa, honestly. Did you at least tell him off?

He saved you in the long term at the expense of the short term. You should be thanking him you ungrateful little shit.

>Did you at least tell him off?
its obvious reddit and women are running this board now if they're butthurt over this

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the white guy mogs her though

You should beat him into a coma. That'll show him and everyone else.

>I think racism is bad
You faggots are so unbelievably annoying.

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Why do you not know your grandpa as a person? If you did you'd know not to mention detail like that

I'm a guy and i've never been to reddit. Scary how disconnected from reality you are if you think what his grandpa did was justified in any way

Crazy, these two are shining examples of their respective phenotypes.

fuck off reddit fag

origami origami

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>Was gonna get a kiss I think
Lmao imagine being so beta you can't even bring yourself to kiss a girl that you know is into you. If you really wanted her you would continue to go after her. Try kissing her.

>was gonna get a kiss I think
If you're a white guy that hasnt kissed an asian within 3 days, you are omega as fuck
Your grandpa actually did that gook a favor, now she can actually go for a real man that at least has T levels in the normal range

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>everyone calling the grandpa based
Casually sweeping over the fact that he's a filthy rapist that fucked a bunch of possibly underage gook girls during a war? Then berates his son for wanting an ordinary relationship with an adult Korean.

I don't support your choices OP but luckily for you Covid-19 might kill off your boomer grandpa so there's hope for you yet

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>i've never been to reddit
That's exactly what a redditor would say.

ok. apart from the grandpa being based or racist, depends on how you see it, you actually dodged a bullet.

if that girl left you just because something your grandpa said, she's an absolute brainlet that somehow associates what your grandpa says to also mean you think the same way. your grandpa didnt fuck anything up. the gook is just retarded.

It's your fault for not standing up to him and defending your girl. If it offended you that much and you really liked her you would have punched him in the face for disrespecting you so much.

Maybe gramps is actually not racist, loves Koreans, so was actually just doing the girl a favor by testing him for her?

this rogignal